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Everything posted by athlete64200

  1. I am a 33 male and have been married for 7 years, we have 2 children. My wife has started to put weight on and stopped caring about her personal appearance. I am anal about my appearance, becuase I am in sales. When she says "do I think she is fat?", I reply that I think she has some problem areas that I would be happy to help her with if she would go to the gym with me. After we had our first child I noticed that she does everything half way. Cleaning is done half ass, sex, cooking, you name it, except when it comes to the children. I already cook 4 times a week for dinner and bath the children 3 times a week. It's like she does not even want to try anymore. She is also making financial demands like private schooling for the children when we still owe 90k in student loans from college. She makes 14k a year as a teacher. I have turned propositions by other women away in the last 6 months, but I have always thought that an affair would decide for me if I should be married. How do I motivate my wife to be better than she is? Or how do I turn off my hatred toward fat and not worry about cleaning and money issues?
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