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Posts posted by KarenWalker

  1. Ahh okay here's my piece of advice:


    don't use 2 condoms!! It's a myth that it's safer, actually wearing 2 increases your chances of them breaking...you see, laytex on laytex causes the condoms to tear much more easily...


    and never use withdrawl no matter how experienced you are!


    and remember don't have sex because everyone else is, only do it for you. i don't think there's a right age, so it's not that you're too young to have sex...it just worries me that you are having so many doubts. but do what you want and do it safe


    hope i helped.


  2. Ahh okay here's my piece of advice:


    don't use 2 condoms!! It's a myth that it's safer, actually wearing 2 increases your chances of them breaking...you see, laytex on laytex causes the condoms to tear much more easily...


    and never use withdrawl no matter how experienced you are!


    and remember don't have sex because everyone else is, only do it for you. i don't think there's a right age, so it's not that you're too young to have sex...it just worries me that you are having so many doubts. but do what you want and do it safe


    hope i helped.


  3. Hey there


    I think you should call him, because it seems liek mayeb he thought you brushed him off...and if thats the case then why not call him and let him know you'd liek to go out again...If you like him and think you'd be good together or just want to have another fun time, then I would call him . What is there to loose? Go for it!


    I'm inexperienced so if this is wrong, someone correct me lol


  4. Hey everyone


    Some of you know my situation with one particular guy...one who I wasn't sure if he liked me but I liked him. Well I decided I needed to figure out if I really wanted a relationship with him so I took some time to myself...I cut off talking to him for a few days...And now I feel more confident than ever that I only want to be friends with him. Not becasue of the way he acts, or my doubts (which I did have), it was more or less a decision that I wasn't actually ready to have anything more than friendship with him...and I was mistaking having feelings of becoming good friends with just having feelings for him.


    Anyways so that's passed on now, I know it was quick but hey whoo hoo. So now I have a bit of a problem...one of my guy friends and I are having a movie night together...but alone instead of with a group. I think he may like me and I just might have a tincy bit of a flutter about him...but I'm not sure if it's too rushed or something...and also now that I don't want to be more than friends with guy #1, how do I act around him? Is it okay to talk about these feelings for guy #2 to him? Becasue we are close...but I've never talked about who I like to him...Any advice would be appreciated . Thanks.



  5. "I watch the dancing elvis

    Nailed to the wall"



    I like this stanza particularily. Interesting poem, I love the broken up drama. Very emotional....the only thign I didn't have a liking for was the my heart has stopped too line....I think it coudl be metaphorically present through the elvis stopping his dancing or soemthing...just don;t state the obvious. Lol I don;t knwo what I'm talking about, sorry...it's very good.



  6. Hey there...

    well first thing's first...being gay is absolutely fine. If you ever meet criticism about liking girls, just dismiss it, it's ridiculous.

    Secondly.....you seem to have feelings for both guys and girls...in my opinion you may just be bisexual. Think about it, you can have the best of both worlds! haha...no but seriousley don't limit your sexual orientation, after all it's like they say: soul has no gender. So try it out a little, see if what you feel for girls is real...just be with who you want to be with and you'll be happy and much less confused....but rewmember it'll take time.



  7. Hey there

    Wow I can imagine the stress you're going through! Alrighty i'll try and help out the best I can...All I can say is tell her, tell her, tell her! While they may have a seemingly functional and good relationship, if he's hitting on you, then it's a clear indication that that relationship is just an illusion! Just think of it like this: if he has the guts (and idiocy) to hit on his g/f's friend, then just imagine what could happen later on..at least this time it was relativley innocent (and hopefully hte first!). Your friend may not like to hear it now, and may even meet your caution with hostility..but remember it's better to tell her now than later, the hurt will be significantly less...and just think, if she can work through it with him they may stay together for much longer than if you let it go unvoiced! So please think of your friend's good will and muster up the courage...good luck!



  8. Hey everyone...

    Alright so if anyone's read my previous post, you'll know my situation...basically I like a guy who I'm pretty goodf riends with and I am stuck with what to do.

    So the other day I got really brave (oos and aas all around I'm sure) and suggested that he coem with my friend and I to shoot some pool (one of our shared interests). He said sure maybe btu he didn't want to make any promises... Oh deary me. So I moved the convo on from there...oh but wiat there's more haha. The other night he ws mentioning goign to see a movie and I couldn't help but think that maybe he was trying to hint at me going (I read into things too much eh). And its a medical mystery hwo I reacted: I brushed the comment off and just moved along in the convo. WHAT AM I THINKING?! Anyway so I was wondering what do you think this all means....and maybe soem suggestions on where to go from here? He doesn't seem to be making a move at all..I don't know how obvious I'm being, Im a cool as a cucumber kidna girl...I don't like to be vulnerable. Please try your best to help me out


    thanks, karenwalker.


    p.s im 16.

  9. Hey there...

    I would like to begin by saying that these last two replies were a little on the scary side, I felt like i was listening to Dr.Phil (note: I dislike Dr.Phil).


