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Posts posted by Outsider

  1. Before my current guy and I got together, we were both dating other people... nothing serious, just dating... Him and I have since then been together exclusively since Thanksgiving... My old fling and I still talk as we have become very good friends as does he with his old fling...


    He says he gets jealous when he knows I hang out with my old fling but can't stop me...


    So, the other night, I caught him in a lie. He told me he went to a bar with his buddies. Turns out he forgot to let his friends in on the "cover-up" and when I confronted him, he admitted to me that he was at a different bar with his sister and his old fling.


    Now, if she was drop dead gorgeous, I'd be worried, but she's not at all. She looks like a troll and is very clingy. So, I'm not worried that he wants to be with her - at least I dont think so.


    He told me the only reason he lied is because he didnt want to hurt me... since he gets angry that I hang out with my old fling, he thought I would be angry if he hung out with his ex. I told him that i'm more angry that he lied to me...


    I always give people a second chance but never a third. I just have doubts about trusting him now. When he says he's going out, what should I believe???


    Advise from men and women would be great, thanks.

  2. My friend, try to read their body language... but all 5 of your examples seem to be some sort of sign that they possible could be interested...

    But the best advice I can give you right now is: Do not date anybody you work with...

    I got caught up in that and things suck at work now...

    Be careful!

  3. My ex and I broke up a few months ago. LONG story... He's trying to make things work between himself and his old ex. Yet, he still emails me EVERYDAY, all day long about how beautiful i am and how much he loves me... And how much he wants to be with me - physically... Why? He's told me so many times that I need to move on... As soon as I do, he gets upset and says "I can't believe you..." But he pushed me away... I still love him to death... He betrayed me, lied to me... anything horrible - he did it... but why is he still doing this when he's trying to make things work with his ex?? Advise please...

  4. This is tough. My first guess is that she got scared. By her not talking to you makes things even worse. i know that feeling and it sucks... So many questions and they are all unanswered... All I can say is keep trying to talk to her and ask her to not be afraid and to open up to you - one of the best things in a relationship is communication. That's a great place to start.


    Good luck...

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