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Donny JeffcoaT

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Posts posted by Donny JeffcoaT

  1. Ya its sad but true. Girls don't like to be alone. Plus girls love/need attention. If a girl is single they will get asked out often. But guys have to get the courage to ask out a girl which is hard after a breakup plus they have to find a single girl which also seems very hard to find. It also seems like girls get attached easier yet can forget so much easier. I'll admit its hard for me to fully get attached to someone but when i do. I can't bare to let them go. But 90% of the time if a girl just goes out with a guy to feel better about herself it never works out and they will regret it in the end.

  2. Hi, Okay I've been friends with this girl for about 2 months now. We have always been very flirty with each other and i've always had a crush on her . As time went by we got closer and closer. I could always tell she liked me too but she had a boyfriend so i never asked her out. i would just be friendly. She hasent been happy with her boyfriend for awhile. Then one day we were talking and she was all sad so i wanted to make her feel better and without even thinking about what i was saying i told her that if she was single i would love to date her. Then she got all happy and said she liked me. So a few days later she tells me that she kinda broke up with her boyfriend(there on a brake, she told me she wants to let him down easy.She says he's very possesive) I felt really bad but everyone was telling me who cares, like if i didnt do it some other guy would come along and do it so why not me. So we started talking a lot more. We even hung out for awhile 1 day. Then the next day i called her. But she was really busy so she said she would call me back. She didnt call me back. Which was okay, this was the day she said her boyfriend was demanding to hang out with her and this was when she told me she wanted to let him down easy. i dont want to rush anything. But its been 3 days since i've talked to her i called twice but she hasent been home i didnt leave a message.She hasent called me at all. The weird thing was last night i was at Mcdonalds with my friends. then out of nowhere her and her boyfriend walked in. I don't think she saw me but i didnt say anything. What should i do? Everything seemed to be going so perfectly except for the fact she hasent called me in 3 days. Like after hanging out i was 100% sure we were gonna start dating.Am i over reacting? I just really like her a lot. Way more than i ever expected to. I know its bad to date a girl right after she got out of a relationship. I dont feel like a rebound guy. am I? sorry about all the questions. Ive just made so many mistakes in my like with girls. I dont want to again. I'm also very insecure with girls. Like if a girl told me she liked me, then the next kinda ignored me i would think she doesnt like me anymore. Ya im very insecure. Please tell me what you think of this situation. I would really like to know.

  3. I can pretty much guarnatee if she's a virgin shes gonna be sore the next day. make sure you go slow and dont be to forceful. From what ive heard most girls don't enjoy there first time but it will get better. Definently make sure to get her wet so it will be easier for her. get condoms with spermicide. i think those are the trojans in the blue box. don't get the extended pleasure condoms because they make your dick go numb. After you ejaculate it takes awhile before you go limp. plus after you ejaculate your penis is extra sensitive so i promise you after that you will want to stop and take a break. just pull out after you cum. If you guys wanna be extra romantic try to have simaltanious orgasms. Better yet save that for later. ok well have fun. hope i helped.

  4. I met this girl who i'm friends with and one day when she was feeling really bad i kinda told her that i liked her. I know i shouldnt have done this but i kinda wanted her to know. but i said that it was nothing much and since she had a boyfriend i wasent ever gonna act on it. then she called me later that night and we talked for along time and she told me that she wants to hang out and that even though she has a boyfriend she wants to date other people. She said she didnt see having a future with her boyfriend. She told me to call her soon which was yesterday. so now i dont know what to do. i would feel awful if her boyfriend found out about this. i wanna call her but i know i shouldnt. i guess i have another question why do people stay with people that they arent truly happy with? please i need advice i dont really know what i should do.

  5. well were not really friends. we just met. i'd say were more aquintences than anything but im one to always take things really slow.Where i live it seems damn near impossible to find a nice sweet girl whos not an attention whore. But i feel like we clicked way faster than i ever have with another girl.Its nice that i can be myslf around her and feel comfortable i normally cant do that all that well with new people. But i have opened up to her more than she has to me. I'm sure i care for her more than she cares for me but she honestley does flirt with me a lot. always telling me how cute and funny i am and she always points out when girls are checking me out. im a pretty shy guy and i dont ever ask girls out ive been lucky most ive dated have come to me. but ya i dont think ill say anything i can be friends with her its not like im in love with her. She just intrigued me. which is rare in a girl. to me most of them are all the same.

