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Everything posted by love_bug69

  1. well i want to thank you couse this really helps me out. this is the first time hes done this and we talked and things seem to be working out better and if it happens again i will be sure to take your edvice thank you for helping out.
  2. Well my boyfriend lives with me but it seems like he don't have no time for me. i don't know if it's just me but he picks me up from school then he takes me home he then leaves to go and visit his friends and sometimes i believe he don't go were he tells me hes going. and also theres this girl that he spends a lot of time with he tells me shes just a friend and once in a while he will take my brother when he goes to hang out with her but i feal that hes spending to much time with her. once in a while he'll drop me off at home after school then leave he comes home later that day spends an hour or two with me then leaves again and don't come home until the late hours of the night now. I love him so much and i know he loves me and most of the time he sias hes going to his friends house. See with all my other boyfriends theyv'e cheated on me. And i have attached to this boyfriend so mayby im just scared of loosing him and im just worried.[/color]
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