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Posts posted by street

  1. ive just started a new relationship so i thought i would be a responsible person and have a sexual health check...


    they did the usual swap tests but they also took a sample of blood, what would they be testing the blood for? just wondering as i don't get the results for a week...im 99% im clean but u never know i suppose...

  2. i know this question gets asked a million times but i need advice..


    i split from my ex last may after 4 years, well 7 months later we get back together, this lasts until june this year(5 months) and we split again, both times its her both times we split on good terms...contact has been minimal and friendly...this time i don't want her back as i know were not rite together..ive meant a new girl who i really like...anyway its the ex b'day next week and it will feel very strange not sending her a card...i want too but out of respect for the new girl should i send one??


    any help and i would be grateful!, thanks

  3. yeh thanks, perhaps i will ask her out...if she says no then so what!!


    i know what u mean about the ex, but im soo over her..after it not working the second time i know it wasn't meant to be!!

  4. Well my story is went out with ex for 4 years she dumps me, 6 months later I meet someone else..we go out for a month only dates nothing pyshical…were getting on really well but ex comes back and even though I really liked this new girl I couldn't not try it again with the ex…


    Well we last only 6 months and I call it off as it wasn't the same and to be honest I never forgot about the new girl…


    Well its been 2 months since I became single and I bumped into the girl I dated for a month at a party..she looked hot!! I think she still likes me and I would love to ask her out for a drink but I know I really hurt her when I got back with the ex…shall I just forget her or ask her out for that drink??


    Im over the ex now and would like to start something with the new girl but I feel bad for dumping her that time!! Do u think she would say yes as I could tell she still liked me!! Advice please!

  5. Together 4 years

    She dumped me, still not sure why..still loved me etc!!

    Apart 7 months

    Got back on new years eve

    No strategies as such….

    Got back 5 months later to split again!!


    So my experience is getting back together never works, but im sure in other cases it has worked!! So in the space of a year, I have split up twice and boy does it hurt!! It feels like for the last year ive been unhappy…im about 6 weeks into this split and n/c is the only answer..hope this helps in some way

  6. Not a major post but I was just thinking how sad it is to break up with someone u have spent along time with, I have accepted me and the ex are over and im movin on, but I just can't help feel sad. Now theres a good chance I will never speak to this person again and after all that we have shared together..


    When I was young I always thought I would get married and spend the rest of my life with someone, I now know this is rare and that I will have many partners over my lifetime..i suppose I will always feel something for this girl but relise its over..just can't help feeling sad over this

  7. i split with my girl after 4 years..i stayed friends for a few months until i found out she was dating someone else, so i then told her to leave me alone...it lasted a few weeks and she was back texting emailing etc. i kept her at arms length..after 7 months we got back together...it lasted 5 months and we have just split again..i not saying don't get back together but it was never the same for me...people change...im grieving for the girl of the first relationship not the second...


    i think the same as u, shes wonderful i will never find anyway like her..but how do people ever move on and meet someone else as people do, otherwise there would be hardly any couples in the world!


    i don't want to sound harsh but by the sounds of it she just wants to be ur friend, make her make a decision "i want it all or nothing" see what she says..otherwise ur letting her have the best of both worlds...


    i know how hard it is as ive been there, but only now im i seeing it the right way..good luck

  8. ive been reading this post and i really feel for u..i had all this from my girlfriend, i still love un find u attractive but don't want to be with u as i feel were just friends!!! hello isn't that enough to be with someone!!!


    they don't know there own mind but i guess there must be something that doesn't feel right and they don't know what it is..


    u living with him still is a tough situation, i would move out and cease contact, he will be back begging, trouble is u might not want him back..


    take good care of urself we will get through this!!

  9. thats tough mate, ive had this twice from the same girl..all together we were together 5 years so i know how hard it is...u have to let her go, the way i think of it..is we werent right for each other and this has happened for a reason..


    as for being friends im not sure that could ever happen in are situations..me and u still love are ex's and we will never heal and meet someone else if they are still around...so i say cut the contact again and carry on with what you were doing b4..sounds like u were getting over it!!


    pm if u need advice ive been there and im still going through it, as we split for a sceond time only 3 weeks ago!

