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Everything posted by dogstar

  1. but she is really nice, not the type that would "use" anybody or anythign even remotely close to that... but why would she be making the effort to get together and do something with me?
  2. Alright here's the deal. I met this girl earlier in the school year. She had a boyfriend when I met her, but we were pretty good friends. Later on she went to a school dance with her boyfriend, and I went with one of her friends (just as friends), so I could see her there. Two weeks later I hear she broke up with her boyfriend. We did some stuff together, a couple of dates. Then later I asked her if she would consider stepping up our relationship. She said she wasn't ready after breaking up with her boyfriend, but that we should still go on dates. Then two days later she tells me that she changed her mind, and decides she'd like to go out with me. So things are going good. The bad part is for easter break she was gone, and right before easter break she was gone in another state as well. So this was two weeks that she was gone out of state, right after she decided she liked me enough to go out with me. After she got back though, things just weren't the same. It's really sort of hard to remember what happened; things just slowed down. A lack of effort on my part I believe it was. So then I talked to her online a couple weeks later, and I get the whole "just want to be friends" thing. Yeah so this is confusing me...and it gets worse. Ok so we stopped doing things with eachother after that, but I think I still like her. We still talked with eachother every day at school. Now it's the summer. School's been out for about a week now. I just talked to her online. She was the one who initiated the conversation with me! So we talk for a bit, and SHE says that we should get together and do something. Yeah, she said it. I'm like yeah we should. Then later I go online again, and she initiates a conversation with me. So now in a few days shes coming to my house and we're going to go to a park. We're gonna walk and bike ride. Just us two. My question is should I tell her how I still feel about her? The reason she wanted to be friends was because she didn't think that I liked the same things she does, as much as she does. But I think that its ok to have a girlfriend that has some different interests than you do, because we still have stuff in common! And even so, we can still go out and do the things she likes, and what I like, because it can still be fun! Get what I'm saying? So here are the questions: 1) Should I tell her that I still like her? 2) Do you think there is a chance she still likes me? 3) What are some good things to do at the park? It's a big place, you can go far back where there are tables, volleyball nets, trails, etc etc. 4) How should I act around her since I like her, but I'm totally confused as to whether she still likes me, or if we could sort of "start over" or somethign?
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