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inu yasha

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Posts posted by inu yasha

  1. Hi Silversun,


    When it comes to saying things to get girls to like you there aren't any. There are no magic works, there are lines but there's no guarantee that it will work. All you can do really is be yourself when your around her, show her the real you don't try faking it becaue more than likely they find you out and the dump you. If she has a bf then i suggest just being her friend and wait until she breaks up with him. If he finds out that your sniffing around her and she breaks up with him, he's going to see you as the cause of the break up.


    If you are going to take her out somewhere as a friend, i suggest taking her bowling, indoor rock climbing or some sort of activities that you both will enjoy doing.


    Hope this has helped .


    Inu Yasha

  2. It isn't anxiety, to have that you have to be worried about something. Im not exactly worried it's just annoying me, these feelings that i can feel which are not mine. I've look on the net for what the member kamui said and i found a page and im quite sure that it's that Emapthy is what i have. I mean when im at college and im around a group of people my moods can change instantly the same when im by myself. I have spoken to my doctor about it today and according to him he thinks that it might be stress but i have nothing really to be stressed about, the only thing that's got me down lately is that i have no gf. At the moment i don't really know what to think, a little confused but im sure as sure that it's not anxiety.


    If you want here's a link that i found on what kamui suggested:


    link removed


    Thanks ,


    Inu Yasha

  3. Hi,


    Thanks for replying i don't think that it's a phobia i don't mind being in groups of people or anything like that. The only phobias i have are hights and spiders but this it's like a can feel what other people are feeling and i also feel their pain in some ways it's unusual and also hard to explain but when im during lectures i have to get up and be excused from the lecture just to get some fresh air for about 10 mins and im fine after.


    Im definitly sure that's not a phobia because im not afraid of it's just annoying sometimes and can make me ill even when im not.


    Thanks ,


    Inu Yasha

  4. Hi everyone,


    I just wanted to know if anyone else has had this sort of problem before, well i class it as a problem. Has anyone ever felt different when with a group of people, what i mean by this is whenever im with a group of people i start to feel depressed, ill and sometimes i can be happy and full of energy. This has been happening for quite some time now i don't know but is it possible to pick other peoples emoitions and feelings to a point where you phisically affected or think that their yours because i don't really know what's going on and it's been bugging me for a while. I am shy and sometimes sensative (when i need to be). It also happens when im in lectures i can walk in fine and about half an hour i feel ill, can't concentrate or just wan't to fall asleep. I have thought about going to see the doctor but im the sort of person who rather hide their problems and not burden anyone e.g. family and friends because that's the sort of person i am.


    I don't know really, does anyone have any ideas what could be wrong with me. Maybe im over emotionally stressed at the moment but i can't think why??


    Any advice would be appreciated,




    Inu Yasha

  5. Long Reply


    The most important tip I can give you about picking up a woman is to MAKE EYE CONTACT with her. Look long and adoringly into her eyes. Never look down (a sign of submission, timidity, and weakness) and never look at a woman's breasts when you're talking to her (a common mistake many men make). Women will reject you and consider you disrespectful if you do. Maintaining eye contact also says to a woman that you are interested in her and that you want to get to know her. This is a pre-requisite (according to women) to get to know how she is in bed.


    Also, be sure and SMILE! A smile sends a positive and important message. A smile says, "I will not reject you. I like you." A smile combined with prolonged eye contact says, "I like you a lot. I want to know you. Let's talk." Women who smile back at you and who maintain eye contact with you too are those who will be most receptive to your advances. Note: Raised eyebrows is also a positive signal which you should interpret as a come-on.


    These next few tips I want to share with you are truly essential and fall under the heading of WHAT TO SAY. As far as your opening line goes, well, that would be a whole article all by itself. But after you break the ice with an opening line, the very next thing you should say or do is INTRODUCE YOURSELF.


    For example, simply say, "Oh, my name is (your Name). I'm pleased to meet you." Just use your first name in informal situations, and both your first and last name in more impersonal situations. Then allow the woman you're picking up to offer you her name. Pause for a moment. If she doesn't offer it, ask her what her name is. Then, and this is very important, USE HER NAME in the very next sentence that comes out of your mouth. Using her name works like magic to put her at ease and makes her more interested in you. A person's name is the most important and powerful word you can ever say.


    The next thing you want to say or do is COMPLIMENT HER. Call attention to some detail about her, and flatter her in a totally positive way. Be sure to say something specific, that is special about HER. Be polite and creative when dishing out compliments. The more poetic and/or dramatic you can be, the better the results you'll get. Because men lust with their eyes, BUT women lust with their ears!


    A lot of guys ask me what they should talk about once they get a woman's name and after they have complimented her. What you need to do is find out what she wants, what she desires, or what turns her on, her passion or hobby. Ask her questions about that and you will have captivated her completely. Also, always find ways to agree with her. NEVER DISAGREE with a woman when you first meet her. You want to create a context of relatedness, and that's done by agreeing with her.


