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  1. Thanks SuperDave71! Great post and couldnt have come at a better time for me. I am just starting NC. I do not intend on making any contact and am trying with all my will to be strong. I think you make an important point in your post, that sometimes doing nothing is more the more powerful tool. I had already started pulling back a couple days ago, preparing for nc. I was barraged by calls, texts, chats, voice messages. I have changed her ringtone to something simple and easily ignored. I have set the phone to ignore her texts, and no longer log into "our" email account to check for messages. I can totally identify with your point about good ideas going bad. Some of the best intentions are easily misconstrued as manipulation, hate, or some other emotion completely opposite from where the thought was originally conceived. Best of luck to all the heartbroken. Take what solace you can in the thought that the flaws of your ex will cause as many if not more problems in their new relationship. It is amazing how so many people are willing to overlook their partners issues and embrace a doomed relationship. Take whatever time you have and work on yourself, it is the sure fire way to get what you want in the long run.
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