  10. i know what ur going through, im in the same situation..split after 4 years, seven months apart and then back together for 5 months..split again, with the i love u but sometimes only see u as a friend..


    well that was 3 weeks ago,,,for all i know she could be with someone else..it seems women move on quicker! its soo hard to do this all again!!

  11. i went through this exact situation last year, been together 4 years her then givin it im not sure im happy etc, we were madly in love but it didn't stop her leaving!! it took 7 months of being apart until she cam back..


    in that time she went out with someone else for 5 months! but she was still talking to me until i told her to leave me alone, even then she couldn't go longer than 2 weeks...eventully she came back when i was going out with someone else!


    we got back for 5 months but have just split again and im doing the no contact thing, my advice to you is to avoid contact with her..it gives them time to think and really see what it is like without u in there life!! i think u have a good chance of working this out but in the mean time live ur life who knows u may meet someone...pm if u want some coaching as it feels like im an expert in this now!!

  12. i know how u feel, it took me 7 months to come close to moving on after a 4 year relationship and then she came back, 5 months later and we have split again and i have to go through it all again!! it hurts like hell not to be with them but we can't waste time on someone who does want to be with us! we have alot to offer and someone else will be so lucky to have us!! thats how i look at it even though some days its hard to think like that!!


    memories are exactly that, MEMORIES! they will always be there, one day we will be able to look back at them and smile! its all part of life!! hang in there..

  13. Well ive finally accepted im single again. I don't feel ready for another relationship but I also have a horrible feelin that I won't ever meet anyone else again!! Its more of a fear, I don't want to be alone for the rest of my life I like havin a partner….


    Is it this natural I suppose when u get dumped its natural for ur self esteem to get hit….im still quite young well 26 and I have a lot going for me but even that doesn't help me….


    Its like I want to meets someone else b4 the ex does!! Its not a competion but I suppose if im in love with someone else when she meets someone new it won't hurt me!!!


    Just rambling u suppose

  14. hey there, if she has just come out of a relationship i would tread very carefully as u don't want to be a rebound and get hurt...even though she seems happy that she is out of it she will still be hurting...


    just try to be her friend and don't stress out over the text message, when shes ready she will sent it!! just chill out and enjoy each others company for now!

  15. hey thanks for the words of encouragement, im not going to speak 2 her as deep down she knows how i feel....im just going to improve myself..


    im starting to work out more, im pretty skinny so muscles would look good..and putting me effort into mu job


    .i need to be happy on my own before i can make anyone else happy...i know what to do its just doing it...like u said take each day as it comes...


    ive got great family and friends...just my self esteem has been knocked!! being dumped twice in a year does that to u!! but i know i have alot to offer and if its not her it will be someone else!

  16. We split up after 4 years 2gether for 7 months, got back for 5 months and have split again….i still love this girl and she loves me but shes still not sure if she wants to be together!!!


    I thought the 7 months apart proved to her we should be together and I thought we would make it work the second time round…we had a great relationship but she sometimes felt that we were just best friends!! There was no argueing and we both treated each other so well…


    Its hurting the second time round but I want to work it out….its been 3 weeks now and contact has been minimal…what shall I do?? I haven't really told her that I want to work this out…but one thing I don't want is a back and forth relationship!! Should I just cut my losses and fully move on this time??!!


    Im 26 shes 22 so s bit of a age gap but not too much, this girl is the love of my life! I feel like im stuck in limbo at the moment and feel so lost and down about it!

  17. This all started last may when after nearly 4 years my girlfriend broke up with me Im 26 shes 22, I was gutted and never really got a reason, well she started seeing someone else after a couple of months I was devastated but we kept in minimal contact…around Christmas I started seeing someone new…well the ex found out and was gutted….she dumped her boyfriend and came back to me…I finished with the new girl and we started going back out….fast forward 5 months and she finished with me again!!!