    The last tip I leave you with is NEVER BE SHY ABOUT ASKING HER FOR HER PHONE NUMBER. It doesn't matter that you only just met her. Even if you have only spoken with her for as little as one minute! Be direct. You can say something like, "I have to be going now. But I'd love to see you again. Can I call you?" Without the all important phone number, you will never get anywhere with a woman. Because to score you will need a date. And to get a date you will need the number. So ALWAYS ask for the telephone number!


    Hope this helps


    Inu Yasha

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  6. Maybe she's trying to tell you something? Maybe she prefers talking to you face to face and these sort of situations and feelings. I have a feeling she want's you to make some sort of move on her, i might be wrong don't take my word for it after all you know her best and in the end it's you who have to make the decision not i or anyone else.


    Inu Yasha

  7. Thanks for the ideas guys much appreciated. When im with her we talk and sometime joke around she laughs at my jokes that i tell seems to show an intrest. I think that she's worried of what her friends might think or if she's been hurt by a previous bf and wants someone but can't really come out to someone. I didn't see her all morning at college so i took that she was ill because she wasn't in yesterday. Just after 12.30 she comes into the college t.v. room with her dog, well she said that she was going to show me her dog and i really feel like she wanted to ask or tell me something but there were to many people about and after a couple of minutes of talking to some other students she passed everyone else and said "See you later". So i feel that she wanted to tell me something but her being so shy like me she chikened out. I think we'd make a good couple but the only thing that's stopping me is my lack of self confidence and this stupid condition which i can't confess my feelings to a this girl.


    Im sad and pathetic, i could of had a chance today but i didn't take it i hate myself for being this way.


    Inu Yasha

  8. Great Post, never seen so many replies on a post... well done!


    When ever i finish with a girl we usually end up being friends and i've asked a few what they like most about me and they told me that they went out with me because of my Sense of Humor, Personality and Confidence so i suppose if you atleast have them i don't see any problem in attracting any girl, i suppose girl have their own mind of how their perfect partner should or at least be like.


    Thanks ,


    Inu Yasha

  9. Hi everyone,


    I just wanted some advice. There's a girl at college which im really attracted to i have made friends with her and we talk now and then to each other around campus. The only problem is i want to ask her out but im to shy and i think she likes me to but she's to shy to ask too. It's kind of annoying because i want to ask her each time we talk to each other but for some reason i can't. I mean i go to say it to her and when she looks at me i completely forget what i was talking about (kinda a feel like a prat at that point). She hasn't tried to ask me as of yet but i always seem to getting looks from her and some other things which are to hard to explain.

    It's her Birthday soon and i want to get her a present for that because i can't go to her Party i could go, but it's getting there and finding a way home afterwards after having a few ... lol.


    I really want her, but at the moment i can't ask her out because i always change the subject as soon as i try asking her (hasn't happen with other girls, don't know why with her... very odd).


    Any advice would be appricated.


    Thanks ,


    Inu Yasha

  10. Hi Silversun,


    I think you did the right thing my not accepting the number from your mate. If you like her you should work at getting closer to her, if you know her as a friend i don't suppose she would of mind but it would be better getting the number from her.


    Inu Yasha

  11. Hi bb13,


    From what you have said it sounds like she really does like you more than a friend. But there's the problem of her already taken by someone else, i would suggest staying friends with her for the time being until she has well untruly finished with her bf. Getting yourself involved with someone who is already taken isn't always the best way, believe you me her bf could get nasty and see you as a possible threat to his relationship or blame you for their break up. The best bet is be a friend and if she breaks up with him and then you can see how it goes from there.


    Hope this has helped


    Inu Yasha

  12. Hi nalini,


    Thanks for replying to my post. Lately she's been on my mind and i've im quite sure that if she says "No" to me that we'll still stay friends but i really do feel like she's the ONE for me but im to afarid to ask. I mean i want her so much that i end up not asking just so that i don't get rejected im kind a stupid (but that's me... ). When i go over the actual part of me asking her if she go out with me all these different senarios come popping up and some are good and others are bad and it's kind of putting me off asking her out. She's a friend so i am comfortable talking with her but when it comes to things of this nature i can't seem to do anything it's almost like a freeze up and start making a mess of things with me being so nervous and a little shy. Im sure that everything will be OK but in my mind somewhere there's always doubt in myself and my capabilities.




