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Posts posted by basschic23

  1. That is an awesome quote..er passage. Did you write it? Well I think it's mostly true. not to brag: i get asked out alot but not by the best guys. the nicer guys always seem to be shy and never ask me out but i wish they would sometimes!

  2. it's cool that you guys are friends..that's very important..(i hate my stepmom) i dunno why he hasn't communicated wiht you..strange. i would give it time, give him a change..talk to him when he gets back about how you feel. maybe it's a big misunderstanding. hope it works out, good luck

  3. i'm sorry but i cant help much..i need the same question answered. if you stay together..you guys will keep breaking up on and off prolly. but if you break up...you will get over it..but it will be hard. personally, i would break up with him because that is wat people are telling me. hope i helped. luv ya

  4. hey im 14..most kids don't know what the hell they're talking about..it's hard but i've learned to ignore them. i wear jeans in hot weather 2 cuz i'm real pale and have short white legs for one thing you should tell someone about the abuse. be friends with this new guy before you fall for him totally. you don't wanna get hurt again. your ex is a jerk..plan a revenge! hehe or you could just make him jealous by going out with that guy. gossip sucks, i know. but it will get worse. i'm afraid. good luck hope i helped. luv ya

  5. hi..I'm only 14 and i figured this was a site for adults..so i came here to get some good advice from people older than me. my b/f got arrested a month ago for smoking weed at school. he was bailed out and we sneaked out secretly for a few weeks. but i got caught and got grounded and my parents think im doing drugs and having sex..it really sux! i want to just end our relationship but he is the sweetest guy..well what should i do??help

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