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  1. I have been in a relationship with my girlfriend for about 4 years.. we have always been close but after college she moved to the north-east and i stayed to finish school. we visited back and forthbut the long-distance became a problem until she finally broke up with me (because i forgot to call when i didn't show up) ..but to me it did not feel that way because we always have gone back together after all our past problems and she still came back to see me. we still and we talked but she insisted we where not back together. then she told me she meet somebody else. she has see this guy like once a moth but she says is not serous and still loves me.i finally move to where she lives and bought her a nice tifananys necklace and flowers she agree we will try and get back after i told her i loved her more than any thing. I think I kind off pressured her into this, after a long crying sesion.I told her i loved her she said the same but i started working nights last week and she went and saw the guy ..now she says that she only thinks of me as a friend and that i need to give her space. I don't mine been her friend but i love her and get really angry because i have her everything she ever wanted and now she is pushing me away. she still tells me that she se us getting a place in September and just needs time by her self but i see it as she wants to be with him. I want us to be happy together. I am her first boy friend and she has never dated. i want to give her space but i don't know anybody in Boston so a call her all the time. I even sleep there sometime but there is no sexual contac at all. I miss our on relation ship what can i do to make her stop seening this guy and come back to me. no contac is hard because i don't know anybody else in twon. and she no only thinks of me as a friend.what can I do....
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