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  1. My gf and I have been officially going out for about 17 months now. We are very much in love with each other, but the inevitable has finally come. See, my gf is Indian, and I am Taiwanese. Her side of the family is very traditional in the Indian ways, and basically forbids her to marry anyone that is non-Indian. She hypothetically proposed the question to her parents of having a marriage that is with me, and the answer was basically a flat out, "no". There are many roadblocks, and her parents is just one of them. She said to me from her culture, that the family and family friends(all Indians) would not understand why she would marry a non-Indian. They would shun her, talk behind our backs, and even get angry with us(she has seen all this happen). The traditional way for her is to get an arranged marriage approved by her family, and that is the way her parents would like it. There is also the problem of her side of the family being fairly religious as a Christian, and me not being one, and from my side of the family, I am not allowed to convert to Christian either. I want to be with her forever, but I also don't want her to lose the many people she care for. Is there any way for her family to accept me as who I am? We really want our relationship to be together, but we don't see how it can happen. Please any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.
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