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Posts posted by mysocalledlife

  1. Hi, my problem is me and my g/f were messing around and i was (sorry if i get detailed) fingering her and she is pretty tight. Well we talked about sex and im about an average 7" and 5" in girth but I am afraid of hurting her anything that can help me out.

  2. Well me and my "friend" I say friend cause we are not dating because of some family issues but will be soon hopefully were talking about my upcoming senior prom. I dont like dances I have went to 1 dance and didnt have any fun I dont like to dance or anything so I find them not to amusing. Anyway we were talking about and she wants to go with me even tho she knows I dont like them and told her I wasnt going this year. She is ok with that but I have a problem. If we are dating when prom comes around and I dont want to go I cant tell her not to go with anyone else cause it wouldnt be fair of me to make her miss out. I just have a big jealousy problem knowing that another guy will be taking my g/f to the prom. This is not her senior prom but I have a feeling someone else will ask her to go if I dont. I dont want to go what should I do....

  3. there is no age problem no one minds about the age anymore but anyway i talked to her and she is very upset and is confused and doesnt know what to do but i dont want to feel guilty now if she breaks up with this new kid because i will feel like i made her. She asked me if i was planning on asking her out in the future and up to yesterday it was a for sure yes but today i told her idk and she kinda got upset but i just said i cant say no and i cant say yes cause alot can happened

  4. I dont know what to do anymore I am sooo confused...My story is I like a girl more then anything and I thought she felt the same way by how she acted and talked to me. I passed up opportunitys to date other people and I turned them down cause of her. We were supposed to be dating soon because we used to date but me being 17 and her 14 some people didnt like it so we broke up. Well i have been avoiding other girls and waiting for the right time to go back with her but she tells me today that she was asked out by someone else and said yes. It made me soo mad and jealous not to mention upset so I didnt talk to her for the rest of the day and she kept calling me but I just didnt want to talk cause I would of just gotten more upset. Well I am just confused I cant stop liking this girl even if I tried I wana be with her even tho sometimes I get my feelings hurt I just dont know what to do anymore

  5. I am 17 and I have been talking to my ex lately cause we are still friends. Well she invited me to her house to stay the night while her parents were away for the weekend. I didnt think anything of it because she said she was uncomfortable staying home alone but I told her that I couldnt cause I had to work real early in the morning even tho that wasnt the main reason. Well since I broke up with my ex I have always thought she was a virgin cause she would tell me when we were dating that she wouldnt have sex with anyone until she was dating them for a long time. I guess that changed cause her friend sent me a message saying my ex wanted me to stay so she could try to have sex with me. I am still a virgin and I dont just want to have sex with anyone but the point is I said no cause I have feelings for someone else even tho we are not dating I love this girl and she has strong feelings for me and I wouldnt do anything to hurt her. Well I told a couple of my friends at work and there like "dude u should of went and had sex with her, your not dating anyone" and they were joking around with me which doesnt bother me but I was j/w did I do that right thing?, would u of done the same? or would u of went?

  6. I understand u dont wana be ripped on but u are marriend for 12 years with 3 kids dont u love ur wife i really dont want to be mean and say all this bad stuff especially cause im not even an adult and i dont know what its like to be married for 12 years or even date for 12 years but if i did i would never kiss another woman or do anything that would hurt my wife and kids its things like this that cause a couple to split up sorry about being mean i just wanted to put my opinion in

  7. I have lately been hanging out with my ex cause we are pretty good friends and its nothing more then friendship at least thats what I thought until one of her friends asked me if I still liked her cause she still likes me which was ok I guess but I have been with someone else not dating them but almost which still doesnt bother me because my ex is real cool about me likeing someone else but last night she asked me if I wanted to stay with her tonight cause her parents are gone for the weekend and I said no cause # 1 I feel uncomfortable staying at my exs house when I like someone else #2 I dont think the girl I am almost dating would appreciate it and even tho I would never do anything to hurt her but my question is do u think she is taking it to far by inviting me over while her parents arent home???? or am I just being paranoid that she is trying to like break me and her up or something

  8. I am 17 and I take dating very serious im not the kind of guy who will just hook up with anyone or go have sex with all these girls I have more respect for them then to break there hearts. Anyway I have met this girl who is a little younger then me but I have never had these feelings for someone before. My last girlfriend I liked alot we dated for 4 months but I never told her I love you cause we made an agreement that we wouldnt say it unless we meant it and she felt the same way. Well the girl that I am talking to now I cant stop thinking about her, I wake up and she is the first thing on my mind and all day I think about her. We usually talk every night she calls me when i get home around 11 and we talk till all the time I know she has feelings for me cause she has told me but could this be love. I have never felt this way before i just feel so good when I talk to her or when I am around her, if I am having a bad day she is there to cheer me up and she is just so awesome. What do you think? Cause some people say its just a thing with her but I dont think it is.

  9. I know exactly how u feel about wanting her all to urself, does she know how u feel about her? cause if not try telling her how u feel dont try to break them up cause that wouldnt be a good friend but let her know that u think about her all the time and that u are falling in love with her

  10. I know what u mean cause I think about a girl 24/7 well you have to respect her that she has a b/f and asking her if u could just kiss her might put her in a uncomfortable situation the best thing u could do for now is be a good friend and just see what happeneds with her other relationship

  11. I am a 17 year old guy who in most peoples opinion see me pretty nice, sometimes too nice they say. Well I was dating a girl who is about to turn 15 and she meant alot to me cause I never felt that way towards someone before. Her mom didnt like the fact that I was older then her daugther so it caused some problems cause she wouldnt let her hang out with me. We ended up breaking up cause of it and now we still talk and are real good friends. We both talk to other people even tho she has told me she still loves me and I feel the same way about her. She had a talk with her mom about us and got her mom to realize that the age is not that bad and it would be ok to date. but while we were broke up she was dating someone else which doesnt bother me but makes me very jealous even tho I dont show it or tell her. I really care about her cause I think about her all the time and she is very special to me. Do u think me being jealous is going to be a problem if we go back out i was j/w

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