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Posts posted by Rose21

  1. Yup.


    I'm a very wordy person because I'm a writer, he says very sweet things to me and is a romantic aswell, but it takes him longer to say sweet things because he likes to put alot of thought into them, where as for me they just come out.


    And he likes to "show" more. He'd rather just come up and hug me and cuddle, same with me I love that and sex is a total romantic thing for us.


    Being in eachother's arms, lots of kissing and saying "I love you" through out.


    But with the part-time distance, he has learned to be more wordy.

  2. Yeah same here.


    I am totaly loyal and commited, sex is a pure and romantic act foru us.


    And I see him one weekend a month and on holidays so it's extra special!


    It makes me sick how my friend has slept with over 30 guys at the age of 18, and will refuse a relationship with them, will drive an hr to get it, have a 3-some, and have sex with someone she met one night even though they have a girlfriend, yet she still says her heart is taken by one guy and wants only him? * * * F?

  3. Yeah seriously, there is NO excuse!


    I know my boyfriend would ever cheat on me. Neither of us drink either, so no excuse anyways! He's been drunk once in his life about a year or so ago before me just to see what it was like and he said it was stupid. And obviously he didnt let it get the best of him anyways, if he hadnt even gone past kissing before he met me.


    He simply doesnt like the taste of alcohol, and even if he did drink, he knows his limit and wouldnt let himslef get drunk.


    I like the taste of things such as Smirnoff and tequeila, but have never been drunk. And I def dont drink at all since I've been with him. Or go to wild parties.


    I dont like to drink, because I like to be in control of the situation. And honestly since I've never been drunk, I dont know WHAT I would do in the situation if I got horribly drunk and I got taken advantage of. I dont believe I would ever cheat even being drunk, but its never happened and I dont want to take the risk!


    Besides, if I did get taken advantage of it would be half my fault anyways for going to a party I knew was going to be "wild" and drank. So thats why, just say no!

  4. Nature removes its' tourniquet of life,




    Ending existence without acquiescence,




    Exposing worlds of analytical light,




    With beauty reflected in all its' magnificence,




    A universe colored in palettes of awe,




    Bathing eyes in orange and gold,




    Shades caress with nary a flaw,




    Hearts yearning for autumn to hold,



    Harvest moon is high in the sky,




    Time has come to reap what was sown,




    Treasures of wonder expressed with a sigh,




    Essense of quality tossed and blown,




    In veils of autumn a respite exists,




    Energies dormant but only of view,




    Caches nourished while living desist,




    Slowly absorbing strengths to renew






    "autumn is my favorite season of the year. Tell me what you think..."

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