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Posts posted by mick8888

  1. OK, well, here's the deal -- I just got dumped by my girlfriend of six months tonight ...no big dramatic blowout, she just drove over here, we were supposed to go out to dinner, I got in the car and she said "We need to talk...." so of course you know what's coming next. She said, "I'm not happy, I don't like the way this relationship is going, and I think we need to break up." I sat there for a minute, didn't argue, didn't cry, didn't go nuts, just was sorta like, "So, how long have you been feeling like this?" and she said "It's been brewing for a little while now..." And so I was like, alright then, she said, "I'm sorry," and I was like, "OK, see ya" and got out of the car and she drove off ... whole thing happened in maybe 3-4 minutes.


    Was kind of surprising because she didn't ever let on that she was feeling this way. We NEVER fought the whole six months we went out, got along great, had fun, no drama, we were very close ... everything seemed normal, the past couple days we talked on the phone she said "I love you" as usual, didn't hint that there were any problems. Now this. Basically I have no real idea why it happened, maybe she met someone else, I dunno. But I'm not gonna sit here and speculate. I'm upset, but not devastated. I loved her and cared about her, but I'm not aboutto jump off a bridge over this. However, after going through a really painful breakup of a 3-year relationship prior to going out with this girl, I could use a "refresher course" from you guys and gals on how you're supposed to handle a breakup. I should just not ever contact her again, right? Not dwell on it, just move on to the next thing? Or should I press her for a reason and/or see if maybe this is just a phase? She seemed pretty certain about wanting to break up, and I have to say that after that I'm not sure I would ever want her back, but at the same time, like I said before, we had a good relationship and I am very attracted to her and do want to be with her.


    Any thoughts?




  2. well, i just talked to my ex gf tonight for the first time in ages -- really awful extenuating circumstances (see my last post) ... anyway, i can definitely relate to the idea of not being able to shake the girl -- we broke up around the same time (fall 2003) then went through a year of infrequent hookups until she met some new guy.


    talking to her just now, it's clear she's very much in love with her new boyfriend, and has closed the book on anything we ever had together ... i would be entirely shocked if ever in the future she contacted me with the same kind of story that your ex contacted you with, and wanted to get back together or whatever.


    but my only real advice, and i wouldn't call it advice but more commentary, is this: once the spark goes out from one party or the other in the relationship, and once there's been a split and someone has gotten involved with someone else, the chances of things working out a second time around are slim to none. there's just an imbalance of love, trust, respect, etc .... there'll always be some sort of underlying resentment on the part of the person who got hurt the most, and it just doesnt seem like relationships can weather that sorta thing.


    it's completely mental, i know, but part of me REALLY wants my ex to call me and say that she made a mistake and that she misses me, just so i can somewhat get the power back and be the one to make the decision not to be with her. you know what i mean? i dont want to be in a relationship with her anymore after the way she hurt me, but i do want her to want me ... maybe that's evil, maybe that's ego, maybe that's the fact that i've been lonely for the past 2 years and damn near obsessing over her and not meeting anyone new, while she's found a new love. but i'm just being honest, and i think it's part of human nature. I have felt helpless and out of control because i didnt decide to end the relationship, she did -- maybe you're in the same boat.


    i guess you just have to be totally honest with yourself and decide if you REALLY want to be back in a relationship with her or not, and if you do, if it's out of true love and not just a sense of longing for something that was good once in the past, or something comfortable. i find myself wishing that things could be like they were 3 years ago when my ex and i were together and in love and had a strong bond, but those days are over and pining for that is just immature and completely unrealistic. it's really sad, and it depresses me every day, but what can i do?

