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Posts posted by beckmentf

  1. Well if anyone has read my posts then you know my story. My Ex broke up with me, I kissed one of his friends after we broke up in a vulerable moment and he found out and now we are not even friends anymore.


    He was very emotionally abusive towards me so him finding out i think was a blessing, because otherwise i would have kept going back to be tortured by him. But today i wake up and feel sad that I don't talk to him anymore?? What is that all about??


    How can i miss someone who treated me so bad and I gave 100% to him and he cheated on me and abused me???


    I hate this feeling, will it ever go away??? I hate these times when i think of all the nasty things he said and i start to believe them??

  2. If its a fat burner like Hydro cut then as long as you don't do it often it doesn't really hurt you. The only thing that taking a fat burner and mixing drinks with it is that you will become drunk mor faster and your liver will get hit a bit harder...



    Try not to take them if you think you are going out for the night to drink or so and if you do take them at least 8 hours before hand and make sure you drink alot of water!!!!


    Hope that helps....


    I use them alot!!!!

  3. I just don't know what the potential was or is. I really don't think he will ever come back and i really don't think that he is right for me. I am really confused right now and need some guidence.


    I guess i can see his point in the friend thing but i tried to move on quickly so that the pain would stop and it didn't.


    No here is it about 2 months later and i feel like i can move on is that wrong? He is hurting really bad right now and i feel horrible for it but truly was this wrong?


    i really need advise

  4. Hello everyone, i have posted here before but needed some adivce. By B/F broke up wiht me about 2 months ago. Since then we have had numerous conversations about things but never the relationship. He told me he thought this relationship was going no where and that he did not love me. He also said that he can see himself with someone else in a few years and that person was not me. We dated for about 3 years and after hearing this it was a crushing blow. But i picked up my heart off the floor and decided to move on. about 3 weeks later i was hanging out with mutual friends of ours and winded up kissing on of them. Well after this things started to get really great between me and my ex (he didn't knwo at the time) well he find out and now is blaming me for the break up. Telling me there was potential and telling me that he lost a girlfried because of this.


    I don't understand truly what i did wrong. we were broken up and he never really treated me great and I know i was wrong for kissing the friend but i never pursued anything with it...


    So bacially my ex is not telling me he never wants to see me again and he never wants us to be in the presents of each other. He only found out a few days ago so do you think he will ever change his mind? also what do you think of what i have done?


    Any advise would help



  5. Some women are different and it depends on the age and the type of pill. Was she on the pill long? Did did she take it for 3 weeks and then stop?


    Her body may react differently if she is having stress, lost or gained weight and usually the first month of taking the pill your body does not respond to it just yet....


    I hope that helps. I would read the paper and ask the doctor. I know for me sometimes i will get it and sometimes i won't its just my body and i have been on the pill for awhile


    I wouldn't worry until she doesn't get her period next month

  6. Ok, my bf broke up with me a month ago. He claims that he thinks the relationship is going nowhere and that he is not in love with me. Anyway over the last few weeks i have seen him almost once a week (due to financial matters and such that need to be taken care of) Teh last time i saw him we fooled around a bit but i told myself this will not happen again. I am pissed off in the first place that i let it happen, but I can't change anything now.... Well I have met this guy who is really into me but i cannot get over my ex. I feel guilty everytime this guy calls me like i am cheating or something. My Ex makes comments to me that make me think that he is still interested in dating me. but i think he wants his freedom for awhile to decide what he wants. I am not going to wait around for someone who claims not to love me after 2 1/2 years. He is emotionally abusive and people i know tell me he was. Of course i can not see this because i was in love with him.


    Anyway, how do you get over the "I feel guilty going out on a date" or "I miss him so much i want him back" This is all very new to me because i have never been dumped before...


    I hope this makes sense... my thoughts are all over the place these days and i am not sure what i am thinking anymore


    Any advise would help

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