    Inu Yasha

  13. Hi everyone,


    I've had feeling for this girl since September last year and it's only recently that i have gotten a little closer to this girl as a friend. My other girl friend knows about me liking her and can't understand why i haven't told her with me liking her for so long a doing nothing about it. There have been times when i've wanted to but me being the way i am i always say to myself that i'll do it later. This girl doesn't have a bf im very sure of that we talk now and then (when we get the chance) and we say "Hi" and wave to eachother when we see each other around campus. I really feel that i can connect with her and not like any of my other friends (girls). She is shy but hides her shyness by being a little loud (not too loud) almost as if she's afraid if anyone found out that she's shy she would feel week anyway im a little similar to that. But im a little shy when i comes to asking girls out i don't go for the direct approach i always make a mess (me being me ). I feel that she wants to get closer to me but she also trying to keep her image and not show that she's a soft touch to her friends. I mean she and i feel really calm and relaxed when were together but we never get to be because of interruptions, more than likely it's friends. Her Birthday is soon and im going to buy her something to show her my feelings but i don't know whether to confess to her then or before and how to do it. I know there's no right or wrong way to asking someone out you just go with the flow but im just having difficulties. I suppose im affraid of being rejected, and end up moping for ages and then the same thing will probably happen again i'll fall in love with someone else. But with this girl it's completely different it's the feeling that i get from her, she's definitely my type and she has all the qualities of my perfect partner and im just afraid of losing her.


    With her being shy do you think that me confessing my feelings to her will scare her away?


    Anyone have any ideas or advice, i'd really like to hear




    Inu Yasha

  14. Hi Amethyst,


    Welcome to eNotalone.com.


    From what you have said it does sound that he does like you. I agree with adrenalyn-x with going with your instincts because you know him alot better than we do so you should have some sort of idea. I mean the flirting is a sure sign that he's intrested and you said that your other friends see themselves as father figures and he doesn't. Follow you heart but be careful because it could always back fire, not that it will but there's always a chance. If you are intrested in him then return the favour e.g. flirt back with him and tease him.


    I hope this has helped


    Inu Yasha

  15. Me neither but it was suggested by a friend so i just thought about posting it to see what other people thought and if anyone had tried, was it any good really. I doubt i'd try it but maybe just for fun, who knows. I haven't been on link removed i'll check it out later, i suppose it's one of those websites where you have to pay to get a report or something, i'll check it out anyway.


    Anyone have any ideas or thoughts on the topic please by all means post, im quite intrested.




    Inu Yasha

  16. Hi everyone,


    Just out of interest has anyone gone out with a person based on their sun signs e.g. astrology that sort of things because a friend has suggested it to me. It's kind of weird but i supposed you'd have to get to know a person first wouldn't you? Also would it work, do you think?


    Anyone can answer, the more the better so post what you think.




    Inu Yasha

  17. Hi S4il,


    I think she would like that present, doesn't matter that it's a week late i gave my V-day gift a day early (i know big gap, but what the hey) with it being the last day of college and with half-term and all. But i got a hug from her and a big thank you. So im verys sure she love it, after all who would turn down a cute Red Dog with a Bow, i bought mine a Red and White Stuffed Dog... lol.


    Hope this has helped, i wish all the best


    Inu Yasha

  18. Hi Nifty,


    Thanks for replying. What is the recomended amount of sleep your supposed to get a day? Maybe it is something to do with my sleeping pattern because i go to bed during the weekday i go about 11.30 and i wake up about 7.00 so i don't really know. Someone in college once suggested getting a certain stone e.g. amythst or whatever to help with my sleeping but im not really that sure. But i never rememeber anything that i dream as soon as i wake up, that's it forgotten straight away. I don't day dream either now that i have thought about it, maybe a worry to much during the day that at night is the only time i can relax and that might be why i don't get any dreams. What do you think?




    Inu Yasha

  19. Hi everyone,


    Im not sure if i've posted this in the right place but here goes anyway. For quite a while now i've been having a rather odd problem for some reason i dont have any dreams and if i do have i never remember anything whilst im asleep or even when i wake up. If i do have a dream i'd be luck enough to have at least 1 a month and more than likely it's a weird or it's a nightmare. I have been to the doctors about the problem but he can't do anything really. I don't really know if anyone else has this problem but it bothers me sometimes , i am prone sometimes to worry and let negativity consume me and i become depressed but this is only sometimes, do you think this has something to do with it?


    If anyone can help i'd be most greatful




    Inu Yasha

  20. Just be yourself and you know the saying "Practice makes perfect" we all feel like this at some point in our lives and we just take as it go e.g. go with the flow 8) . Im sure that everything will be fine just take it slow and do things in both your own time, there's no need for rushing.


    Hope this helps


    Inu Yasha

  21. Hi salsero,


    Welcome to eNotalone.com.


    This guy that you think is looking at you i take it that your worried he likes you. What i would suggest is when he looks at you at lunch time when your with a friend is to look at him when he does it just a few seconds look and carry on eat or talking with your friend. Do this and see what sort of reaction you get, later if he comes on to you or asked why you were looking at him tell that he was the one that was looking at you and you have witnesses and maybe he will confess why. Or you could get your friend to sit next you and then after lunch get them to walk up to this guy and ask him why they were looking at them. It's just a couple of ways that you could find out whether or not he's gay or bi. Or you could just go up and ask him yourself, you've probably though about doing this but said "no" to yourself.


    I hope this has helped


    Inu Yasha

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