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  1. I have always felt this strong feeling with this girl in my school. Shes a junior in high school and im a sophmore in the same school. We met last year and have been really close ever since. I gave her signals that i have liked her alot and even told her. She never diened likeing me but never said she liked me. She said that we are really great friends and if she ever lost me she would be devestated. She doesnt like to like people cuz after you brake up its weird when you talk. So what should my next move be? should i keep flirting and try to get an answer out of her or just become friends. I tried the whole friends thing and it was really hard to do cuz i love her so much and knowing that shes right there and i can ever get her just kills me well id really appreciate it if som1 could helpp me pleasee?
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