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  1. Rufus12


    I met this girl during the 2nd semester of college and i didn't really know her well back then. But during this semester she started hanging out with me and my friends and i got to know her better. All my life i've had bad luck with girls, all the relationships i've ever had only lasted for like a month or so, and i get hurt easily especially when it comes to girls cause i'm too nice. The fact that i've never dated a girl for 4 years now made me feel really lonely. When she started hanging out with us at first, i kept it professionally like a friend thing. But later on when i learned even more about her, i kinda let my guard down and started liking her. She's cute, she's funny, she's everything that i've ever wanted in a girl. The problem now is i'm not sure if she has any feelings for me. She keeps doing stuffs that gives me the impression that she likes me like putting her head on my shoulders while watching a movie, holding on to me when we watch a horror movie, she likes to smile at me, she laughs at all of my jokes (and some of them weren't even jokes), she likes to bug me a lot, sometimes she stares at me, and believe it or not, she even named my penis. All these things that she does gives me the impression that she likes me but then she also blows me off, she kinda flirts around with other guys especially my friends (ouch...), she keeps saying that i should get a girlfriend and when i do, i should tell her, she seriously likes to touch other guys and all the other guys are like flirting with her. I get hurt everytie she does these things and she does it infront of me but everytime she does it, i'd just act like it was no big deal (i was trying not to show her that i like her). One day i decided to ask her indirectly if she really liked me, so i asked her in a friendly and funny kind of way. And she said that she liked me as a friend (ouch...). I was kinda crushed but i didn't show it to her, i made a funny remark after that just to show that it was nothing but a tease. But 'till now, she still does those things that makes me wanna spill my feelings to her and alsothe kinda things that makes me wanna hit some one in the face ar hang myself. So i was just wondering what kind of advice do you guys/girls have for me. I've been trying to forget about this girl for 2 weeks now but it's just not working and everytime i see her or talk to her, i feel really excited and also like a bunch of knives are stabbing my heart. Thanks in advance
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