  6. ya it is rather easy to please or turn on a guy. i don't know if most guys are like this but i really like an aggressive girl. When your laying on your bed cuddling or on the couch just randomly out of nowhere stick your hand down his pants i really like it when girls make the move for sex it just really turns me on way more than if i have to do all the work. plus not to sound bad but honesly a bj a day will make a very happy man. hope i helped. plus remember only do things your ready for.

  7. Is it bad to tell a girl, that has a boyfriend that you like her. I mean, i know it is bad to tell her that you want her to break up with her boyfriend. I would never do that, would it be bad to tell a girl very suttle that if she was single you would love to date her. Because i met this girl who i have a small crush on and we are extremly flirtatious when together at work mainly plus we talk online. I know she has a boyfriend which is why i never act on her flirtation and i've never asked her to hang out. Its just weird because after i broke up with my ex about 6 months ago it felt like i would never find another girl i liked. I pretty much have not been interested in any of the girls that ive met since until i met this new girl. of course, my luck she had a boyfriend. Man life sucks sometimes. OK i'd really like to hear your opinions on what i should do.

  8. Our relationship was very good and serious. we went out for 2 years. We took a break because our schedules were conflicting and she didn't get to see me as much as she wanted to and she would get sad so we decided to take time apart even though we still hung out a few times after we broke up then she started ignoring me for a while so i left her alone for a couple weeks then i startd missing her more and more then when i finally got a hold of her i found out that she just started seeing her new boyfriend. She said a bunch of things like she see's us getting back together in the future, but she was confortable right now which really ***ed with my head especially when i poured my heart out to her but she still wouldn't come back (which i now relize was a bad idea). I tourtured myself for a month being her friend and hanging out with her like twice a week then i couldnt handle it anymore and thats when i tried to break it off and she said that i just needed time and she would call me in the future. a month later she IM'ed me. But i dont know if i should call her.

  9. She knows how i feel about her, and i don't want to ever be friends with her. I know i could never be friends with her she's a great girl but a terrible friend. thats why she doesn't have any really good friends mainly just aquientences, i've noticed most gilrs that i know are the same way. She told me that i was her bestfriend still after we broke up and i was gonna be okay with being her best friend but like i said before she was not a good friend. But i know we could never truly be friends because her new boyfriend would get pissed. He didnt know that we still hung out after they started going out but he's a dousch. It was just hard being some what of a friend especially when i couldnt call between certain hours because i didn't want to call when they were together. But back to the point she knows i won't ever be friends with her she means way to much to me.

  10. After not talking to my ex for a month because i told her i couldn't be friends with her anymore she IM'ed me today which at first i liked because it showed me she still thinks about me and wants to know how i've been and i still really care about her but the pointless small talk just pisses me off. She knows im still hurt and that i hate her new boyfriend even though shes nice enough to never bring him up it just kinda brought back my feelings of wanting to be with her again. Why do girls do this?

  11. Maybe i'm stupid but i think it all depends on why you broke up in the first place. If someone cheated on you or if you fought with someone all the time it will probably never work out. I think when people break up for reasons like their lives are too busy for a serious relationship or if they just didnt want the relationship at the time there are good chances if you met again it could work out. I still feel that even though my ex and i broke up theres a good chance we could get back together in the future. Even though i've given up on trying to get back with her now. If you want a success storiy my friend at work broke up with his girlfriend of 2 years and they didnt talk for 1 1/2 years but somehow love found a way( ya i know that sounds lame) but anyways they have been together for a year since and they say their relationship is better than ever and after all that time they relized that the break up did them good and let them see how much they really cared about each other. I dont know how rare this case was but theres is always hope. Just remember anything is possible and theres no rule book on love.

