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Everything posted by journeynow

  1. 1. A kind word and understanding from a friend 2. My dog companions today 3. Dry firewood burning in the wood stove 4. This day is done, the unpleasant moments passed, and I don't have to do it again 5. An audio book to listen to, and a comfortable bed to sleep in
  2. Yes, please do itsallgrand! Gratitude sharing is always welcome. Reading these make me happy because I can imagine them, too.
  3. 1) A good day 2) Feeling good 3) A helpful remedy
  4. 1) Sunshine in October 2) A good book 3) Meeting up with friends 4) Yesterday 5) Matches. For lighting fires when I need them. 6) No hard frost yet, and it's the second week of October. 7) Everything is really ok
  5. 1) Having a warm dry home. The basics. 2) Having a nice neighbor. Many nice neighbors. Great neighbors. 3) Passing our ex-wedding anniversary date and not feeling sad. Noticed the date later in the day, but it was not foremost on my mind. Thought of him a couple times, but not with sadness or nostalgia or regret. Grateful, grateful, grateful! Almost 2 years divorced, so it's good. I am healing and moving on
  6. 1. Clean water 2. The little things in life 3. Friends 4. Possibilities 5. Vegetables from my friends' gardens 6. Stars
  7. Butterflies are wonderful, and so sweet to see the first ones of spring. Your crowds of them sound stunning. The weather is changing here, too. Cooler, shorter days, and a few leaves changing color and dropping to the ground.
  8. 1. Flashes of insight 2. An evolving perspective of my past 3. I am not my mother 4. Solid ground 5. Where I live
  9. 1. This air I breathe 2. This earth that supports us 3. The moments that connect us 4. Colors 5. My past self that has brought me here 6. My future self that awaits me 7. Moments of peace 8. Basil and garlic and olive oil and nuts and cheese
  10. Ah, thanks, Silverbirch. I've been thinking of you!
  11. 1) "Yes, and" can replace "Yes, but" link removed 2) Good times 3) Walking
  12. 1) Today!!! 2) Yesterday!!! 3) My friends!!! 2-leggeds and 4 leggeds. 4) Sun and low humidity and gentle breeze after a week of rain 5) Heart, Spirit, Love, Joy
  13. 1) Catching sight of a bird soaring against the blue sky 2) Sitting by the river in this perfect weather 3) Work 4) Friends 5) Home 6) Heading to bed early
  14. 1) Friends 2) Good sleep 3) Peace 4) Time
  15. link removed ^This blogger writes "Often times we get so busy with chasing after the things we want, after the things that are somewhere out there, that we forget to enjoy the present moment, we forget to be happy." I would add that we are so busy reacting to people and events in our lives that we forget to enjoy the present moment, we forget to be happy. I'm noticeably happier, less grumpy and reactive, when i keep a gratitude journal. Posting here in this gratitude journal helps, even though I feel I'm repeatedly grateful for the same things. Today I am grateful for... 1) Living where I can step outside in my pj's first thing in the morning and hear loons calling as they fly overhead 2) Peacefulness 3) Blueberries and oatmeal 4) My dog visitors 5) Having income 6) A working washing machine in my basement. 7) Plans to meet friends later today 8 ) My teachers 9) Positive changes in my life 10) Healing
  16. 1) My friends help me feel grounded and sane 2) A good walk helps me feel grounded and sane 3) My car made it home despite that freaky noise.
  17. 1) Good things in my life 2) This Good Life 3) Happy moments 4) Kindness abounds
  18. 1) My little prayer for assistance instantly answered 2) This: 3) My wonderful commute
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