    Anyway first of all, DO NOT blame yourself for this, don't blame her either, but for goodness sake it is not your "faults" that have caused you suituation...has it ever occurred to these last two posters that maybe the girl isn't some godess that this guy is totally unworthy of? Sheesh....listen, you two just didn't work out, and trust me, it happens. Obviousley you can't get over her, and that happens too....but don't feel like it only happens to you. Never think that, because it's untrue and self-hurtful. You need to work from YOUR inside out...you feel depressed because you're not together with this girl that you feel like you love very much. My only advice is try to look at yourself, and I mean really look at yourself (note: I've done this before, and after 3 days of bawling in a dark room, I felt something I can't possibly describe) and figure out why it is you feel that your self-worth is based upon your ability to get this girl, or just A girl. Relationships are not a good way to self-gauge, take it from me...you need to discover a way to be happy with or without a girlfriend. However DO cut off all contact with her...no cheating...but this doesn't necessarily mean out of sight out of mind...you will be thinking about her, but whatever you do don't talk to her. It will not bring immediate amazing results of being over her, humans can't just force themselves to feel one way or another...that's a behaviourist's take on life, Dr.Phil sorta people. Terrible way to go about things, you may just end up deteriorating from false happiness. So basically all I can say is find yourself a good psycho-therapist and work through these issues with him/her...they will help you to pinpoint your issues and then help you work through them...they may be the shunned in the psychology world but I promise they will help you make progress...


    Remember you are you, and don't let anyone ever tell you that's not good enough. If this girl can't see that, then she's not worth the pain...but don't try to force her to see your wonderful self...move on. But do try to help yourself, not for the purpose of looking better to girls, but for being mentaly healthy And please please please don't go to a nightclub to find a girl...it'll end up making you feel more empty and make you think about the original gal...work through your issues first, then slowly you'll be and feel ready to take on a relationship. Hope I've helped...



  10. Hey


    Girls are ridiculous. See, i can say that because I am one, lol...you on the other hand, should never try that within a 5 mile radius of a female.


    But I know what you mean with mixed signals...she seems nice one second, not the next...okay here's a trick, try and remember what you were doing right before each incident...lol I know this seems liek a a lot to ask, btu I know that my behaviour toward someone I liek is determined on how he treats me. If you were being super friendly the times she smiled, and otherwise the times she wasnt so nice, then she does like you, but is cautious with how she feels....All I can say is try! You'll never know unless you do! Wow, isn't that the most frustrating of all advice? If you're too afriad of getting hurt, then feel her out a bit, ask her to hang out with a bunch of people and see how she acts around you...the movies are a good common ground to establish how she feels...but besides that and tlaking to her, I'm afraid it's trial & error!


    Hope I helped,

    KarenWalker (real name: Jess...karen from Will & grace)


    p.s from the sounds of things she does have a crush, but I don't know everything, so don't trust me lol!

  11. Hey there


    I have a couple of tidbits of advice that I hope will help, so here it goes


    you obviousley care about this girl very much, and she must love you too...this being said, try and remember that you two have been dating for such a long time that you're finely tuned to each other's emotions, etc...this should put aside your fear of her not feeling the distance, because if you're feeling it, chances are she's aware as well. If you try to talk about it and she seems taken aback, try and remember brigning something like that right out in the open can be a shock...so at first she might react in a weird way, eg getting upset....but if you're in a healthy relationship, she'll come around and feel comfortable talking about it..the trick is to bring it up with some care, and calmly, no accusations, you know?


    Second thing is if you're absolutley terrified of talking to her about it, all you need to give you that needed confidence is knowing that what you're doing will keep what you're so afriad of loosing alive....when you think about it, would you rather bring your distance up or just let yourselves drift farther and farther apart?? When you're talking to her about it, just repeat to yourself I'm doing this for our relationship, it needs to be done. The immediate heat felt from bringing it up is no comparison to breaking up entirley....so try your best, and remember that you can work through anything when you love someone!


    Hope I've helped,

    Karen Walker

  12. Hey


    well it sounds like you two have a good time together, and you seem to have a particular liking for him...lol so go for it! But just make sure that you make it clear that you value the friendship...when you're talking to him about it, try to make sure he's not weirded out and tell him that no matter what happens you don't want your friendship to die, cause it sounds like he's cool to hang out with no matter what...ask yourself if you really want a relationship or if you're just mistaking friendship for more...but otherwise it sounds like he's great and digs ya! good luck!



  13. Hey everyone (brace yourselves, this'll take a trip or two down memory lane to explain, please bear with me)


    Okay so this is my first time posting, or even doing anything like this in general. So far it seems to be a decent way to get some friendly advice...so let's move on to the reason I felt compelled to join sparatically. It's guy troubles (of course, what else), and pretty much all the problems I have revolve around that one special (grr not to mention frustrating and confusing) someone. To explain it well, I'll start from the beginning (by the way, I'm in highschool, thus I believe some of the antics and ridiculousness can be explained without using the word hollywood).


    Alright I have (or had) a guitar class ( to anyone whos into music and musician types, it's like a buffet of cool guys). One of my friends liked this guy, but was too shy to ask him for msn or anything. So I took it upon myself (with her permission, no worries) to kinda hint and give him her email. They ended up just being friends, out of mutual respect for their friendship. I never really got involved in the whole thing past the email. Then one day he added me on msn and started talking to me. It was fine and all because he's a very smart and generally cool kinda guy, and him and my friend had already decided to stay friends. We were barley friends, more acquaintances, until our convos started getting more open and serious. That's when everything went crazy. I started to like him(female curse), but I'm pretty hmm, indecisive, so I didn't act any different or reveal anything to him. Problem is now that we're closer, he's acting differently. He's putting on that whole macho cool act (guys, whats that all about??), and it drives me nuts. We share a lot of the same interests and get along well, but we haven't actually hung out or done anythign together...ever. He doesn't seem to take any initiative, and I'm too scared to do it myself.


    So this is where you all come in. Can someone please give me some advice, any advice (haha oh dear) on what to do? I want to hang out with him, but I don't know how to go about it. Suggestions on how to get together, where etc would be appreciated. Opinions on what hes trying to do guys?? Thanks a lot.


    Hopin' for some guy input,

    Karen Walker.

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