  3. Thanks, it does help a bit ... I guess it's just my "default" to want to be there for her ... it's weird, even if she were to call me one day and say she wanted to get back together with me I *really* don't think I would -- I've learned a lot of lessons and realized that our relationship was extremely intense but very unhealthy -- but at the same time I still feel like I want to be there for her when she's hurting. It's a really strange position to be in, and pulls me in different emotional directions. It would be so much easier to just forget about her, and even though I've had no contact with her for almost 6 months before the events of the past few days, I think about her every single day and I'm still hurting over the breakup. So yeah, I guess I just have to protect myself at all costs, because what is there to be gained otherwise? I wish I could be at the point where i am completely over her and could just be her friend without any of those residual emotions, and thereforeeee be able to be there for her as a friend, but I just can't do it now.


    A big part of the problem for her, I think, is that she really doesn't have a lot of friends -- she's distanced herself from a lot of people, and now that she lives in L.A. I seriously doubt she's developed any good friendships down there or kept in touch with people from here, so I think she sees me as really her only "close friend," someone who knows her extraordinarily well, in this city (or maybe anywhere). But I don't think she understands how bad she hurt me and how hard it is to be her "close friend" -- right now it's damn near impossible, and I don't know if it will ever be possible (maybe *years* from now...)

  4. Your ex's mom is screwed in the head for doing that. It's not your concern and she shouldn't bring you into it.


    No Contact from now on would be the best thing you could do. It would let the feelings inside of you die down eventually and you'd be able to move on. It's not being mean, it's taking care of you. And your feelings are much more important than hers.



    This is almost the exact same thing two of my female friends told me yesterday -- that her mom shouldn't have dumped this whole thing on me and put me in an awkward situation. My ex even acknowledged that yesterday in her reply to my short condolensces email thanking me for it -- she said it must have been weird for her mom to call me, and that her mom did it without her knowledge.


    I guess that's my thing -- so many times I've put her feelings ahead of mine. I do that in general, and when I try to look out for myself I feel guilty or selfish ...

  5. It is her boyfriend's Mom that got murdered - last weekend. And the very next weekend she comes home to see her Mom and wants some comfort from you. Why isn't she with her boyfriend and comforting him - his Mon was murdered seven days ago!!


    Talk about self-absorbed. Does she have no regard for anyone's feelings except her own?



    I know, that's kind of what I was thinking, and when I found out about all of this yesterday I called my mom and told her, and that was her reaction -- "Why isn't she with her boyfriend right now??" I can only speculate, but i wonder if either she wanted him to have some space; that what happened made her think about her own family and she wanted to see her mom since she hadn't in six months; or, because she's got some mental issues (depression, etc.) she's really bad at dealing with this kinda stuff and felt the need to get out of an overwhelmingly tragic situation for a day or two. I'm not trying to make excuses for her, necessarily, but I don't know the whole situation (or even the nature of her relationship with her boyfriend; I have no idea if they are madly in love or on the rocks or what).


    But that's a big part of my negative feelings toward her -- I've always thought she was a very selfish person. But in cases of life and death like this I'm usually willing to give people the benefit of the doubt. I mean, she's not a HORRIBLE person. I just dunno ....

  6. Here's the situation: I dated this girl for 3 years (lived together for 2 of those years) and it was a very intense relationship. She broke up with me 2 years ago, but for a year afterwards we occasionally hooked up. Then, about a year ago she met another guy who lived in a different city, and six months ago she moved to that city to live with him.


    The breakup has been really hard on me so I've tried to have no contact with her. The last time I saw her in person was in April, right before she moved, and it was really hard on me and set me back emotionally, as I thought I was doing well in terms of getting over her. So I hadn't had any contact with her whatsoever since then.


    Here's where it gets tricky. In a seriously unfortunate series of events, her new boyfriend's mother was murdered last weekend. My ex's mom called me and left a message telling me what had happened and that my ex was really having a hard time and maybe I could send my ex an e-mail "because [my ex's mom] knows i still care about her and she could use the support..." It was awkward to say the least, because even though I don't wanna come off as cold and uncaring, I kinda feel like it's not my responsibility to comfort my ex when it's her boyfriend's mom, someone I don't know and stuff, who was murdered. Anyway, I sent a short e-mail offering my condolensces. This was yesterday. Now today, I find out that my ex is back here in town for 2 days to see her mom, and my ex called me a couple hours ago wanting to see me because she's feeling horrible and since "she still considers me a close friend," that it would help her a lot to come over and see me for a little while.


