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Posts posted by tasmsifit

  1. Okay first off, happy new year! Second (my problem): Okay my old crush invited me to his house for New Year's Eve, and we hung out and had fun a lot of our friend's were there, well I kinda fell for his older brother, (he is 17, his bro. IM 16 not that big of a difference). well my problem is on Thursday he told his brother that i liked him and he was all into it and stuff, which i thought was kinda funny cause my friend didn't even ask me if i liked him until Friday night lol. (he knows me pretty well i guess you can say). and my friend seems to be okay with me and his bro. maybe going out or something he was kinda encouraging at first but now a day later and he is all like yeah what ever and is all in a bad mood (he is having gf problems of his own) and i don't want to seem to ...i cant think of a word but you know what i mean..right?. his brother is into it, he thinks IM mysterious and stuff and is intrigued, so i have no clue what to do, IM very shy when it comes to this and i don't' know what to do, i really like his brother and i think he likes me, but how do i go about it? do i let his brother make the first move? or do i call him and just start talking to him? i know its kewl with my friend if we go out he thinks i would be good for his brother but .. he seems to.. i don't know. well anyway yeah that's my problem PLS help. oh and also the kinda other problem is IM very iffy i guess you could say, i was in a long relationship and was hurt in it at the end of if, and now IM actually having feelings for some one, and IM not sure if that's good or bad, or just if IM moving form one guy to the next.?? so yeah as i said any information would very very helpful thanks

  2. okay what is the difference who's side is right there opinions should be used as just that their opinions as should this. i was kinda in the same situation minus the moving in part and the length of time. my ex and i put each other threw hell and i was you i was so scared and terrified of getting to close to him or anyone. but he changed that. and i soon came into that we were working out and that we cold make it last. but then once things got perfect i go scared i did this to him 4 times and then the 5th time we tried it he was in love with some one else and he couldn't stand that feeling. but every time before that we would have to agree or disagree or agree to disagree.lol but we would always have that feeling that we missed tham and needed them and couldn't live with out them. people would tell us just to give up but we did and then we decided that we cant give up not now. and then when i had my chance i got scared which Told me i wasn't ready and that kind of stuff. so we didn't work out and he is in love with his current gf and i know her after they started dating we got to become really good friends but now that she and i are friends its making him question what he really wants. but he's forgetting one thing what i want. and that's not him. i wont put us threw something that's cant work out. so my advice is that if you really and truly think this is going to work, and you both take the blame and know what went wrong and how to fix it then i say....it would be a shame to let a love like that go...and that you should try your hardest to keep it as long as you Can. you truly love each other as much as you say than you can make it work but be honest and let your selves grow with each other not separate (that was my mistake). so i hope this helps you and if you chose to undertake this good luck


    okay my first problem is this guy (at school) and i both like each other only he has a gf that treats him like crap(he knows it) but he still loves her after everything she has done to him and he asked me what would i do if i was in his shoes? and i said i couldn't answer that because i like him and the answer would be the same, and that i just couldn't,he understood. but what am i suppose to tell him to do he told me to think of what i would say(over the 4 day weekend) and im not sure what to say to him. and also if we both like each other and he ditches his friends to hang out with me and we flirt constantly and just everything but the more he stays with his gf the more i feel like i don't have a chance even tho they are still going out i know if she does one more thing it wonnt matter they will break up but still what am i suppose to do?

    Problem 2. my ex and his current gf (i actually got to know her and she and i are frineds so its really weird but im okay with just being frineds with both of them)think im trying to steal him away from her. but they know i wont because he says im his bff. and they both say i cant so

    why is it an issue if i try to it wouldn't work. so i know i could get him back but i don't want to.the problem with this is he told my best friend(and his we have the same one) that he was going to do what his horoscope said. he would be going on a long trip with his future love (his present gf) and near the end of the trip they would have problems and about a month after they break up he would go out with his old love (me). but before my friend told me this one of my other friends pointed out that he was just "keeping me close" so that if him and his gf didn't work out he knew i would be there. but i wont. when he called me is bff i knew i could finally move on after about 6 months and IM so happy that i can. i don't want to go back out with him for the reasons of 1) we don't get along. 2) i will lose him to her. 3) I'm finally over him.

    but part of me is worried that "if "any of it comes true i might take him back he has this way of getting to me as hard as i try not to let him he does.


    so any advice you have I would appreciate on both problems IM having and if you have any idea what I should say to my friend. I would love to hear anything you have to say. thank you so much.



  4. if you really cared about her before and you just broke it off then ....but now you have gotten to know her and you really do like her and she likes you and thinks she is interested i say go for it. i mean you only really live once right and if it doesn't work out than you can say you tried . you know so if it feels right to you then do it you don't need any one elses permission or thoughts on it (truste me i learned the hard way)..so do what ever will make you happy.

