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Everything posted by Shannon

  1. Hello, My name is Shannon and it was suggested to me that I find a place online where I might possibly get some help. I was diagnosed with Leukemia 2 years ago and have been undergoing treatments until recently. I had to quit my 40 hour per week job because my immune system is so low that I can't be exposed to people that have illnesses, etc and my job was working with the public. A year after I was diagnosed with Leukemia, my grandmother, who raised me was diagnosed with lung cancer and since I live next door to her and her own sons and daughters were too busy with their own lives to come help I offered to help take care of her the best I could. She in turn let me and my son eat over there and has helped pay the bills she could for us. I have tried finding work online that I could do without much success. A year ago I met a man that became a really good friend and became my roommate and that helped me a bit financially. We became more than just good friends about 6 months ago and recently I found out that I'm pregnant. Something that my doctors had told me for many years would never be possible for me again. On top of it all I'm carrying twins. This man that is the father of the twins has left me since I found out about the pregnancy. He said he wasn't ready to become a father. I had to stop my treatments for the safety and health of the babies, but since he's left I am back to just receiving the help from my grandmother again which was fine to help support just myself and my son, but not 2 more. I have not found out the sex of the twins as of yet, but I am in need of baby clothes, blankets, diapers, etc for when the time comes for me to have these blessings. I am told my due date is January 12th, 2004. However, as with most twins I am told they may also come earlier. I am also in need of money donations if possible to cover the costs of some medications I'm still able to take while pregnant that medicaid will not cover + to buy the extra special diet foods that I need that my grandmother can't afford to pay extra for. I was put on a special diet of extra dairy products for calcium and more fresh fruits and vegetables because carrying two babies are taking away any nutrients I put in my body so to keep them healthy and myself I require more of these things every day. If you can please help me find resources that can assist me in finding donations or funding. Thank you for taking the time to read this even if you can't help. Blessings to you and yours, Shannon
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