    Im upset but it was kinda my doing this time, I told her she wasn't making me happy, I was on edge all the time and deep down always wondered if she really wanted me back i got a response but not the one i wanted-she then said that she only really saw me as a friend though one day she knows she will want to be with me!!!


    This is all so confusing, she still after all this time doesn't really know what she wants, I want her but I need to be happy in that relationship and second time round I wasn't….


    I do love her and she says she loves me, so why aren't we together??!! …I feel we have split up for the best but it still hurts like hell….i deserve someone who wants to be with me 100%!


    I guess what im trying to say is where the hell so I go from her, I just feel so lost! I have great family and friends but I feel so alone!! Its been over a week with no contact..at least this time I learnt not to beg etc!! I have more self respect this time round!!

  18. i think u should talk to her, be up front!! i don't like all these games and plans for getting back with an ex..i tried it and it didn't work, when we did eventully get back it wasn't to do with a talk we had, we just kissed in a club,, actions speak louder than words!!


    just be up front, otherwise ur setting urself for a big fall and it hurts just as much the second time let me tell u...hope it works ok how u want it!


  19. i think u should talk to her, be up front!! i don't like all these games and plans for getting back with an ex..i tried it and it didn't work, when we did eventully get back it wasn't to do with a talk we had, we just kissed in a club,, actions speak louder than words!!


    just be up front, otherwise ur setting urself for a big fall and it hurts just as much the second time let me tell u...

  20. Hey I know what ur going through, I just split from my girlfriend for the second time, we had a 4 yr relationship and then broke up for 7 months….we were in constant contact in those 7 months even though she was seeing someone else…when we got back together she didn't talk to me about it, just kissed me one night in a club..i suppose actions speak louder than words eh!!


    Then we got back for 5 months and now just split again!! Her again as well saying she just thought of me as a friend!! Im not saying get back together as I don't regret it even though im feeling bad all over again…just be carefull…don't read anything into what hes saying or doing, and live ur life stick with the nc, ive gone a week and just bumped into ther this morning(we work close to each other) and its hurt me but I won't contact her!!

  21. after splitting up with the ex for a second time ive now relised its over for good!! i still love her but the 5 months we were back together were never the same...


    im hurting but for the first relationship we had of 4 years...i was the happiest i have ever been, im facing up the the fact that nothing will ever come close to that!! i feel like whatever happens next will always be second best..harsh but true!


    im 26 so not all that experienced..she was the love of my life and im sure deep down i will always love her, but ive finally let her go..its so sad we never got through it the second time but at least we tried...we just became friends...we never argued and got on so well!! its hard to lose a best friend!!

  22. Ive just split from my girlfriend for the second and last time, the first time we split after 4 years..it was her idea and boy did it nearly kill me..7 months on she wants me back, she split from her rebound to come back to me…I was seeing someone else though my heart was never in it!! Well that was January and now after being back together 5 months we split again…


    This time she pulled I love u but only see u as a friend..well im hurt again, not quite as bad as the last time but still bad…I have to try and get over her all over again!!! I don't regret getting back as I would have always wondered what if, but I feel angry that I did as well…she said this time its forever and I can't live without u!! well forever doesn't last 5 months!!


    How do I finally get over this girl..im 26 so still young but most of my friends have settled down, married and with kids, so going out is hard!!



  23. god mate, i feel for u...im going through a smiliar thing...


    i split with my girlfriend of 4 years last may..we were apart for 7 months and then got back together in january of this year..well we have split again and this time its for good...its so hard though...those 7 months nearly killed me!! and though im not as bad this time and i know were doing the rite thing it still hurts...


    its so hard to move on i know but u have to do it...ur young!! shes like my ex they have turned into another person...im not in love with my ex as the person she is know but the person she was in are first relationship!!


    u know u can't be with this girl the way she is now shes changed and treats u like rubbish...


    u deserve better and u will find it, i hope i do too!!


    keep busy

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