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Everything posted by cargoodgirlsbad

  1. I started out by falling in completely in love w/this girl that I had NO chance with(this seems to be my trend) in my circle of friends. Anyways, over time(2 1/2 yrs) we became best friends, and stayed even after our circle shrunk, fractured and eventually disappeared. She meant the world to me and I loved her as a friend and a sister(yes i still had feelings for her but had learned to cope w/the fact that it wasn't going to happen). So anyway this girl meant the world to me, I did everything I could for her and was always there for her. Basically I was a boyfriend w/o the benefits but that was ok, thats just the way we were. My parents split, I got kicked out of college, got arrested -basically my life went into the shitter. After a while she became the only thing that kept me sane, I was really holding on by a thread from going over the deep end. So I began to pull my life together(it's still not great but i'm making progress). Then she flipped on me for some stupid miscommunication where were supposed to hang out and someone either didn't hear or misconstrued something and she will barely even talk to me now. First off, what we fought about was really trival in my eyes. Second off, she's leaving soon and I don't want it to end like this we've been through too much to throw it away over nothing. And the worst part it is that it doesn't seem to be affecting her at all. She won't listen to reson or even attempt to try to make ammends and all I want is for things to be the same b4 the fight. This girl means so much to me and I'm losing her as it is and now it looks like we aren't gonna be able to part on good terms and I just don't know what to tell her or what to do about the whole situation.... I could def. use some help. What should I do?
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