    Thing is, in my own continuing emotional state over the breakup of our relationship (I know it's been a while since we split, but I'm still having a hard time dealing with it), I simply CAN'T see her, it would just hurt me too much. It hurts me to know that she's upset about what's happened to her boyfriend's mom, and I don't wish any pain on her or him or any of that, but I feel like I need to protect my own feelings, too. I kind of feel guilty about it, like I'm being selfish, and I'm just not sure what to do. I sent her an email a couple hours ago telling her I can't see her but if she wants to call again I would talk to her on the phone for a little while (which is still tough for me).


    Am I doing the right thing? Should what's happened to her, and her feelings, supercede my feelings about our relationship? I just don't know what the right and best thing to do is...

  7. again, you need to get a serious grip because you are in SERIOUS denial. you need to drop this mindset of "being sure she's in love with you" and being afraid of pushing her away and accept/adopt the mindset that it is OVER. O-V-E-R. right now she doesn't want to be with you, and she's treating you like crap, and you're sitting around worrying about what SHE'S doing and focusing all your energies on HER instead of WORRYING ABOUT YOURSELF AND MAKING YOUR LIFE BETTER. No wonder you feel like crap right now?


    Look, you NEED to start the no contact thing, and start it immediately. It will do one of two things -- it will give her time to miss you and think about things and figure out if she wants to be with you (which is something you CANNOT FORCE), or it will help you get over things and move on if it's not meant to be and she's history. I am fully cognizant of the fact that you don't want to accept the fact that she might be gone for good, but I'm afraid you're gonna have to, or you're gonna keep being hurt and you're never gonna feel better. And to be honest, you know what? Even if she DOES call you and come back right now and tell you how much she loves you and you feel on top of the world, guess what? She's gonna burn you again, and it's gonna hurt even MORE. So do yourself a favor and step back from the whole thing and worry about yourself and what YOU want, stop feeling sorry for yourself or being a sobby baby or stressing about the past and focus on today and tomorrow for YOURSELF. It's your life, not hers, so deal with things for YOURSELF and things will work out the way they're supposed to -- either with her or eventually with someone else. But seriously, GET A GRIP! I don't mean that in a mean way, but you gotta start standing up and getting real about this situation.

  8. what happens if you were okay with the way you were before the relationship and then after it you don't think you look like crap, you don't hate anything about yourself but you just miss the person what do you do then?



    then i guess you just have to move on and eventually find someone else to be with, and get to a place where you can be friends with your ex so that you can still be around them and get to enjoy the person they are and not feel like you want to be in a relationship with them anymore (of course, that takes time).


    Like you said - it sounds like you didn't really love her as much as you liked how other people thought of you when they saw her on your arm. Like you said, a self-esteem thing. But, I agree - I bet that you have a lot of innate qualities that make you a person to envy, even without the arm candy.




    well to be honest, it wasn't so much an "arm candy" showing off thing ... it was more about just personally feeling good that a very pretty girl wanted to be with me, it made me feel good about myself just being with her, not what other people thought. and also, i mean, i'm not quite that shallow in the sense that there are things about her i liked beyond the physical, but in being totally honest with myself i think the physical stuff was the overriding factor in why i stayed with her, and why it hurt so bad when she dumped me.

  10. i don't think you can have a real gf/bf romantic relationship unless you are in physical contact with one another (i don't mean sex, just meeting, sharing the same space, etc.). sure, you can have some sort of relationship, perhaps a crush or something "more than friends," but until you actually meet face to face (which is exceptionally important, chemistry and all of that) i don't think you can be in a genuine romantic relationship. just my opinion.

