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  1. I believe this is not something you can be told by others. If you truly love someone, your heart will give you your answer.
  2. Ok, not sure if this is the right forum but... Ok, I recently met this girl and we've have been talking for the past 3-4 days and we've got to know each other pretty well (talking over the internet a lot). Well today we were talking over the internet and I asked her "so what are you doing this weekend?". She told me she was heading to a friends house. I said casually "so whos this friend?" just to make some conversation. She says "Oh just this guy I know". Ok, so its must just be a guy friend, right? (Im the type that gets jealous really easy) I ask "Just you?". "Yea, me, him and his brother". Ok, so I ask "you like this guy?". "Yea, ive known him for a long time". Ok, this really hurt because when we first started talking she gave me the impression she didnt like anyone. "oh" i said. "yea well i gotta go, the babysitter's calling" she says. "ok" i say. then she says "email me" then she sits there for a second. "please" she says. "ok" i say. "bye bye" "cya" that how the conversation went. I really feel down right now because I have NO idea what this meant. Could any of you girls out there help me out? I really like this girl, shes as sweet as can be (so i thought after tonight) and is very beautiful. Please girls, help me out here.
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