  12. Hi, as a 21 year old male i figure i could maybe give you some advice on the matter. It sounds to me like he really cares about you and im sure he thinks your beautiful because he wouldnt be with you if he didn't. I don't really think its fair to you that he doesnt let you go to local shows in fear of you meeting someone else. Why doesn't he go with you? Wheres the trust?. I know there is nothing wrong with watching porn. i know sometimes in relationships after time the sex life does drop in how much you do it. Have you ever asked him what he likes about the porn and if you guys could try it together. It does sound like he watches a little more porn than the average guy but to each there own. I've never given advice on here but i hope i helped but don't worry just remember that sex is actually a really small and not that important part of a relationship don't get me wrong its great and all but what matters most is that you both care and love each other and when your old together when you have no sex drive at all left you will still love every second of being with this person.

  13. OK ive been on this board for awhile and i think i've asked every single question imaginable about my whole relationship with my ex. I have greatly appreciated every opinion that ive gotten but i guess i have one last question. I know everyone hear answers with there expiriences but no one really knows my whole personal situation but me. So my question is should i trust my instincts and feelings i have about how everything will end up or can your instincts not really be trusted when your hearts broken? Because i know i have done some dumb things in past not thinking with my head and only thinking with me heart. But my instincts have never really steered me wrong before all of this. You guys know what i mean? Any opinions on this? i would really love some.

  14. Ya im still hung up on her but my feelings are very different now the they were when we first broke up. I still miss her a lot and think about her all the time but i don't feel the pain anymore. i can laugh and be myself again.But to Mar was your fiance a rebound guy of some sort. Did you meet him right after a relationship or were you completely hea;ed and happy the day you met him?Thanks.

  15. Ok my ex moved in with her new boyfriend after only 2 weeks of dating. Not because they were so in love but they both needed a place to live. they each have there own rooms. How hard is it for 2 people to live together that soon? I mean relationships are hard enough when built on a solid foundation but man there relationship seems to be moving so fast. How long do you think it will last? Do you think them being bfriend and gfriend will make it harder for them to get along then say for just roomates with no attachment to get along. They have been going out for about 2 and 1/2 months now. Every person i know that knows her bfriend all say he's an idiot and will mess it up. She even said she went out with him to get over me. It's like i know there relationship is gonna crash and burn just because it was so forced at first. I just don't know how long i should expect it to go.How long does an average relationship last? Anyones opinion on this matter would be great. Thanks alot.

  16. Thanks a lot for the advice. I'm still having mixed feelings about all of this. All my friends except for one say i shouldnt. The one that says i should has a really great relationship with his girlfriend and really seems to know what to do with women. He's what i like to call a "True Romantic" Anyways i've got a few weeks until her birthday. When we decided to take our break we both still wanted to be together we just knew we had some stuff to fix. We both thought we would get back together. Even after i found out about her new bfriend she told me she still see's us getting back together. But i stupidly tried to get her to break up with him for me and that didnt work very well. But to tell you the truth i dont want to call her as a friend. Her friendship means nothing to me. She means way more to me than a friend. I have plenty of friends. The only reason i want to call her, is so she knows i still care about her and still would like to get back together in the future. Is this bad?

  17. About 3 weeks ago i broke off contact with my ex. She has a new boyfriend. I told her we shouldnt talk or see each other anymore because it was too hard for me to be friends. She said i just need time and she wil call me in the future. I still miss her alot and think about her all the time but the pain is pretty much gone. I still really wanna get back together and think we have a good chance to as soon as things go bad with her new dousch boyfriend. But sometimes i wonder if she will ever call me. It sucks every time i hear my phone ring i hope its her but i know in my mind it isnt. I know things will go bad with her new guy i just dont know how long it will last. but back to my question her birthdays in a few weeks if she doesnt call me by then should i call her to let her know i still care or is this a bad idea? i mean im not gonna be stupid anymore and tell her i want her to be with me but should i just say happy birthday and ask her how she's been. I mean i really care about her. I dont want her to think that i don't care about her anymore, if i dont call her on her birthday.your advice would be greatly appreciated!

