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Posts posted by fenstrt

  1. Am I going overboard with this?


    IMO yeah you are a little. I know it can be annoying to not have someone's undivided attention, but it shouldn't make you feel like you can't stand her. maybe she has ADD, and that's not joke. If she tends to space off, and start noticing movement, that doesn't necessarily mean she's not paying attention to you, she's just watching the scenery. I do that a lot.

  2. men, women, and everyone look at other people, because the other person is there. how they look, all depends on how much the person truly cares about the person he/she is with. most guys leer at another girl because guys are inheriently pigs, they have little respect for women in general.

    That's why I hate most guys. they objectify women, and it makes me want to knock them out sometimes. gotta be better than them though.

  3. not alllll men do that, I don't. Usually I look and will say something piggish to my partner, usually as a joke. The reality of it is, when I see someone else, if I'm with someone, they're just a person. I might find them attractive, but I choose to be with my partner.

    In an actual answer to your question, I think it probably goes back to when we lived in tribes. no seriously... think about it, the good of the tribe was for the male to procreate with every female, to boost the population. so I think that maybe it's just a throwback to the cavemen

  4. good idea, just take your time. I was only throwing some ideas out. do what feels right, because that's the best way to go in a relationship. just remember, he is with you, so don't get jealous of some pictures.

    you are a beautiful girl, or he wouldn't want you so bad!!!!

  5. I don't think he is comfy with looking at it with me as he feels guilty for looking at it now. I want to fix this because I think if I looked at it with him I wouldn't hurt because it wouldn't be so mysterious, you know?

    exactly what I thought. the best thing to probably do is to just ask him if he wants to look. I mean, the worst he could say was no, then what happens?? you could try telling him that you look too occasionally, but if he's the jealous type he might be offended the same way you are. maybe it would just be best to sneak up behind him when he's at the comp, and maybe try and steer the sites to your favorite porn??? or maybe if the two of you just talk about it, he would come around.

    I think that if you talk to him about it, and he feels guilty now, when you talk to him about looking with him, the guilt will start to fade.


    (or into his )

  6. another thing that **might** be ok is to look with him???? maybe you could kind of start to get over the fact that he's looking, if the two of you share it. I'm not real sure on this one, maybe the other members can help, but if I were you, I might try this. I personally don't think he should feel threatened b the vibrator. maybe he should share that with you, as long as it's not used all the time, maybe he would be comfortable with you owning it, if the two of you used it once in awhile during foreplay.

  7. if you have a great sex life, then he's not going other places to get the sex. Don't worry about the porn, cause he's looking at you when you're together. some guys, me included, just like to look. I mean, when I was with my ex, she would get upset when I would look, and I explained to her, and I meant it, when I look at that, I see girls that look good, but when I look at you, I see a girl that looks great. just cause he's looking at someone else doesn't mean he doesn't think you look bad. if he's still turned on enough by you to give you a great sex life, then don't worry!

  8. that you don't know how to be happy just being by yourself. This is one of the most difficult things for people to do.

    Truly knowing how to be "alone" and enjoying it. To love spending time with yourself is the greatest gift you can give. Not only to you, but for a future mate.


    exactly the right thing to say. I'm actually going through a phase where I've just got out of a relationship, and I was very co dependant. I felt the need to be in it. not only that but I felt that I needed her to be happy. I don't think the need to be with someone you love is a bad thing. but feeling like you need it to be happy, or lead a normal life is.

    Enchanter, IMO, you're codependant on any guy. you need a relationship to be happy. I knwo how hard it is to get out of that mindset. I'm still doing it. my best advice to you is, get a hobby, get a puppy, get a plant, get something else. make yourself happy, make yourself someone you love, then give your love away.

  9. all depends on the time. right now I'm about a month after a very serious relationship, and I feel like sometimes I shouldn't have loved.

    I've had a couple of other serious relationships, but they're past and done, and I look back and sometimes enjoy the fun times, and the bad don't really hurt as bad.

    just don't let regret ruin the best times in your life. Never regret lost love, because, it'll make you bitter and you'll never have love again!

  10. you could have her try laying on her stomach, you lay on top of her, and enter hre vagina from behind. not only does this feel better for the guy, because she's got her legs together, but it also stimulates the Gspot.

    it might help with your problem, because you aren't between her legs.

  11. I think that every guy in the world remembers his first time. I know I do. mostly it's just the emotional connection to the girl. I mean, I remember vividly the first time I was with all three of the girls I've been with. I loved each of them, and I think that makes it more special.

