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Posts posted by maiof9cx63

  1. Don't be so hard on yourself, who cares what others think?


    I'm sure you are just fine the way you are, is NO reason to get implants!! natural is much better.

    Even if you can't find the right person for you right now you'll find him (guessin not a her ) someday, I finally found my soulmate in a place/person i NEVER thought i'd have a chance with... so keep on chillin, take it easy...


    /ramble off

  2. man.. you sure about your parents being more lenient when it's just the guys??

    my mom always KNEW i was out smoking pot and drinkin beer when it was just the guys, but when she knew girls were around my parents never bothered me.. maybe you should try again and tell them the truth


    i always told my parents the entire truth (or as much as i could) so then WHEN they found out what really happened (yes they always find out and you always get caught i wouldn't be in as much crap

  3. i've never been seriously overweight.. and being 6'3" helps, but in the last couple months i have TOTALLY stopped drinking all soda and stuck to water and beer (stopping beer would help hehe) and i've lost like 10 pounds.. like i said im not overweight but seriously i would just stick to water and see what happens... that sugar stuff really bad for ya


    i would also stay away from ALL fast foods, i know they are very good and soooo easy to get but if you just stopped getting those and only drank water it would make a huge diff!!

    (don't know your diet so just giving you things that have worked for me)

    i wish good luck to you!!

  4. well what REALLY sucks is that we go to school about 3 and a half hours away from each other


    God I wish i could just tell her i love her.. this IS the girl i'd like to marry someday...

  5. ok i have been hangin out with this AWESOME girl like all the time, i was also told i had good chances with her from a friend of both of ours... i really have no idea what to do or how to start anything cause im a wuss, but whenever we go out she always holds my hand or leans on me, i love it but i dont know how to show it considering her attractiveness and age (she's 20 im 18) is intimidating to me... umm i feel like a big dork but i truly love this girl

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