  18. ok we never actually broke up we decided to take a break because we had been going out for 2 years and she fealt like we needed to take anothe step and grow but after 2 years the next step is basically engagment and me thinking we were so young i dont want to get married till im done witth school which at the rate im going will be like 6 more years we never really broke up for a reason i guess the number 1 reason was because our schedules were conflicting and we didnt have enough time to see each other. Neither one of us wanted to. We just fealt like it would be a good idea to take a break. the whole time after we broke up we missed each other a lot and she wanted to get back together but i guess i took to long. The weird thing is we always got along so good our personalities meshed so well together. BUt all my friends say she will call when things go bad with her new boyfriend but i guess im just scared she will forget me. Do these cirumstances sound like we have a good chance to get back together?

  19. Ok i broke up with my ex about 4 months ago.We went out for 2 years. She's has a new boyfrind who she has been going out with for about 2 months. We broke up on really good terms and our relationship was pretty good except for some slight problems that can easily be fixed. We are just so young me 21 and her 19. Im ok with dating other people for awhile since we were each others first loves but i dont want us to grow apart and not talk ever again. I kinda broke it off with her 3 weeks ago and said we shouldnt talk or see each other anymore because i was having so much trouble being friends. But she said no i just need time. and she will call me in the future. ok well anyways she even told me she started going out with her new boyfriend to get over me. i know thats not a good foundation to start a relationship on. I'm 99% positive they arent gonna work out i just dont know how long it will last.She seems to like him more now than when they first started dating but i honestley dont know how they are together. Ive never seen them together.I just dont want her to forget about me. she hasent called and im too scared to call her i dont know what to do? how often do people get back together after they have broken up? Is it bad that i still want to get back together and cant completely let go? she seriously means the world to me.I tried dating other girls but i know im not ready for that yet.how come she could so easily?ok im sorry this was so long. please help i would greatly appreciate it. thanks.

  20. man your lucky because you have the power now. all my ex would do is hang out with me for like an hour and then leave. It started off ok as friends but then she became very distant. It just sucks because she owns me right now. She has me wrapped around her finger. I dont want this anymore. I wish my ex would call me more, so i would feel like she still thinks about me. I mean we went out for 2 years i hope she still thinks about me. Her new boyfriend is a dumb a**. i know there not gonna last. But i feel like ever since i told her how i fealt and she didn't seem to care now there's nothing left for me to do but move on.Why do girls lie. why couldn't she just tell me it was over from the beggining of her new relationship so i culd have moved on and not wasted my time or pride on her. F**k her. F**k girls.Man, My pain is quickly growing to anger.

  21. man your lucky because you have the power now. all my ex would do is hang out with me for like an hour and then leave. It started off ok as friends but then she became very distant. It just sucks because she owns me right now. She has me wrapped around her finger. I dont want this anymore. I wish my ex would call me more, so i would feel like she still thinks about me. I mean we went out for 2 years i hope she still thinks about me. Her new boyfriend is a dumb a**. i know there not gonna last. But i feel like ever since i told her how i fealt and she didn't seem to care now there's nothing left for me to do but move on.Why do girls lie. why couldn't she just tell me it was over from the beggining of her new relationship so i culd have moved on and not wasted my time or pride on her. F**k her. F**k girls.Man, My pain is quickly growing to anger.

  22. man your lucky because you have the power now. all my ex would do is hang out with me for like an hour and then leave. It started off ok as friends but then she became very distant. It just sucks because she owns me right now. She has me wrapped around her finger. I dont want this anymore. I wish my ex would call me more, so i would feel like she still thinks about me. I mean we went out for 2 years i hope she still thinks about me. Her new boyfriend is a dumb a**. i know there not gonna last. But i feel like ever since i told her how i fealt and she didn't seem to care now there's nothing left for me to do but move on.Why do girls lie. why couldn't she just tell me it was over from the beggining of her new relationship so i culd have moved on and not wasted my time or pride on her. F*ck her. F*ck girls.Man, My pain is quickly growing to anger.

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