  11. I am sorta in the middle of this EXACT SITUATION too, although I have come to realize some things (see my post of a few minutes ago) and also thinking more about those "red flags" in our relationship, just like you mentioned. Like me, it might be your self-esteem that's hurting more than missing her as a person. In other words, you just want SOMEONE who will give you those good feelings you get when you're into someone who really likes you back, rather than missing her specifically. Because your rational mind knows that there were problems with her, but your heart won't let you remember the bad stuff.


    For a while I wasn't eating well and was sleeping awful (didn't drown my sorrows in alcohol or heroin or anything, thank god), but then I realized that I am more important than her, and my life is the one thing I have got, the one thing that I control (as William Henley put it, "I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul') and I wasn't going to let ANYONE take hold of MY life and ruin it. I am more important than that. So I started forcing myself to hang out with friends, started going to the gym EVERY DAY (which helps with sleep in addition to fitness), started eating really well, and just started living in the moment as much as possible, and not getting hung up on the past, just forcing that stuff out of my head and if it got really bad, just to distract myself with a book or a movie or TV, just ANYTHING until it passed. And that stuff has definitely helped. I usually HATE cliches and that whole "pep talk" stuff, I generally think it's corny, but I have to admit that one commonly heard phrase is super useful: "This is the first day of the rest of your life." I look at every day as a new opportunity instead of dwelling on past things I can't change. I mean sure, wouldn't it be great to go back in time and kill Hitler before he started the Holocaust? Sure, but you can't. And in the same way, you can't go back in time when you were happy with your then-girlfriend, it's just not doable. So why stress it? The past is the past, it's over, and all we have is the present and the future, so why not make the best of it? The greatest news of all? It DOES get better. The future you will be much happier than the present you, I can guarantee you that. So just work toward that little by little, day by day, with a positive attitude, and you'll get there faster than you think.

  12. The more days go by, the more I am realizing something very simple: I was with my girlfriend mostly because she was extremely physically attractive (definitely the best-looking girl I have ever dated, and I am average-looking and a bit overweight). We were together for a few years (lived together for about 2.5 of those), and even though she wasn't the smartest, most independent or ambitious, or even the sweetest person (all qualities I usually look for), I stayed with her mostly because of the way she made me feel -- in other words, my ego was boosted massively because here was this gorgeous girl who was with me. Then she dumped me, and of course my self-esteem took a huge hit, and all I wanted was her back with me. But now that I've had some time to reflect, I see very clearly that I do not want a relationship with her anymore, but my lingering pain comes more from the validation she gave me, that I was okay. And without her I thought I was fat, ugly, and would never meet another girl as lovely who would want anything to do with me. But I am doing something about my fitness level -- going to the gym every day, and I'm realizing that I'm not ugly or she wouldn't have wanted to be with me in the first place, and I know that I have a ton of other great qualities.


    So, when I realized why I wanted her back, and that it had more to do with my own lack of internal happiness than the person she is, I realized that the only thing I can do is work on improving myself and becoming happier with myself. No other person can do that for you. And I think that once I am happier with myself I will be able to find someone else, someone just as good or better than my ex. At least I hope so!


    Anyone here gone through a similar situation and thought process? Am I just fooling myself?

  13. Dude, at the risk of sounding harsh -- get a grip!! You are completely deluding yourself that she's some great girl, and it mostly comes from the fact that you are lonely and jealous of her other guy, and you simply want the comfort of the past. News flash: it's OVER. You can't live in the past -- those days are done. If you want to keep torturing yourself and wallowing in this, that's your business, but it's only going to prolong the pain. I know it's hard, and I'm struggling with a similar situation right now, sort of, and I simply made the decision to try my best to move past it. I have my good days and bad days, and so will you, but it will only get better if you make a conscious effort to put this whole thing in perspective, see the girl for what she is (neither totally great nor totally bad) and for what her actions are. STOP putting her on a pedestal, and stop blaming yourself for everything, it serves no constructive purpose and all you're doing is continually picking at the scab instead of letting it heal. Starting today, do something positive for yourself and start moving forward with your life, even if you don't feel like it, DO IT. Go to the gym or get some other form of exercise, hang out with a friend, plan a strategy for getting ahead at work or looking for a new job, do some volunteer work, ANYTHING to give your life meaning and purpose beyond pining for some girl who is with someone else and not coming back. The sooner you accept that and begin to reconstruct your life, the sooner you will feel better. If not, then you will just suffer endlessly, and that's ultimately your choice.

