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Everything posted by big_dave

  1. There's this girl that lives in the flat opposite. She's such a nice person and i have really strong feelings for her. Heres the deal, any advice is much appriciated. I've known her since the start of November. I'm over at her flat quite a lot of the time, due to me not liking the people in my flat (another story!). Its nice since everyone sits around the table in the kitchen and chats about the most random stuff. Me and the person in question pulled one night out before christmas, i was in a really drunken state! The days following felt like nothing had hapened that night. I got her a signed Kylie Photo for X-Mas, which she really liked! Following that, after new years she didn't reply to my txts. I asked her what was wrong, she said that she didn't feel anything for me other than friendship. I thought that was alright... Now we're both back at uni, we've gotton on better. Things seem better, between us. We chat a lot, not about a relationship just random stuff. A couple of days ago i sent her a txt whilst she was out, i was drunk again! (Gave up drinkin now) She sent one back saying she likes me but she needs some room. I thought, fair enuf.. Been a week, i got her some apples (she asked for some the week before which she liked) and left them outside her door. She's just got back, so they were there waiting for her. I sent her a txt saying that i hope she had a good weekend and i got her some apples. She hasn't txt me back or said anythin even though she is on MSN now... What should i do, am i barking up the wrong tree with her. Should i ask her streight if she thinks that anything can happen between us? Many thanks!
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