  5. okay my ex boyfriend and his new gf are screwing with my head and my feelings. they are saying all these things about their plans for the future and i know in my head(and my heart) that they aren't . the only reason is to get back at me for not going back out with him when i thought he would hurt me which in it's self is the stupidest reason in the world to do what he is doing but he got soem one i thoguht was a really good friend of mine to lie and now im finding out that half of this was her idea. .... and i have few friends that i can trust as it is and now she isn't one of them and im wondering what to do .. i thought i was over him but when they told me the stuff i got mad and angry and i now know im not over him... i have been trying to keep him out of my life but he wont let me ...im trying to forget about him and get on with my life since he has the gurl of his dreams and is in reality planning on marrying her some day in the future.. but they wont let me .. its like he wants me out of his life but he wont let me forget about him and is constantly in my life .. and im so angry at him for doing this ....... the reason is because i wouldn't go back out with him about at the being of july or end of june which ever and then when i did go back out with him last month he broke up with me after going out a day .. so i don't know what to do. i want to be able to live my life and move on and forget about him but he wont let me.. what do i do.. i feel so mad now and i have alot of other things going on so him and his frineds couldn't have picked a better time to do this( they didn't know it but to them its just a perk). please help me im so lost and confused and i don't want to hurt the guy im going out with now....so please what should i do?

    thank you for all of your adbice you have given me and the advice you will .

  6. okay ....i found out tonight that my ex and his new gf are married so its not exactly gf but still and i also found out the reason she is ...yeah you get it... okay well the guy i have liked for a while asked me out and then after he did is when i found out and it 's like it bugs me but it doesn't at the same time. he and i went out longer and stuff but they are already married what the heck.. but my new bf is tottally sweet and perfect i don't want my ex back(even if i had the chance) but im wondering is it right to feel this way that it bugs me (what i found out). he was my frist relationship so im new at this. any thing you think might help me would be great i appriciate your advice or opinion


  7. hey and thanks for the advice. it's not exactly that i want to wait but he does and im not going to question it. and i know i have the chance of loosing him but there is no one else i think he's hooked lol so im not worried, . and some times the best things are worth waiting for .. i actually am talking to him more now than i have in the past few days and explaining how i feel to him well trying and i think its going and so yeah thanks for the great advice.

  8. hi, i have written about things here before and always gotten good advice and im hopping i can get the same this time okay here it goes:


    okay this guy and i have been flirting for a while now ..he said he's gong to ask me out in about 3 weeks he has a cast on his arm and wants to be abe to hug me properly and stuff(which is cute to me any way).. but my problem is i really like him im just not sure if im ready to go out with any one yet. granet my ex and i broke up about a month ago again(we went out for a fourth time) and the guy was there for me when my ex broke up with me. but im one of those types of people that doesn't wait very long for a guy, but for him im waiting. but im not sure if i can trust myself to make the right choice about this, and i really like him but i don't want to hurt him... thats the main thing.. he and i both just got out of a long relationship with our ex's. and im not sure if im ready to go out so in a way to me the 3 weeks is a good thing i can make up my mind. the other problem is my ex always asked "what if " questions and he pased the habbit to me and i have so many in my head i odn't know how to stop them or even sort them out.. okay thats the situation please give me your advice.

    thank you so much

  9. okay. this guy and i have known each other for a few years and we have always flirted. my ex and i broke up about 2 months ago, and i found out that he told the guy i llike that he and i were going out. now my ex has a gf and i cant help but think about the other guy that i have liked for 2 years. what should i do? my friend is going to e-mail to fnd out if the guy likes me and he will even if i ask him not to but im worried about the out come of it. i have liked him so long nad i don't know what to do. im scared i guess you could say, i have waited 2 years and i don't mind waiting more but at the same time im worried that if i get online i will have an e-mail from him(hopefully a good one). okay well sorry this is long but still. i don't know what to do about it and im literally going insane. so any advice you can give me would really help. thanks


  10. okay my ex and i have gone out 3 times and he still wants to go out but i don't. should we stay friends or should we just nt talk and stay away from each other? is it better to not be friends after everything we have been threw ? im just not sure any more what we should do. any advice you could give would help alot thank you



    how can you be friends with somone when every time you looc at them it makes you want them even more?

    is that true?

  11. umm see i think i forgot to metion he and i aren't going out any more he is trying his hardest to get me back and its not working but i dunno he sent me flowers and stuff but i still cant go back out with him . thank you for all of your advice it has been very helpful. lol

  12. okay my ex uses this site and gave me the idea to use it and get advice. okay he wanted to know if he had a chance with me and i said i dunno but it didn't look good . and he freaked out. we've gone out 3 times and each and everytime one of us or even both of us gets hurt and i don't want that any more . its like a circle and i want out . he doesn't seem to understand it. every time this or something like this happens he freaks out at one point in time or another. he told me once before after he broke up with me why it was weird the 3rd time we went out it seemed more like we were friends that actually going out. a few weeks ago he blocked all my stuff for 2 weeks and now he wants me back but he's hurt me so much and i have hurt him alot to .. i told him i couldn't go back out with him again and he asked me why do i act like i would say yes(basically lead him on) i don't even know that i am its just my nature or attitude or how iam i guess you could day .please help me i want to be friends and not lead him on is that possible ? if anyone could give me advice then i would really appriciate it thanks

    lost and confused teri

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