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Posts posted by vash13

  1. I'd just like to know from everyone who is dating..who pays for what when you guys go out? Some people like to split 50/50 on the costs and others thinks the guys should pay for everything. What do you people think?

  2. Here is the deal. Me and my friend are planning a trip to somewhere for a few days. My gf's period might occur around those dates. Obviously she doesnt' want to have her period around that time. I am wondering if there is anything she can take or do to have her period earlier or later. Preferably earlier.



  3. It's actually not me, but my partner.. She had her last period at the end of dec to beginning of jan. Could it just be stress from school that's delaying her period. We did have sex, but i did not cum inside of her.

  4. I do ask her and she says it's good... and she does tell me when it hurts or not. We have good communication and when it starts to hurt I do stop. I'm just wondering if it's really serious or not. I cannot rub her clit cause it's too sensitive and it tickles for her hehe..

  5. Hi! I am concerned about my girlfriend. I have been fingering her and when I do for too long of a time she starts to bleed. Is it because I am fingering too hard? She havig her period? Did I tear something? She is really concerned and hoping I am get some answers out there.

  6. Hey there. I totally know how you are feeling because I am going through this stage. I know how difficult it becomes when that somebody you have cherished and cared for just suddenly leaves you alone. You have devoted all your time to her and nobody else and then all of a sudden your left with nothing. It's hard to earn all your friends back again and fit into the group.


    It feels like your hanging on a thin rope.

  7. hey guys.


    This is the first time I have ever posted. In the summer, I was in a relationship which ment everything to me. She made me feel so happy and grateful everytime I saw her and soon after i started to be very dependant on her. In my eyes, she was the perfect girl to me in every way. At the end of the summer, things started to get very bad. We had started arguments over everything and just hurt us both a lot. There were times where we didn't talk and I needed somebody to talk to. I neglected all my friends from my highschool because I wanted to spend all my free time I had to her. The arguments continually happened everytime we were not together and then she started to talk to her ex again. At that moment, I knew I was not the one in her mind anymore. She has been with her ex for three years before me and I was nothing compared to that guy. I felt to cheated and used , but I still wanted her so badly. I know people might thing i'm stupid, but it's just that it's hard to change. I knew that after it was over with her, I had nothing left to be happy for. I gave it all to her. Now i'm in university with not many friends and it's hard to meet people. I am a first year student and not many people want to talk or meet me since i'm still 17. I keep telling myself not to think back or anything, but all the memories I had with her are still in me mind at least once a day. Can people please give me advice on how to forget all this in the past and move on. Should I be the one looking for somebody or should I just wake still somebody comes by. I have a lot of love to give, but no one to give it to. help me...I hate being single and lonely..

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