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Posts posted by silent_cryer

  1. ive lost my man of 2 years and we are still friends but im not sure if i should


    1. Throw away all the love letters

    2. Throw away pictures of her even if we are frends, coz they hurt to look at

    3. Throw away our friendship


    in order to get over him and stop loving him should i do these things? i really dont want to throw them away and then have him come back to me, and i dont know if i should show my true love these things so he can understand how close i was to this previous person, and would it help to stp talking and being frends with him? i find it hard to be away from him, but most of all i find is hard imagining him losing his virginity to this person and i dont want to be around to hear him say he has, any help would be great...thanks

  2. personally i think you should not worry about which is the one, just pick the one that is good and go out with him and see if it happens for you - if it doesnt then go to the other guy, and if he loves you he will understand - but DO NOT lead them on by telling them you love them all, just say your not sure but you want to find out ok - also dont be depressed your lucky you have 3 to choose from, some people have none, look at other posts here and try to see how lucky you are.

  3. far out if i could give her to you i would you seem exactley like me and i k now how bad u must feel, im not over my love yet and its been 6 months - only thing i would say to do is try to get structure, so you know whats gonna happen and when, and if nothings gonna happen get closure and try to move on, i cant move on though so i dunno i feel like killing my love and her love and then myself, but dont do that - also id like to say it doesnt mean your worthless if she moved in with him, it means hes a fudge packer coz he shouldnt have rushed her thats all - and yes a man deserves more chances, so try to get them but if you cant then all you can do is move on go buy a new car and get some new music cds, that helps me, ive bought 3 cars in the last 6 months (all on mortagage but insurance will pay that off wen i die anyway so its kool) anyway let us know wat this person says, and dont

  4. well i feel for you, i would seriously just sit with her, show her exactley what you wrote in your posts and talk about them with her, i know its hard to think about them kissing but just realise her heart is not fully in it with her new boy. i rekkon if yous talk, work it out and get some structure it would be more easyer for you - my ex has me on the back burner at the moment so i know how it feels

  5. That sounds exactley like me, only we never had sex because he wasnt ready and now he wants it with another girl which rips me apart inside coz i thought we would be each others firsts and i looked forward to the time and and im scared as hell he will do it with some one else and then want me back and i will have to say no coz i cant be with somebody whos had sex with somebody else (anybody got help on that?), so think your self lucky in that department... sounds like you two really should sit down and talk about things maybe over the net or phone - and hopefully all will work out, if it doesnt then your in the same boat as me

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