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  1. Well I dont know how i would be qualified to answer this, Im very young, and not the male perspective you asked for, but my parents separated about a year ago, they fought all the time and eventually my dad moved out. When my mom tried living without my dad she just realized how much she needed him. I think if your husband wants you to move out and try being separated for a while, you should definitely do that. Actually, I think you should be the bigger person and give him space, theres nothing that bothers me more than depserate women that just beg their men to take them back... go back to kind of playing hard to get...if it is meant to be he will realize how much he loves you and how much he needs you with him...if not, then it just wasnt meant to be, there are other fish in the sea...but just remember the saying "They say if you love something let it go, if it comes back its yours forever..." just give him some space, as hard as that is. Hope I helped a little...be strong youll get through this...
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