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Everything posted by Brook

  1. hi, My name is Brook I'am 23 years old. About a year ago I started seeing a great guy. We dated for about 3 months and than he got scared. Telling me he didnt think he was "ready" for a relationship. He had his heart broken a couple years ago..........very badly. He has not had a serious relationship since. He has only gone on a handful of dates. Hes 26. Anyway I was falling for him. He broke my heart. We remained friendly and ended up being intimate a couple times a month "no strings". I wanted the "strings" hoping he would change his mind. I continued being intimate with him for at least 5 more months. Nothing changed. That ended about 3 months ago. Now I know for a fact he has not dated anyone since me. I have. I had been dating someone for about 2 months and it didnt work. This person knew my ex they were aquaitances. It had gotten back to me how much it bothered him to see me with another guy. We all live pretty close and go to pretty much the same bars and clubs. So running into him once a week was not a surprise. This last guy I was seeing just was not working. I have stopped seeing him a few weeks ago. I thought I was over my ex but I just saw him over the weekend. I went out with some girlfriends and went into the nightclub. I saw him right away and played it cool. I went over to the bar to get a drink and he came right over and said hello. Now he must have known I broke it off with the other guy because he hadnt come up to me the past couple times I saw him. He told me he always thought I was a great person and how pretty I was. All the feelings I had thought were gone came right back in that instant. I felt butterflies, my heart was racing. It was like it never ended. I asked him if I could kiss him and he said "if you want to" I did I kissed him for about a minute and than pulled away. He than told me his friends and him were not staying they were going to another club. I asked him if later we hang out. He told me to call him. So at about 130 am I called I got his voicemail. Not knowing if he wasnt answering on purpose or just not around I left a message saying that the kiss was a mistake and I was sorry. I lied I'm not sorry. I just wanted to say something because I felt stupid that he didnt answer his cell. Now I don't know what to do. All my friends say it is obvious by the way he came right over and his body language that he still cares for me. I'm still in love with him he brought it all back with just a few words. I don't know if I should call him in a few days or wait it out and see if he calls me. I don't want to miss having a second chance with this guy. Maybe he is ready maybe not. But I really don't have anything to lose. Any advice would be appreciated.
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