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Everything posted by Girl114

  1. Thanks for the link but ive already looked at it n dun everything.. Im still lost for words!!
  2. Ive known this guy for about 2 months and we're both really inlove with each other..we always talk on the phone. Now heres my problem, ive got absolutely nothing to say to him at all! Ive just simply run out of things to say, we sometimes talk about our love for each other..but thats about it. I just cannot think if nething to say and hes actually noticed this. Thing is..hes gotten upset about this but he doesn't say much either! I really dont know wut to sy to him..i think i really do love him, n i know pretty much everything about him but we just dont seem to be able to talk!! And ive only known him for 2 months....i dont think this will ever last long if we cant communicate properly! I really dont want to loose him! Please help!
  3. This is a bit long but please bear with me.. I met this guy about two months ago in this party. We got talking n then exchanged numbers. We've been friends ever since n always talk on the phone. About a month ago hes started constantly telling me that hed missed me and that he wanted to see me. Hes also told me that he loved me a couple of times in a jokey non serious way. Now im the kind of person who doesnt really express n let out her feelings easily and hes commented about this before. A few days ago i was on the phone with him, he was depressed n he was telling me how he felt alone n how he didnt have neone to give his heart to n stuff. He then asked me whether i have ne feelings for him n i told him that honestly i think i do..he then asked me whether i was gona tell him, i told him i dont think i would have. He seemed upset at that. Later on, he texts me wondering if i was asleep i told him i wasnt so he told me to go to sleep (it was late at night) i told him that all right, i would...i then -stupidly- told him that i loved him..he asked me if i meant it.. i -stupidly- told him i did..He then told me to go to sleep!!!! which was very humiliating. We've been talking as if nothing had happened ever since and he still goes on about how he misses me and he told me that he loved me..but not in a very jokey way..its like hes leaving me all these little hints and he keeps saying stuff..but hes never actually admitted anything to me..hes just leaving me hanging there.. i have no i dea what his feelings are and..im very confused. Another thing is, he doesn;t live he..he studies abroad and hes going to be leaving in about 3 weeks time, so..maybe thats whats stopping him from saying anythinng?! Please help as i have no idea what to do and its very frustrating!
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