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  1. I know it hurts not to call but honestly I think its the best thing to do...for now. He's probablly annoyed right now. He needs time without your influence to find out what he really wants. This may be a long shot, but I have a cool relationship with my ex's best friend. He knows everything and b-f's usually have the best advice...like should you continue to pursue the relationship or give up. He'll know how his boy really feels. This has been helpful to me but I know many people aren't really like that. Otherwise, I would try to not call, in hopes that he will begin to miss the calls and the things you used to do together. He needs to know what you really mean to him...and sometimes you really don't know what you have until it's gone. Let him realize that and see if he responds. If not, try working on a friendship and build from there. As for the internet chick....she's probablly a rebound girl and I wouldn't worry about it right now.
  2. I can honestly say that I can relate to what you are going through. My boyfriend just broke up with me for the same exact reason. How long ago did you all break up? If it is recent, then you should give him some time. I know this is like the worst because it's like a war with yourself to not pick up that phone. However, you need to know the truth. Did he break up with you out of anger or was it for real? Many times we say things that we really don't mean when we're angry that we wouldn't have said otherwise. When he cools off, he'll be able to think more clearly. And if he really doesn't want to be with you, then you'll know. Time right now is probablly the hardest thing to give him, but you want what's in his heart, not a decision made while he was pissed off.
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