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Everything posted by lostsoul03

  1. It has now been 3 months since my 3 year relationship has ended. even though i ended it, the first month was hell, and to make it worse my ex jumped right in with someone else and is dating them. if this wasnt hard enough for me, she insists on calling me, instant messaging me, leaving emails, and writing about me on her xanga page. no matter what i do i am right in the mix of whats going on in her life whether i want to know or not. ive tried to have no contact with her and it has not worked very well. to get to the point-- she has told me she talks about me to her new boyfriend all of the time and that she still loves me. to make matters worse after fighting the urges to talk to her or see her for three months i told her she could come over to my new apartment. I was hoping that maybe i could find some kind of closure by talking to her or seeing her, and honestly i was tired of fighting her off. well things went allittle far and we ended up messing around,and worst of all it made me realize just how much i still love her. Now she lives two lives or so it seems like, she tells me that she still loves me and she doenst know what to do. on the other hand she still tells her new boyfriend everything he wants to hear. i might add the reason we broke up is because she cheated on me and lied to me about it, and now she has done the same thing to her new boyfriend. she is very confusing. when it comes down to it though i really love her with all my heart and would like to get back together and try to work it out, but i dont if she feels the same way.this has been the hardest thing i have ever done and it is very stressful. what should i do?
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