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  1. I am 34 yrs old and have been divorced once w/a child and am now married for 5 years w/2 girls and a boy on the way...I love my husband, but hate what I have to put up with. Basically, he does what he wants. I am the primary caregiver to our children..about 90% of thier needs are met by me...I also work a full time job. He works alot, especially now, and I have no problem with that, as we need the $. My problem is that the time that he does have for us is spent either somewhere besides home or having friends over. If neither of these happen, he is busy tending to things at home that need (or don't "need") to be done...so there is virtually no time for us to just spend being together, alone, as a family. He may, on any given evening, not come home because he has run into a friend that he hasn't seen in a long time. He also plays softball 2 nights a week. Or he'll come home, eat dinner that I've had to cook and get a call from a friend who lives near by asking him to come over and hang out. So he goes. And I get upset and ask him to just stay with me (us) but he'll go anyway, saying "I'm only 4 houses away" and I say "but you're not here!" I could go on...but I'll wait for a reply...Thanks for any advice.
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