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Everything posted by wanttomoveon

  1. Resisting the urge to internet stalk you. Not friends with you on FB anymore, but I know where I can look to see if you've been at home this evening. I'm pretty sure I know exactly what you'll have been doing, after all it is Monday & you are a creature of habit, but what if I found out you weren't at home? It'd only make me feel sh1tty, so I'm gonna fight the urge and try and read my book instead! Hopefully tonight won't be like last night where I laid in bed for hours thinking about stuff. Been awhile since I did that tbh, but rather not do it tonight.
  2. I really wish you were here right now to give me a hug. That's all I want right now. A hug from you. Hugs just aren't the same from other people.
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