  12. well, actually, that wasn't my first love I was referring to, it was my third. the two before, I loved, the feeling wasn't any less special, but the third was someone that I felt like, I could tolerate her family fo rhte rest of my life. that I could spend my old age with, looking at her wrinkly face. that kind of love.

  13. I think people do not know what love really is these days.

    "The only obligation YOU have in life is the obligation for YOU to be happy. If YOU are not happy, YOU cannot make someone else happy."


    both of these are great points in my problem. I personally feel that all relationships start with lust, it's just how they change after it fades that make love.

    My ex right now told me she wasn't happy with me for about 4 months. and I tried to tell her that I hadn't been happy period for 4 months. my parents had split up (because my dad wanted the lust, by the way) and she told me "oh it's not you, I'm just unhappy." I tried to explain that a relationship is two people, making one better person, and one beign unhappy will not allow the other to be happy. but I still just got pushed away. she's only 17, I"m 19, but I've been in a few serious relationships, and I've got a decent grasp on how I feel, and I felt love for her. I personally feel like I treated her with the utmost respect and I treated her like a partner, and I also believe that at 17, she doesn't knwo herself enough to knwo what love is, she actually told me, "I don't believe in love, except love for family". uhhh yeah, ok, that makes no sense.


    so I asked her what do you think caring about someone and being close to them is?

    Her response "I dont know. human beings are too insignificant to understand love in the slightest way."


    I really feel that love is more of how each person sees it.


    personally I see it as a friendship in which you care, treat each other with respect, and are close enough to not be close.

  14. all great ideas. the truth is, there might be the perfect one, but if you never find them, why be unhappy? another food for though idea here, how many people feel like you can only give true love, (by true love I mean, all of you, everything you can give and that special part that makes being with someone different than all the others) to one person in your life. I personally feel that you can only give it once, because once that piece of your heart is gone, the other person has it forever.

  15. I'm actually going through a period right now, where I have a younger girlfriend who told me she fell out of love with me. she says that she just feels different. that she still cares about me, and all that good stuff, she just fell out of love.

    from my personal view, you can't fall out of love, it's there forever. and true love will stick to you for the rest of your life, and you only get true love once.

    Tried explaining this to my ex, she just keeps pushing me away...

  16. ok, so we had a pretty interesting conversation about me and her, and she made it brutally clear that she doesn't even want to be close to me. she kept telling me that she had to get over me, and that she still cares, and all that, and then she said, I don't believe in love other than love for your family. and I couldn't help but think, well then you never loved me, and you just thought you did. I didn't say that. but the logic of it is, how can you stop being in love, if you dont' believe in love.

    lately she's been spending a lot of time with her friend greg. they've been good friends for like 5 years, and greg is gay, but I still kinda get sad, because she talks to him for like, the amount of time she used to talk to me. and I feel liek I'm being replaced. it's really depressing. I don't understand what's been going on.

    anyway, during this long conversation, in which I sounded especially pathetic, against my better judgement, I told her about a time about a year into our relationship when I thougth I was interested in another girl, and I was really confused about everything. and she got pissed, jealous or sad, I can't really figure out which since it was an online conversation.

    so the next day she talks to me, and we chat, just like friends, and we've had a few conversations, and we've been about where we were befoer teh no talking was imposed. the only difference is, everytime I make an effort to spend time with her, she always says no. and usually it's because she's doing something with greg. I mean, I know I shouldn't be jealous, and she's told me there's nothign romantic between them, and I am 99% sure she was honest, so, I mean, it's just so hard to talk to her, like we've always talked, and not be able to say I love you, or when I flirt get a cold shoulder. I don't know what to do.

  17. first of all, make a friendship, that's what all good relationships are. second, just ask her if she's interested, and if yes, just be straight up with her. 3 years isn't a big deal, as long as her parents are ok with it. the only big problem I can think of would be if you're going away for college. long distance relationships rarely work out. a lot of the time, it's just to much work for both people to take. there aren't really many tips to be successful when you ask someone out, just shower, and be romantic, romanticism is the best part of a relationship.


    ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS remember, when you're in a relationship, treat the other person the best you can, because, when it's all said and done, they're gone, all you'll ever have, is how well you treated them


    --- added from a next post (SwingFox) ---

    Also to be fair, men cause jsut as much confusion to women as we do to them....

  18. I didn't really want these to sound so, depressing, I mean, the first one is more or less about the way the human soul revolves around love, or lack of it, and also about the way it's so fragile. I didn't really see it as a statement on how love is always torn away, but, it just seems that way, if it's not cultivated, and taken care of.

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