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Everything posted by journeynow

  1. 1) today's sunshine 2) yesterday's meeting with a friend 3) events to celebrate 4) enjoying singleocity
  2. Grateful for all those who came before me, who paved the way, who made it possible for me to be alive. When I was young, I took my life for granted, took my relatives for granted, thought "kin" didn't really have much to do with me, I didn't know them, I wasn't like them. My perspective has changed with the years. No doubt they had good times and bad, struggles and challenges and heartbreaks and disappointments. But they carried on, lived life, and raised children, made homes, families, at least one of each generation, or I wouldn't be here. And they passed on positive qualities and values as well, or I wouldn't be who I am. Grateful for today's beautiful Spring weather. Winter is letting go, and the vibrance of Spring is in the air. Grateful for tonight's starry sky, sliver moon, and peaceful beauty.
  3. 1) A great nap 2) A comfortable couch 3) A cozy comfortable 4) A pause in shoulder pain 5) A good walk 6) Clients that pay quickly and fully, with a smile
  4. 1) Bought extra firewood in December. I thought it I was getting a head start on next year's supply, but I'll be using it this season instead. It's been a cold one. 2) My hot shower. It may not look like anything extraordinary, but it's delivers a great hot shower. 3) My siblings, all 3. 4) Apples with almond butter. Mmmm. 5) My car, still going strong.
  5. 1) My eyesight 2) My hearing 3) Being pain free 4) Mobility 5) Warmth on a cold night!
  6. A stunning story of Deogratias Niyizonkiza's escape from genocide in both Burundi and Rwanda, and then from poverty in NYC. It's heart-breaking and gut-wrenching that the violence and slaughter he witnessed is a reality in this day and age. This book has touched me deeply, both for it's window into the horrors that some struggle with, and for the strength of the human spirit, and the kindness of others who risked something of themselves to help Deo. I am left pondering how I might best help, where, and whom. At the same time I read this book I also viewed some YouTube testimony of WWII holocaust survivors, and have a better understanding of the whole picture, how those from afar may not understand or have a clear picture when their help is most needed, especially when events that are real are so unbelievable by the nature of their horror and inhumanity. This post may paint a bleak picture, but I recommend this book to everyone (as well as the videos from the Shoah Foundation) for what they teach us about human strength and recovery, and what we can learn about our selves.
  7. " One day at a time—this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering." — Ida Scott Taylor
  8. My freedom and opportunities. Hearing survivor stories makes me truly appreciative of what I have.
  9. 1) The sun today 2) White snow 3) Fresh air 4) A good walk 5) A thoroughly enjoyable friend 6) A generous compliment left in a phone message 7) Warm sweet potatoes, apples, ginger, and walnuts
  10. Hi 90, Yes, practicing gratitude has had an significant affect. I'm happier, more relaxed, more optimistic, and live in a "better" world, if that makes sense. When starting this project, I was reading "Buddha's Brain" by Rick Hanson, which talks about how the brain is wired to recognize and remember negative events, and even repeat them through imagination. Positive and negative events are retained differently by the brain. A negative event can be very brief but it's impact on memory can be strong. A positive event, in order to have a strong impact on memory, needs to be experienced longer than a negative one. I hope I'm explaining that right. Practicing gratitude is a way retaining more of the positive, and the brain makes more positive associations as a result. That's been true for me. It may appear that sometimes I'm fishing for things to be grateful about, but in reality when I stop to notice gratitude of even the simplest of things it comes with an amazement of things around me, plus an appreciation for the actions, events, people, luck, or whatever, that has made them possible. I realize that nothing in my life is here because of me alone, that I am connected to innumerable people extending in all directions here and now, and back into the past. And not just people, but all of life.
  11. Anna Karenina, the audiobook version. I read it over 30 years ago. Listening to it this time it kind of reminds me of eNA posts. Infidelity, marriage, love, financial issues, gossip, generalizations made about women and men... It is a classic.
  12. Gratitude and Thankfulness are both good, but are different. link removed
  13. Kind and generous folks who share creativity and inspiration online. A few of my long-time favorites are Danny Gregory link removed Roz Stendahl link removed Nina Johansson link removed And the Google Art Project where you can explore museums around the world. link removed
  14. 1) A roof over my head on a rainy windy night 2) Sleeping a full 8 hours 3) Hearing, Seeing, Touching, Smelling, Tasting 4) Breathing just fine 5) Companionship 6) Solitude
  15. 1) this clear night 2) and bright moon 3) water under the bridge (Literally. Walked over a foot bridge in the moonlight and the sound of water under the bridge was soothing and peaceful and lifted me out of an down state of mind. I let the feeling of peace settle in, tension dropped away, and I chuckled at the expression "water under the bridge". I hadn't thought of it as a tranquil expression before.) 4) the well made (and designed) foot bridge I enjoyed this evening. Perfect sport for it. 5) positive news from my dentist
  16. 1) Daylight hours these days that are getting shorter and shorter 2) Getting outdoors day or night 3) Freedom 4) Everything else. It's a good day.
  17. This podcast "When somebody says one thing, does another, thinks something else": link removed Putting it here as a reminder to myself to be aware of this, pay attention to all of the messages I receive, not just what I hear. " The key thing is for you to match what you think with what you do and with what you say because as long as you’re doing this, you’re being you ." And the blog post it is based upon (from baggagereclaim.co.uk) link removed
  18. 1) This link removed 2) and from that, this: " one of the bigger assignments a challenging person teaches is how painful it feels to be on their receiving end. Let this pain remind you how essential it is to not become anything like this challenging person!"
  19. 1) Even when something goes wrong, there are so many other things that are just right, or even amazing. Thank goodness! 2) Found a comfortable and new winter jacket at the resale shop when dropping off books today. Just what I needed at a price I could swing. 3) Friendships 4) My walk...the road, my feet and legs, the weather, the surprising colors, my canine companion, fresh air, finding time... 5) Fage yogurt 6) Work 7) I can get another season out of my winter tires. 8 ) Gratitude companions on eNA
  20. 1) Being here, having a life and it's opportunities 2) The color blue 3) Beautiful weather today 4) Gathering with and celebrating with nice friends 5) Nice people all around 6) Good chili 7) Gardening
  21. 1. A good night with happy meetings and friendly faces 2. Sun, comfortable temperatures, and a great walk 3. A fabulous sunset 4. My good ol' car
  22. 1. Gratitude changes things in a very good way 2. I found my watch 3. My compassionate friends
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