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  1. To give you all a basic synopsis, This girl I had been dating for about 6 1/2 months had just recently broke up with me and although it still hurts, in understand why she did it. To give a little background, when i met her she was starting to go through a dissilutionment(sp?) and there was an end in site, and her and her husband we in agreement. Then something happened. He was basically bleeding her dry financially, and she got so mad to the point she filed for the divorce. They still are warring back and forth and I have noticed that they both cannot handle stress very wel especially her. After this filing, she became very depressed and now hardly talks to me or her other friends and has buried herself in her work. Now you may be wondering where I fit into this puzzle. About 2 weeks after we met, we fell in love. I have never loved anyone like i love her, and she felt the same way. Well after her husband pissed her off, she became distant and un-affectionate, and more depressed than i ever saw a person become. She then became more depressed in the last few weeks because she couldnt find the love that she once had for me. She desperately tried to find it but couldnt. She said she still loves me, and wants to go out and hang out, but she doesnt want a relationship. Well, I am still taken back and I cannot function in my daily life right now. I just want to know: Is it her Clinical Depression that made her come to this decision? Or is it because she just wanted it that way? I think she is making a mistake, but i understand that when you have Depression, you cant consciously make "good" decisions, so That why I understand her reasoning. But What I cant understand is why someone would love me more than any other person want to end things? Cant we just go on a hope that things will get better in her life after the divorce goes through? I dont know, and Im confused right now. On one hand Im glad she said something, but on the other, to me she was the "ONE" and I was so sure that i was going to propose this month... but she dropped the bomb after Labor Day. I know divorce makes people ugly, but she shouldnt have to suffer because she is the most sweet, kind, caring, sexy, smart, beautiful woman than I have ever met. I guess my real question is: Is it possible to get her back? I know its general, but im looking for opinons and maybe some people that have been there that can give me some advice. Thanks
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