  14. Yeah it's weird, I'm in the position now where my ex-girlfriend really wants to be friends but she's been dating this guy for several months now and is pretty much living with him. He doesn't want her being friends with me but she told him that I'm too important to her to not be friends. But still, I know that she has no more feelings for me and that it is truly a friendship to her, but I'm still getting over her -- not that I want her back, but I'm still dealing with the pain of getting dumped, etc. Very complicated. Anyways, so yeah, I've decided that she and I simply can't be friends until I'm totally over her. Otherwise it's just a continuation of the pain. I don't think she can understand that because from where she sits, she's perfectly happy to have me as a friend since she has no feelings for me, and can't understand why I don't feel the same (how can people be so daft?) The day she said that she'd hoped I'd met some great girl by now pretty much sealed the deal on how she felt about me. Anyways, as much as I would like to be friends with her, since I do care about her, obviously I'm not entirely over her at this point and it would just do myself more damage.

  15. the most simple, honest answer is no -- you can't really be friends with your ex, at least not until you are COMPLETELY over the breakup and have no romantic feelings for them whatsoever. if you have even the slightest shred of feeling for them in that way, it won't work. and i'm not being bitter or cynical, it's just a recipe for more misery on your part if you try to be friends with them before you are completely healed.


    but generally, being friends with your ex is like putting gas into a car that's been totalled.

  16. Well, in her defense she didn't tell me about the boyfriend thing for several months and she definitely didn't rub it in my face. She was pretty vague about it, and it only came up because she mentioned she was going to Los Angeles for a little while and she knew that I knew what was up, so she just put it on the table without getting into too much detail. So at least I can respect her for that.


    But yeah, I tried doing the friend thing all last year, and we would sleep together sometimes and all of that, since she wasn't seeing anyone else, and I had told myself that I could handle just being friends, but obviously looking at it now I see that was just a way of me holding onto her and still hoping that she would change her mind and come back. Now I know that the only way of moving past it is not to be friends, and very possibly forever. Maybe down the road when I am COMPLETELY over it then I can be pals with her, but I don't see it happening for quite some time. I went through this same situation about 9 years ago with a girl I had been with for 5 years (and engaged to), and it took me a while to get over her and we are not friends at ALL. Not enemies, but just not in touch anymore, and I don't sweat it one bit. Hopefully I will get to that point soon with my most recent ex.


    In any event, I'm focusing all my energies on two things at the moment -- going to the gym every single day and working out (been there every day for the past week doing either cardio or weights and going again as soon as I finish typing this), and focusing on my work (I'm a writer). Hopefully with the former, I'll get back in shape and rebuild the confidence and self-esteem necessary to get back in the dating game, and with the latter I can become more disciplined and a better writer, and get something positive out of this whole ordeal. It's hard for me to get away at the moment, but I think I'll be alright, and I have a great dog that keeps me company and is always happy to see me! Life could be worse, I guess.

