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Posts posted by Suavemantotherescue

  1. Of course, just like how it's possible to have more than one best friend. You can be in love with many people, but you can't be with more than one person at a time. It's up to the person in question to make a choice whom they wish to be with.

  2. Well good eye contact and playful roughhousing and touching are usually good signs of affection, but alot of people are different. If she does this to other dudes then its just her way of being friends, however if your the only one she does it to then theres a good chance she might fancy you. Try to see how see reacts to other dudes she close to and if she doesn't do anything to them like you, you'll know for sure she likes you. If you want to get with her, give her a complament or tell her something special every week, but nothing too deep. Every week, you can give her new and more deep complaments until she knows you like her, which the playing will get more intense, then you can ask her for a date, then later, out.


    As for your friend, he may be jealous but that all depends too. Has he always done those things to you guys or did he start just when you and the girl got close? If he's allways done those things, he's not jealous but perhaps feels deprived of attention. If, however, he just started theres a good chance he's jealous; or feels really deprived of your guy's attention. Talk to him about the way he acts and if he plays the 'I knew her first' card, tell him that she shows absolutly no intrest in him and not to ruin the friendship by being a jerk or he'll lose both of you. Maybe you and her can spend more time with him without the flirting. I hope that helps.

  3. Its hard to tell really. Usually, the guy acts happy and you should be able to tell if their joking, but sometimes some dudes don't act like their joking even though they are. I guess you should keep flirting until they get really mad and tell you to leave them alone. Usually its best for girls to flirt with guys they already know since its easier to tell.

  4. Its hard to tell really. Usually, the guy acts happy and you should be able to tell if their joking, but sometimes some dudes don't act like their joking even though they are. I guess you should keep flirting until they get really mad and tell you to leave them alone. Usually its best for girls to flirt with guys they already know since its easier to tell.

  5. Yeah, sometimes. It depends who the person is basically. I'll usually tell them light hearted mean stuff and pretend not to care, but I don't take it too far as to make them think I hate them. I say as little as possible and I sit away from them but not before saying hi or something. I usualy do all that with girls I already know though.

  6. Hey everyone, its me again. Well I think I told you all that I like this girl who I've for like 3 years. Were started off as really best friends, we did stuff together all the time and were always together. Later on, I started liking her. I guess she found out and stopped talking to me, then we started talking but not as much because I was scared that she might do it again. Whenever we see each other, she'd smile and laugh and get all happy and so would I. We'd blush and stuff and toss her hair and all that junk. We see each other around off and on in the span of 2 years after. Because she graduated before me because she was smart or something, I never seen her at school. MY graduation came and I'm at college and she works at places and has mega cash and we never see each other at all anymore for at least 5 months.

    Well anyway, my friend tells me that he saw her and he told her I was thinking of her, she gets all excited and blushes and smiles and says 'really?' and tells him to tell me hi. A week later, he told me he saw her again and told her I said hi and she had the exact same reaction. I was all prime to call her but her friend comes on and tells me she seen her at the movies a month ago.....with her BF.

    I knew she had a BF for about a year but I thought they broke up. Now I can't call because I dont want to call at the wrong time. I was gonna ask her to go see a movie but now I can't. However, she did say A MONTH AGO but she also said she really likes(ed) him. Should I call her and bite the bullet and ask her to go see a movie or just forget about her and move on?

  7. Whenever I want to call this girl I haven't seen, I get too nearvous and I put the phone down. The problem is, some friends told me she acts like she likes me and stuff whenever my name is mentioned, she blushes and covers her mouth and smiles and all that junk. I've always felt an overwelming energy from her since I known her but I never tried to tell her how I felt so we stopped talking, then after that was settled other things kept us appart, with my (and her) feeling just growing. Well now, I know I have no choice but to tell her or at leat be with her, but the calling thing.... I know where she lives but I'm afraid to go over since I haven't been there for awhile. It never seems I see her around town but my friends always find her. I want to know weither I should call or actually see her?

  8. Well you scared her because you blind sided her with what you said. Right now, she is avoiding you because she doesn't know how to take this. How long has it been since you last talked to her, was it Thanksgiving or what? It is best to wait at least a month then try calling her again, but don't tell her how you like (love) her. You might want to reinsure her that your calling just to see how shes doing and appoligize if you scared her last time and you just want to talk. Tell her that you miss her you wish you were with her. Ask her how everything is down there and just engage in small talk. Also, ask her when the best time is to call her next time. Don't even try telling her anything until like a month of calling her, but dont call her everyday, once a week should do. If you call too much, you bug the junk outta her. After about a month, tell her things you like about her but just little things, nothing big. Everytime you call, tell her something new and a little more deep. Once you feel comfortable, you can tell her how you feel but not as intense as last time, but remember long distance relationships dont work out that often. Hope I helped.

