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Posts posted by tirnie

  1. Sorry its so long! I've been with this guy for a month now. Previous to this relationship, I suppose I was slightly scandalous. While I was only sleeping with one guy for the past three months, I was always hooking up with other people. The guy I was sleeping with was just sex and that was agreed. When I met this guy everything changed. For the first time in two years I wanted to commit. I asked him out. I knew that what had happened in the past would come up so I told everything about the past and what it meant as well as my present relationships with these people, most of whom are still my friends. He never seemed to care except about the guy that I had been sleeping with. I made sure to tell my boyfriend every conversation that I had with him so that he knew nothing was still going on. One day he came to my house while he should have been at work. He seemed really strange. He told me that one of his buddies had called him up and told him that I had cheated on him with this guy he knew. It turned out that I had met this guy while we were together but nothing had actually happened, nothing would have either. He was in fact one of my friends ex-boyfriends and current friend which is why we even hung out. So after explaining this, my boyfriend let it go. I spent the next night with one of my guy friends and told my boyfriend so, and he knows we're nothing more than friends. In the morning my friend dropped me of in our village and two more of my buddies picked me up. (one just got his license, the other was the one I had been sleeping with up until my boyfriend. ) he told me that the day that my boyfriend had come to ask me about the other guy that he thought I had cheated with, my boy had stopped by his house to ask him whether he and I had slept together since we had been together. I called him up and dumped him immediately. i mean I know I'm falling in love with him but he never asked me if there was anything, I told him everything, and he never even mentioned stopping by at this guys house. I dont believe in relationships without trust. I was a complete wreck, he found me, I brushed him off so now he wont talk to me. I really want to be with him but clearly he doesnt understand that and now I'm afraid I lost him for good. What should I do?

  2. what? thats obsurd. Dont be a creep to get what you want. You say you're already friends, then thats great. Support her. If they break up give it space. Dont take advantage of any vulnerability, thats just pitiful. I'm disgusted with whoever posted that reply. Its alright to let her know how you feel but dont mess up your friendship and if shes still with this guy dont expect anything in return. Chances are if she doesnt work out someone else will, dont ruin a perfectly good friendship though if you know the boyfriend is pretty likely to last a while.

  3. I met him on a beach on an island about 4 hours away from my home. I went on a one week vacation away from my boyfriend with a bunch of my friends (all guys). My boyfriend trusted me completely. On the other hand all of my friends had bets on my infidelity, faithful arent they. Anyways, I was lying there while my friends macked on the chicks around and I saw this guy. He was so built, dark, and well, perfect. We started chatting but he had to go see his brother and would be back the next day. He gave me his number and pager number incase I was ever in Vancouver and I took it. He left but then I saw him again, he talked his buddies into leaving 2 hours later. I walked up to his buddy's car with him to get some beer and we ended up making love in the back seat. It was the most amazing sex I have ever had. My friends figured out that they had one the bet when I got back but as they're not friends with my boyfriend, I knew it was fine besides my minimal financial levels. When I got home I saw my boyfriend right away. He told me he missed me, loved me, and gave me a ring telling me I was the only one for him. It was cheezy but I know he meant it. So I put my fling on the back burner and told myself it was over and wouldnt happen again. Everythings been perfect since. The only problem is that my beach buddy keeps calling me and wanting to come visit to see me, etc.... My boyfriend practically lives with me so hes noticed the attention. It's getting really sketchy but I know if he finds out for sure we'll be over. Help please!


    P.S. I know I got myself here and I know I deserve whats going down but I know what I did wrong and wouldnt ever repeat it if I had the chance to go back. I'm truly in love with my boyfriend now, its just a bit late.

  4. So I got myself the most amazing boyfriend. I've always had issues with commitment but with him I can. Its only been 3 weeks but I have to admit its one of my longest. Anyways, up until I started going out with my boyfriend, I was sleeping with one of my friends. It had been happening on and off in secret for a good 4 months. There really werent any emotions. We both still hooked up with people and went back to my place at the end of the night. Well, I didnt tell him I was with someone until a few days after. I hadn't seen him and I wasnt about to call him. When I told him he was a bit stunned but that was that. He kept trying to get me to cheat with him but I wouldnt and finally he gave up after seeing me and my boyfriend together. One night I was out with the girl drinking and stuff and we ran into him. I was wasted and started flirting to see if he'd fall for it. I know I'm a b**** but I hoped he'd be hung up on me and what better way to find out? He called me bluff after a little bit and to get me back was all over my friend who strangely enough is one of his many ex-girlfriends from a few years ago. Anyways, they disappeared somewhere. i dont have the heart to ask if they hooked up. I know the answer. My question is, why do I feel so much pain? I started the game and now I cant deal with the consequences. What do I do? Is it fair to my boyfriend that this bothers me? Thanks for responding if you do!

  5. Armpits, despite your apparent infactuation are not a popular "erotic" body part. She clearly is not trying to win your attention by the smell of her sweat but its awesome that she feels comfortable enough with you to let you in on something like that. I doubt she'd do that to her boyfriend, partially because it isnt usually a turn-on to smell some ones perspiration. It is even possible that she recognizes your loyal admiration and wished to differ it back to a friendship level by doing something commonly considered repulsive.

  6. First off, are you sexually active with this lovely young chap? If not, become so with another, its not cheating, its surviving. Secondly, if you think promiscuous actions such as the above are sinful, I've got five on the fact that your "Kev" is sinful himself . My advice to you: go out get sloshed and do as much snogging with some cute boys sausage as possible.

  7. So I'm totally outgoing. Got over my shyness years ago. No problem. I havent had a boyfriend in months, no interest. I've had my heart crushed too many times. Then I met this guy. He's 19. 2 years older than me. Totally shy. Completely adorable. So I got his number, hung out with him a bit and hooked up with him. This sort of thing im good at. Im known for well, how to put it, my outgoing actions and casual encounters. But I really like this guy, hes not like anyone else I've screwed around with. But hes so not my type! I know he likes me too, he told me. He blushed too, it was quite cute. So I figured what the hell, try something new. Why not? I like him he likes me. I asked him out, guess what he said. Surprise surprise, "I'd love too" so that was a fun night of making out. Now I have myself a gorgeous, honest, sweet boyfriend. Now I'm shy. Alone time is all good. Drunken times are all good. But in town, totally sober with my friends and his friends everywhere, all that goes through my head is how to hide. I dont know what to do! Help![/code]

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