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Everything posted by journeynow

  1. The power of "No.", being decisive, being Here.
  2. Aw, thank you SophieGrace for your kind words! Thank you for popping in and feel free to join in to add anything you feel grateful for in the moment. Welcome to eNotAlone.
  3. Fertile soil, honey bees, hummingbirds, frogs, the toad at my door
  4. A full belly, blueberry picking with a friend, loon calls, clean sheets dried in the sun and breeze. Sliver, glad to hear about your nephew!
  5. Sad from the news of Robin Williams death. RIP RW. Thank you for all the laughter, and for sharing yourself with the world.
  6. Thumbs up to that! 3 cheers that you're here, and there.
  7. Calm and contentment. And 3-cheese polenta. And audiobooks.
  8. Loon calls. Blue skies. Hot coffee. A good night's sleep. A body that works. A good mood. Laughter.
  9. Life. Summer. Good cheese. Going barefoot. Friendships. Fireflies. Songbirds. Frogs and snakes.
  10. my dog, a good night's sleep, oatmeal for breakfast, mobility, feeling upbeat, plans with friends, decent work
  11. 1) Water 2) Tonight's sunset 3) It's a great time to be a single woman 4) My life 5) Strawberries
  12. Sweet. gratitude shared is awesome. I'm enjoying halibut, a good laugh, and wonderful memories, too. mmmm!
  13. fireflies and starlight and firewood to stack
  14. Grateful for moments of inner peace, learning to let things go, and not looking for drama.
  15. Worth repeating to myself: unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow."[/i] — MELODY BEATTIE[/color]
  16. The words and voice of Maya Angelou helped me in through the early days and nights of my journey through heartbreak. Thank you, Maya Angelou. May you rest in peace.
  17. Stepping outside at night, the only sounds I hear are spring peepers in the distance, the hoot of an owl, and water flowing in the stream accross the road. Peace full.
  18. Morning coffee on a chilly, rainy morning Sleep Springtime Books
  19. Grateful for today. Perfect weather, and feeling great.
  20. Hello Shai! Thank you for visiting. Your nice note made me smile, too.
  21. Yes, absolutely! Thanks for stopping by, Risa, and spreading gratitude.
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