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Posts posted by tmakinen

  1. Face it he broke up with you and he is trying to let you down easy. Do not even try to get back with him. He's saying his career is more important than you. What does that tell you? Be strong and dont contact him. Do not wait for him. If he loved you he wouldnt leave you. Listen to your gut not your heart. Dont stress or worry yourself out because of what may happen to him. He is no longer your concern, you now and your future should be the only thing to concern yourself with. I know its very painfull now but it will pass, it truly is just temporary. Its fairy tale that they come back and thing work out for better.They don't. Take care of yourself.

    Its okay to cry but end it there!

  2. Hi ,

    In my opinion is these dreams are quite normal. Naturally it is still in your subconscious and it is a way of letting go. I had dreams that were so real that I'd wake up totally confuse and in complete sweat .My ex would come to me and be in my bed touching and holding me. And I would tell her that I loved her.And she would leave and I'd wake up.Other times in my dreams I would follow her down long streets ,around corners and never able to catch up with her.In technicolor !That real. To make a long story short, the dreams started to be fewer and fewer only when I found myself getting over her.Truth is, it takes time to get over a broken heart. Dreams are part of the healing process.The feeling you got from your dream is powerful but it will pass. Take care of yourself. I hope this helps.

  3. Hi, Whatever you do dont go back to her, she has no integrity! Imagine what her boyfriend feels like if he found out that she was going out with you on the side! Straight up she is dishonest and she WILL do the same to you once she is tired of you. Get mad at yourself but dont beat yourself up. Walk away ,dont look back plus what you feel right now is temporary remember that .You dont need her! Take care of yourself.

  4. Hi,

    My ex gf & I went to europe a couple of a week ago which turned into a nightmare. She was fine on the plane felt very comfortable and said she was looking forward to our trip.But on morning of the second day there she tried to ditch me !I caught her trying to take off from the hotel.And she told me that it was a mistake for her coming and started telling me how much she hated me plus alot of other hurtfull stuff! Incredible!So I went off my own way for the rest of the trip. I was able still have some fun by myself but I was pissed.I saw her on the same flight back but we didnt sit together.She parted from me very coldly when we got home.

    Anyway, my buddy said he saw her tonight in this guys car that she told me that she completely disliked! This guy is a creep!And it the same guy that we met at a concert only a few weeks before we left for Europe! I have a feeling that something was going on and just wish she was more honest instead of me finding out like this. I dont know if he's connected in any way with her acting the way she did in Europe but it hurts to think of the possibility. I know I gotta forget her ,let her go , its none of my business anymore etc. Coz she's your ex. But what can I do in the meantime. I still care about her.

    Thanks everyone. I appreciate any comment.

  5. Hi , most of us are not Brad Pitt, so playing hard to get is not an option. If we play hard to get we dont get any. Guys will always chase what they want, so if he really likes you he will call.Be a little patient it'll go a long way,however, dont expect anything. Take care.

  6. Hi , I agree with shoong, get the hell out of there! I had a roomate with the same personality defect. He started acting and saying thing like we were BF & GF! He got very clingy and had irrational fits! It creeped me out! . I got out asap.

    You have no obligations to him(roomate) except for the obvious;rent,phone bill on time etc. He's not your mother or your wife/gf! Make any excuse to get out!You dont need the drama. Good luck,take care.

  7. Thanks everyone, I can see the danger in it but I do want to go mainly because I enjoy her company . She is my friend mainly and anything that get us closer I think is good.


    Answering HAPPY GO LUCKY's question what I did when my ex said I was smothering her...well, I didnt call her for a month and didnt act like I needed her too much. But I did let her know how much I care without getting soppy. I just was honest with her. I'm sure I made some honest mistakes handling the breakup but she is still my friend. I hope that helps.

  8. Hi ,

    I posted earlier and rec'd some very good advice. A little backround, my ex broke off our 5 months relationship because she said that I smothered her. Now,I am in good contact with her & I backed off on "the want to get back together" part and she now has suggested we take a trip to europe together. I dont want to seem so available. She knows how I feel about her & she doesnt want to be BF & GF. Why suggest a trip to europe if she doesnt intend us to be together? Any thoughts would be most appreciated, thanks.

  9. I made a big mistake to show too much affection too soon. We went out for 5 months and I couldnt believe my luck to meet such a wonderful person. She made me so happy.Bad part is she broke up with me because I know now that I smothered her,she told me.I backed off but maybe a little too late.

    Now she just wants to be friends, she's even said I had been the best boyfriend she's had. We still have a great time when we're together, great conversation, we laugh & smile etc. I want to turn it around and fix this problem . I really want her back, is there any thing I can do?Or is it too late?Thanks.

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