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  1. hey thanks for all the help im really strating to notice that by kinda backing off a little and not talking to him and giving him a whole bunch of positive attention like i used to hes slowly paying more attention to me i guess it has to be 50/50 not 99/1 lol but thanks alot and another thing im still kinda scred because i asked him if we can ever get a chance back together and he told me "no i dont think so" and i dont know if he said this because we just finished breaking up or because he really meant it well thanks for all your help if someone else can also give me some advice i would really like that ... THANK YOU
  2. hello i know people have already read this topic and i REALLY want u to help i need it im heart broken but yet im trying to play it off he has kinda payed more attention to and i think hes getting the picture but i want him back please help byes
  3. hey well where do i begin this is a long post but its worth reading .. during christmas break i had gone to disney world and this guy that i hardly didnt talk to before but we were still friends was always chatting with me online .. in my school there is this place called ez-board its a website where people from my school go and talk about anything well the point is that i left to disney and i came back around december 28 .. i went on ez-board like i usually do not expecting anything speacial .. there was this topic titled " to my love " not thinking about anything at first i decided to open it to my surprise it was a love letter for me !! at first like anybody else would do i read it and the person writing its was like u dont know me but its enough for me seeing you everyday and loving u more and more each day that passes by i had noooo idea who wrote it because they didnt write there name and people had already replied saying thats so sweet and stuff like that .. so whatever i replied saying who was it and thats really deep what they wrote because believe me it was .. well to make things simplier i am a really popular girl in my school for some reason i have basically my whole grade after me and all the guys want to go out with me so at first my thought was "oh its probably some horny guy talking about me like they always do" no big deal but then i thought about it and they were like i know it may not mean anything to you because i know alot of guys like you but i wish i could just be with you and love you as much as i do and get that love back .. so anyways that same day i was talking to guy i was talking to you about online and we were just talking like we normally do and he goes to me i need to tell u something so im like what and hes like havent you notice? and at that moment i realize that the guy i woudl have never expected to like me was in love with me so shocked i go omg! hes like i know you probably dont even like me because all my friends and your friends tell me ill never have a chance with you but if im gonna get hurt i wanna get hurt as soon as possible because i really want to be with you .. well just to get right to the point i wasnt to sure if i wanted to be with him becuase it took me by complete surprise to know that he felt this way about me and when i started thinnking about it i kinda realize that just little things he would do here and there would show me that he liekd me and its funny becuase everybody in my grade knew he liked me .. except me !! so anyways we strarted going out on january 1st .. we came back from the break on january 6th .. at school everybody was like omg you guys are going out and stuff like that [you know how these kids are lol] .. well things were going great i had already told him before that i wasnt gonna have sex with him because im not like that yet and he understood completely and he never once pushed me into anything i mean u dont understnad we were like best friends taht were going out we had our jokes that nobody understood except us we were always together and playing aroudn like the perfect couple and people even made this topic on our ez-board that was 5 pages long with 90 replies about what a good couple we were im telling u our school was obssesed !! and we never fought liek NEVER you can ask anybody i am liek the most happiest person you will ever meet i am never ever sad and if i am i hardly show it unless its killing me inside and w.e as i was saying he lives next to me so i woudl always give him a ride home because he wanted to miss his bus to be with me we would go to office max together and play secretary lmao like dorks im telling u only we understood our jokes we would stay afterschool together and buy ice cream with pixie sticks and just joke aroudn with everything we did in classes when our teahcers made us do poems about people we ouwld do it about eachother it was incredible but sooo much fun just the way we were like so perfect together and people would tell him to shut up at times because he wouldnt stop talking about me and they would do the same to me lol so anyways its been month since we were going out and things were going as good as the first day until the otehr day that we were talkign online and he told me that he felt he wasnt paying enough attention to me and that i loved him more than he loved me !! i was shocked at first and i didnt want to believe it i even asked him if it was a joke because we were always joking around but he told me no and that he was sorry but that he thought it wasnt gonna work out anymore at taht moment i felt my heart just stop beating and i couldnt type anymore i literally froze in front of my computer it was amazing how my whole world just stop right infront of my eyes .. my mom wasnt home that day so luckily i could cry by myself but the shock that got into my body was so huge that i didnt even think or didnt even react to crying just to saying omg omg omg omg please this isnt happening to me we were talkign online and i was going crazy he told me that he just didnt liek me how he used to .. we werent fighting we were more like just discussing something with me going crazy and i told him taht i felt that i just got stabbed in the stomach and that i had that pain in me of when your still alive but the knife is still in you im liek i pray to god this is a joke and it wasnt god damn it it wasnt .. well we talked for 2 hours about it and i just couldt take it but yet i wasnt crying for some reason i was hoping he would take it back and tell me he loved me but it didnt happen i finally realized what was going on and i bursted into tears i called the one person i could trust with my life my best friend [hes a guy] and he lieks me but ive never had romantic feelings for hikm but i called him up crying and hes like whats worng im like nothing i coudlt say it hes like i know your voice when you crying tell me whats wrong he finally got it out of me and i cried so much my best friend also lives close to me so he comes over alot so he came over running to my house i cried on his shoulder so much but he made me feel better i was liek why does this happen to me im so nice and im pretty omg i dont deserve this and hes like your right u dont well he had to go because my mom wasnt home and im not allowed to have anyone over my house when shes not here .. after that i just kept on talking to my ex boyfriend online trying to get back with him he even told me hes sorry a million times which is weird of him to say that because hes not the sorry type but i really knew he was sorry but i just wished that he would come back to me and just to kiss him and hug him one last time and to be with him again !! well it took me that whole day to calm down and then today i woke up feeling kinda okay still a lil hurt because u know its not that easy espeacially for me well anyways ive talked to my ex again me and him are best friends because weve always been but i still want him back i know that chances are i might get him back because im totally sure that he'll notic ethat the reason he broke up with me was stupid i just wish he would come back now and even now that im chatting with him online hes IMing me like crazy talkign to me and he hasnt done that before like not that much i really hope that all he needs is time to breathe and space because i understnd that completely i mean he is human but i just dont wanna loose him forever and i think i need advice on how to get him back he still tells me well chill like before and i know for a fact we will because were like awesome friends and im the "forgive and forget" kinda person and thats one of the reasons people find me so easy to talk to because they know me as the girl with a smile always on her face but i am human and i do have feelings and this really hurt me and even though ive gone out with alot of guys before and breaking up is nothing new to me this break up hurt a lot and i still love him and its weird becuase he has this amazing talent that God blessed him with that he makes girls fall insanely in love with him and yes he is a really good looking guy we were both on for best looking at my school but still its not all about looks tehres something that just makes girls fall in love with him and i dont think he realizes that incredible gift he has yet .. but i just miss him .. i miss being with him and giving him rides home and our jokes and all the silly things we used to do i miss hugging him every 5 minutes and talkign to him and kissing him i really do and i want to get back with him so if you have anything to tell me please do ..
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