  17. it's definitely true: "outta sight, outta mind"


    i was doing alright until she showed up at my door three weeks ago to give me a birthday card (actually, it was more bad luck -- i was taking out the trash when she came walking up, and she said she was just gonna leave the card between my screen door and front door). so of course i invited her in for a minute so she could visit with the dog we had gotten together ... and of course she looked absolutely phenomenal, and of course when she hugged me it was one of those sorta cold "friend" hugs as opposed to the passionate way she used to hug/hold me, and of course she had to say stuff like "you're my bud, don't be a stranger"... so yeah, all of that brought me right back to square one and feeling horrible. and then finding out a week later from her via IM about her new boyfriend (i had my suspicions, she only confirmed them) and her saying "i was really hoping you had met some great girl" was the big double whammy. so i've learned that at least for the foreseeable future i cannot see her face-to-face or even talk to her because it will just hurt more. i don't need to know the details of what she's up to, and i don't need to be reminded how great she looks because unfortunately, it's like hypnotism -- i forget every bad thing about her when i see her face. it's horrible. i wish she was physically unappealing to me, but that's not gonna happen. anyways, so yeah, no contact is the ONLY way to go to avoid making this hurt go on and on. i just wanna erase her from my life right now. maybe when i'm healed i can look back on it all and see the good and the bad, but at the moment i just want her far, far away.

  18. yeah, i was doing a bit better not having seen her from december until the beginning of april, but then again i was also still kinda fooling myself that she might eventually "wake up" and come back. so now that i got hit with the reality a couple weeks ago that she's in love with some other guy (the first guy she's been in love with, slept with, etc. since we broke up) i'm having to really deal with the loss all over again, but even worse in some ways than from when we first split. i'm hoping no contact helps ... it's just so hard. and even though i rationally know in my mind that our relationship was unhealthy, that she's got MAJOR issues, that she was bound to dump me and move on eventually, that it never would have "gotten better," the irrational part of my mind is like, "what's wrong with me? why would she rather be with someone else? i'll never be with another girl as hot as her. howcome she gets to be with someone and in love, and i'm here single and lonely? it's not fair!" i gotta find a way to snap out of that, but it's hard. i've been focused on other things -- going to the gym every day, concentrating on my work, hanging out with friends, etc. -- but those distractions don't seem to edge her out of my mind. she's always lurking in there.

  19. yeah, you're absolutely right. i'm still in the mindset of worrying about what she thinks ... i think in the relationship i often put her feelings ahead of my own, and maybe to some degree i am still doing that. i mean, what do i care if she thinks i'm mad at her? it doesn't matter, i guess. i mean, it would be nice that if we happen to run into each other on the street we wouldn't feel the need to run in the opposite direction, but it's going to be uncomfortable no matter what, so ... that's just the way it is.


    god i really hate being in this weird limbo where i don't want my ex back but i'm still hurting from her dumping me and feeling jealous that she's got a new boyfriend and i'm still single. it sucks. i just want this feeling to be over and to be able to get through a day without thinking about her.

  20. Oh, to TryingtobeStrong -- she doesn't call and she doesn't come over or anything, the only real contact I've had with her the past several months is via Instant Messenger. Sometimes when I log on, if she's on that's when she'll say hello, but I don't initiate it (haven't for a while) and the past 2 times she'd said hello on there the past 2 weeks, I haven't responded. I guess the smart play is that the next time I go on there and she says hi, I should just really quick tell her that it's probably not best if we stay in touch. OR would it be smarter just to keep ignoring her and not give any explanation whatsoever? It just feels stupid to say "I don't think we should be in touch" when if I don't write her back then we really WON'T be in touch! I'm sure she'll get the hint eventually, I guess it's just the whole thing about if I ignore her, she'll think I hate her -- and no, it doesn't matter in terms of the relationship, because I don't want to be in a relationship with her ever again, but more in terms of (for lack of a better word) my reputation -- I don't like ANYONE thinking I hate them when I don't.

  21. I guess the bottom line is that I do not want a relationship with her in the future, and I'm using the No Contact to heal from the pain of her dumping me and not as any kind of a game to get her back or whatever. I just don't want her to think that it's because I'm angry at her, because that's not the way it is and I can't stand it when my intentions are misread or misunderstood by anyone. I guess I was asking if I should even CARE if she thinks I am angry at her or not?


