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Everything posted by beejy04

  1. Well i talked to her today and she says that she still really wants to be friends until this stage is over. She still wants to go to homecoming with me and hang out and talk and stuff. I just dont want to waste my senior year waiting around for her if theres a chance she will not return. shes seeing a freshman in college right now that i think shes pretty interested in. what should i do? wait, or move on? im looking for someone to date right now as we speak. please give me more advice.
  2. Hey, my name is ben and me and my girlfriend recently broke up after 8 months. in fact, she broke up with me on our anniversary....she seemed heartbroken. she said that im always so sure about how strongly i feel for her, but she doesnt know how she feels about me. she has never had another boyfriend, never kissed another guy or anything, and she doesnt know if she loves me because she doesnt know what love is. im so confused and sad right now. she wants to see other people and she says that if it doesnt work out then it was really meant to be between us. she seems sincere about it and i talked to her about it last night. i told her tha i didnt thik i could wait for her since this is my senior year in hs and i have less than a year left before i move away to college. we never really fought that much about anything and we were perfect together. we were both claiming to be in love but then this arrises.....what am i supposed to do, say, think? i dont want to lose her but i cant push to hard to get her back right? PLEASE HELP ME!!!
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