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Posts posted by Happily_Saved

  1. Hey, i just wanted to tell you that what you are going through is normal. Me and my boyfriend broke up 3 weeks ago. And I was deeply in love with him. After a week I was like "oh im ok im over it now" but then sometimes i still out of no where break down and cry. That part is over. But still, when I pass a guy or something I put my head down or look away as I did when me and Arek went out for a sign of respect. I still do that and i'm not even going out with him or see him anymore. Just keep being strong and soon enough things will be back to normal again.

  2. I've recently started a band with this guy. He's really cool. We seem to really get along. I'm really happy when we talk, hes just so fun to talk to. I dunno if im blind or wut but i wanna know what yous think. When i'm around him he seems a little shy. He cant remain eye contact with me. and every time he looks at me or i look at him he bites his lip. hes even asked to bring me to Canadas Wonderland and he tries to find time to see me when he can. He's also very sweet. What do yous think?

  3. hey, ya if he says he cheated i'm not gonna break up with him for the fact that i love him with all my heart. he goes to poland every 2 years so he would be seeing the girl again but not for a while ya know. we can just pray everything goes well. thanks for the reply

  4. there has been some things going down with me n my boyfriend. we both really love eachother. he says he still really loves me. he just got back from Poland a week ago and he hasnt been the same. Hes coming over today to reveal what has been on his mind and why he has been acting so weird. These are reasons that I feel he's gonna tell me he cheated. What do you think?


    Reasons He Will Say He Cheated...


    1)He said I did nothing wrong

    2)Says He's really messed up right now

    3)Says he hopes I understand and we'll still be together

    4)Has been running away from everything

    5)I had dreams when he was gone to Poland that he cheated

    6)Mom claims he will reveal that to me (she's always right with stuff. She said when he gets back from Poland she has a feeling things wont be the same, and they aren't, she was right)

    7)He made a lot of new friends when he went to Poland, mostly girls because of his cousin

    8)He brought me back a necklace and shirt (Probably because he felt bad and needed to make himself feel better)

    9)He said when he comes over today to tell me, that he wants to go somewhere away from my house alone where there's no one. (Probably because when he tells me he thinks I'll cry and get mad and doesn't want my parents seeing me hurt)

  5. well you see. i dont think i can tell my parents. The only one that is truly helping me get through this stuff is God but even then he states "The truth Shall set you free" and i dont like the idea of councelling. It's something I'd never go for. Do you think the parents would be understanding?

  6. Wow, thats horrible. I know how badly it must hurt right now being in this situation. I've been with my boyfriend for 4 months n we r havin mini troubles and i think of losin him and i could never see myself with another guy ever again cuz he is my soulmate. But by wut you have been sayin, its like she is trying to play games or sumthing. it's like she was testing to see if you actually would buy her a rin and when she found out you did and all that it got her scared and she decided that she wasnt ready for marriage. to me it sounds like she doesnt want to be in a relationship, as hard as it sounds i know. But I think that you should let her go rather then be friends with benefits. you spent 10 months giving ur entire heart to this girl and this is what she does in return. you dont deserve that. Friends with benefits isnt right after all, she doesnt even deserve you. I hope i've helped. It's good your still a virgin, saving sex till marriage will be very rewarding.

  7. I've never really told anyone about this. Maybe only 4 people just like that other girl. Since I was born this old man lived with us, he was renting a room off us and i'd go downstairs and watch t.v with him sometimes. He died 5 years ago. When I was 6 years old I went downstairs to watch t.v like usual and he had his pants undone and everything out in the open. I was only 6 so i didnt know better. But he asked me to do stuff, so I ended up doin all this sexual stuff. Take in mind, I was 6 and he was in his late 50's. He also touched me in places. I never told my parents. To this day it haunts me very badly. Was I mollested?

  8. I've been going out with this guy for 4 months now. He came back a week ago from Poland. He was gone away for a month. Me And Him are both Christians. So we look to God for everything in life. Before he left for Poland things were going great. Now that hes back things are weird. He said he wants more freedom. And that he has, I only see him twice a week now. He tells me we are 100% fine and that he really loves me. Before, he used to call me everyday and stuff and he'd keep in touch with me. He started a new job the other day, where he gets too and from work from the guy named Luke. Luke is a very persuasive type of guy and likes to be in control of stuff. My Bf told me he'd call me today but he didnt. And he said he wasnt going to church tonight and didnt every mention during the week why, and today i found out from a friend that he said hes going to a bon fire tonight. He didnt even bother to tell me. I was hoping someone could tell me what they think is going on. He says he loves me, he hugs me and cuddles with me and holds my hand when were together but when we are apart it sux. Keep in mind that he is a christian thereforeeeee he would never cheat or go and find some other girl.

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