  9. A good way to ley your G ma become more comfortable with her is to call her and ask her to speak to your grandma. Once your grandmother gets to know her more she might let you out with her, but you might have to endure her going with you. If you don't want this to happen, tell the girl that her parents will be there to keep an eye on you. By doing this every so often, she might loosen up. If none of that works, try having a family member speak to your grandma and to tell her to trust you more.

  10. Well its a good start your friends. Since you two seem pretty close, the next thing you should do is give her complaments and stuff like that. Like tell her how you feel or what you like about her, but tell her little things first like "I like the way you did your hair today" or something like that. Eventually, you can tell her more deeper stuff then once you run outta stuff to say you can tell her you like her, she'll be ready for it because you told her the other stuff. Also, try giving her suttle hints like make good eye contact and touch her and stuff. Write her notes in class about dumb stuff like "Teacher Bob is lame" or something. Try to make her laugh too. Call her once a week and talk about stuff. Once you start feeling comfotable, that is the best time to tell her. I hope that helps.

  11. Its a good start that your friends and you share a common intrest in your religion class. First, if you don't have her phone number ask her for it. If your grandma wont let you call her, you can either call when shes not around or go to a friends house and call. Ask her to hang with you after (religion) school at a popular area in your town such as a cafe or a pizza place. Talk to her about your feelings, don't tell her how you feel abou her but tell her something like "I like the way you do your hair" or something. TEll her something new and nice every week, gradually telling her deeper things until one day you can tell her how you really feel and she'll be ready for it becuause of the other stuff you said. While your hangging out with her, ask her if you can meet her parents, and ask her if she wants to meet your grandma. You don't have to do this immediately, you can ask her probably after a month or two you two start hangging out more. Remember to do all of this at a pace you feel comfortable at. Hope that helps.

  12. You said you knew her from your childhood. Did she remember who you were? IF so, thats a good sign. BEcause you knew her from an early age and were off and on friends, the best thing you can do since you cant see her at school, is call her cell phone number her friend gave you. Tell her, 'hey its me, (Insert name here), we hung out and ate that day.' Continue by mentioning that you knew her when she was young and ask her if she remembers you. If she does thats good, if not try to make her remember. Talk about the good times you had with her when you were young and ask her how things are going now. Ask her if you can hang out with her some time but have her pick the spot since you called her. I hope that helps.

  13. That happened to me too. I had a super best girl friend and we talked in class everyday and 6 months later we stopped talking. 2 years later, we kindda like eachother. WEll anyway, what ddi you guys do to maek you guys not talk? Who stopped talking first? Is she sad about something? Go up to her and ask her why she hasn't been talking to you as much as you use to lately. If she can't give you an answer think about the 1st 2 things I asked you. If you can't think of anythign, she may be trying to get closer to you by forcing you to talk to her, which never works OKAY GIRLS!!!!! US GUYS HATE THAT STUFF (LOL)!! If your intrested, try to ask her out or at least tell her what she wants to hear; your feelings about stuff. If your not intrested, tell her to stop playing games and be friends again but she may hold back more if you tell her that. I hope that helps.

  14. Getting a GF won't really solve your friend problem. You shouldn't get a gf just to have one especiallay if you don't know her or even like her, I'm not saying you don't. If you do think she might like her you should talk to her and become closer friends, evetually you can ask her to date. Like one day walk along her path and bumb into her and say hey my name is (bob) or whatever. IF she acts like 'okay.....' then don't worry about her but if she acts happy to see you then aim to become better friends.

    As for your friend problem, to me it sounds that they just grew up faster than you, you just need to chatch up. The best thing you can do is get a job and get some money of your own and try not to rely on your parents so much.

    If you can't do that, the next best thign is to get involved in community service and make new friends by helping people or getting invlved in school (college) activities such as clubs. Look for people in the archade or recreation rooms and play a game with someone and make a convo there.

    I hope that helps.

  15. Well right now she should be very upset over he break up. The best thing you can do is be there for her and tell her she can talk to you when she wants to talk or something. During this time, you can become even closer by comforting her and check how shes doing, however don't do it too much because you might scare her. The amout of time it will take for her to get over it will vary, but as soon as she does feel better, tell her how you feel about her everyday, don't tell her big stuff at first just little stuff. Eventually, you can tell her how you really feel then you can ask her out.

    I hope that helps.

  16. Well she could mean any of those things, but you'll never know unless you ask. Ask her if she doesn't want any guy but your friend and ask her, mediforically, if you asked her out as a friend, would she consider it. Ask her what she'd do if your friend asked her out. If you feel that she's still lieing, you can try asking 1 of her friends. It might also be helpful to find out if she had a bf in the past that hurt her, if she has then there's a possiblity that shes affraid of a relationship. I hope that helps.

  17. When it comes to matters of the heart, it is nessacary to be brave, especially if you feel you'll be truly happy with her. Since you live right accross the street from her, you should go to her fromt door, knock ring whatever, and whoever comes out ask them if you can speak to your girl, even if it is her sister. After that, tell her how you feel, since you know she likes you then she'll take it just fine. However, if your not sure lay it on her more softly. Whatever you do, don't ask her out on AIM or on the phone since its alkward plus it lacks the benifets of body language.