    But yeah, in thinking about it I'm going to send her a very simple birthday card just to acknowledge the day -- literally nothing more than a handwritten "Happy Birthday" and my signature below it. I guess I just feel like it's the right thing to do at the moment, just a gesture I would do for any friend. Like I said, I don't hate her, I just need to be away from her to make my healing process easier. I honestly would like to be friends with her someday, when I'm over the whole thing, but I don't see that being for a long time.

  22. Hi. This is probably going to be harsh, but sometimes a real dose of reality is necessary to save you a ton of pain. The fact is, no, he doesn't care about you like he used to. It's unlikely he hates you, but he has no desire to be with you anymore, even if you have a lot of wonderful qualities (which I have no doubt you do). The sooner you accept that simple fact, the easier it will be for you to deal in the coming weeks and months. Although it's perfectly natural to question why someone left you, the bottom line is that they did, and no reasoning is going to change that or make you feel better.


    Trust me, I know from where I speak, currently being the dumpee (and going through a year-plus of fooling myself into thinking there was some hope for a reconciliation, before accepting the reality of things) and also having been the dumper in the past. When I broke it off with someone, I honestly just didn't have enough romantic feelings for that girl after a year of dating, and I didn't want to continue it anymore. She got really upset and hated me (probably still does) but it was something I had to do for my own happiness, and I knew when I broke up with her that I had no interest in a reconciliation (and now, 7 years later, I honestly have no regrets). So now, having felt that, I know exactly how my ex-girlfriend that dumped me feels about me. And that's very likely how your ex feels about you. Sure, people get back together sometimes, but it's very, very rare, and you can't live your life thinking that's going to happen. So, you're going to have to go through some painful times, there's no getting around it, but the sooner you accept the pain and allow yourself to grieve over the loss (as you would if a friend or family member died), the easier it will be to move past it and eventually find yourself back to a place of happiness and peace.


    I'm sorry if this comes off harsh or tough, but take it from me -- if you spend a lot of time hoping and questioning and wondering and beating yourself up, it's pure torture and it WON'T change the end result. You may as well make it as easy on yourself as possible. Good luck!

  23. Okay, for the benefit of those who haven't seen my old posts, the short version:


    Went out with my ex for about 2.5 years (lived together for about 1.5 years). Broke up in Aug. 2003 but spent most of 2004 hooking up occasionally, this drawing out the breakup. Then didn't see her from Dec. 2004 until a couple of weeks ago (although we instant messaged from time to time) Found out a two weeks ago from her that she's in love with some new guy that she's been seeing for several months.



    Okay, so, she wants to be "my buddy" (ha!) but I don't think I can be friends with her. Obviously she has no feelings for me and while I don't want to be back in the relationship, I'm still in that limbo period where it really hurts (I'm facing the breakup really for the first time, since all of last year I held out hope she'd come back) and I'm feeling lonely and certainly somewhat jealous that she's with someone else in the sense that I don't like thinking about her sleeping with/being held by/happy with another guy even though we're no longer together -- hard to get those visualizations out of my head. ANYWAYS, so obviously the best thing to do here is just not to be in any kind of contact with her, not to get her back or anything remotely like that, but just to heal and get over these lingering feelings for her. I haven't talked to her or instant messaged her in two weeks and I don't want to, but do you think it's important to tell her that I want no contact? In other words, should I just not talk to her anymore, or tell her that I don't want to. Feels like it would be awkward to contact her just to tell her I don't want to contact her anymore. I mean, it's easy to avoid her -- I can just switch off my instant messager, and right now she's in another city staying with her new boyfriend so there's no danger of running into her, and she doesn't really call, so ... but the thing is, if I just don't contact her and don't give her a reason why, she might think I'm really pissed off at her and that's not the case -- I just want to heal. Or should I even really care what she thinks? Some advice would be greatly appreciated. Oh also, her birthday is coming up in a month, and she gave me a card for my birthday a few weeks ago. Should I return the favor, just a simple card with nothing more than "Happy 26th Birthday!" or would that be a "violation" of no contact and not really worth it?

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