    Nobody can tell you who you can love who you can't. If the sister gets in the way, the best you can do is tell her how you feel about her sister and tell her she need not interfear. Tell her that you really care about her sister and its not helping her much to keep her away from you and theres nothing she can do to change your mind.

    Once you do get together with her, tell her everyday that you care about her and do anything that comes naturally. Do things you use to do as friends but do it more couplely, this will make her feel more comfortable.

    I hope that helps.

  18. Well people usually tell their parents about their relationships in about 1 day to a few resonable amount of weeks or a month or so, of course it different for everyone like in your case you asked him to wait 6 months because of your loss. Now, it seems, that the time is up and you should tell him to agree to his promise. You should wounder if he dosnt fallow up with a simple promise like that youhave to wounder what other kinds of bigger promises he may break later. You should tell him that if he truly cares about you he'd do what he said he was gonna do.

    As for woundering if a relationship should be thought with the mind or the heart, it should usually begin with the heart. If you feel something in you that you can't describe that means there are intesnse feelings. However, later on you should start using your mind a little more. Like if you suspect his doing something you should use your logical skills rather than your heart. Us your heart only when your in a passionate moment like kissing or sex or something like that, using your mind makes stuff like that suck since your trying to put it in porportion but you can't.

    However, if you feel that your relationship isn't working you have to ask yourself if you can spend the rest of your life with him. If this relationship seems like work more than plesure to you then you shouldn't continue with him, UNLESS you feel you can't be with anyone else. If so, talk with him to try and make it work.

    Hope that helps.

  19. Well it basically comes naturally, all that kissing stuff. Do it for as long as you want and how often you want, but remember to listion to her too. If she wants you to stop then stop and if she wants you to keep going then you should. As for sex, that should come naturally too. Like if you strat kissing then you start to take her cloths off and she gose with it just go. Remember to go slowly and not to force it since its less effective if you dont really want it. Don't just do it missionary, touch her in different places and see whats she likes and what she doesn't. Hope that helps.

  20. Well this is a dumb one but.........If you haven't called someone in almost a year and you hardly see them, is it a good idea to call? Lik, I think she might like me and i like her but neither one of us called eachother in a long time. Don't ask how I know she likes me or anything, just tell me what I should do. Thanks.

  21. One day, I did find the girl I like (Check previous post) whom we were frinds 2 years ago. We talked and I told her that everything sucks without her since we don't see eachother as much. She said 'really?' and I said yeah. We didn't talk long cuz we were both in a rush but we managed to go out of our way to talk to eachother. WEll the next day at my friends house, I talked about nothing but her. So later on that day I got a phone call from him saying after I left, he went to the store and he saw her and he told her that I was thinking about her. She said 'really!?' and covered her face and smiled and giggled and got all excited. Then he was gonna leave but she taped him on the shoulder and told him to tell me hi next time he saw me. I was so shocked, I couldn't believe it! Well what I want to know is what does it mean when girls get all excitted like that?

  22. Hey check this. I assume this girl is your friend first since you wouldn't be at her house if you werent. Well anyway, if your just friends then asking her to make out was really dumb. Girls get scared if you come on too hard. Kissing dosent mean that you like them or won't make them like you if you do it. Right now, you probably in the Girl Best friend phase were your in denigal about liking her but if you kindda do, then you do. What you should do is tell her what you like about her, but don't tell that you do like her. By telling her what you liek about her she'll know that you think about her and she may get the point. Evetually, you can tell her that you like her but she'll be ready for it cuz you told her the other stuff. If you can't think of any reasons why you like then you probably just want to do her. I hope that helps.

  23. Well we do have the same intrest basically. When we first met we had a good chemistry going and started being good friends from the start. Its just we have different plans for our futures I guess. Whenever we do get a chance to talk the convo flows pretty good, we just get little instances of silence were we both look down and stuff. I know where she lifes but I'm afraid to just barge in, I know her number but my friends told me I shouldn't until I TALK to her first. I also know where she works.

  24. When getting back together with someone after a long period of time, it'll never be the same as it was, since now you've learned from your mistakes and will be more careful. The makes the relationship seem cold and isolative since your afraid to exprese what you want to your lover. You both have to realize that in order to be true soulmates, you have to express how you both truly feel and know the other wont put you down for it. If you want to get back together with him and you feel its the best thing, go for it. Do what your heart tells you. Will you feel better or worse if you get back together? WHat if you don't? After you ask yourself these question then you'll know, but also try to think ahead to the future and see what you'll feel after your decision. Try to think of future conflics, why they happen, and possible solutions to them. Remember to take full advantage of your relationship, you have to express your feelings better and don't be afraid to. I hope that helps.

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