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Posts posted by Poltergeist

  1. My girlfriend and I both live in North Carolina. She is originally from Texas. As yall know we've been going out for a while. Well her grandma is kind of getting up there in years, and she would like to go back to Texas to be with her in her final months, years, days etc. Anyways I was thinking about doing graduate studies in Texas so that I can be with her. However, ehh, my parents can't pay for an out of state college education. Right now I stand to get a bachoralette in Social Studies, minor in Education. I want to do my masters in History with some classes in education. I want to be a community college teacher. I am pulling my hair out about this because I love my girlfriend and I do not want to be separated from her for 2 years. So, me and her have no idea what to do.

  2. I'm 21 now, but even back when I was in HS I judged a girl more on their personality than their as you put it "tits and ass". Just because a girl look hot doesn't mean shes a good person. She can look hot and be a total witch (you know what I mean), or stupid. I like a girl that I can have an intresting converstation with and someone that I can relate to. That how I got my current girl. She may not have the "tits and ass" but shes beautiful to me.


    People need to stop being shallow, men and women.

  3. Have you done anything else sexual with her yet? If not, I would try starting out with "other" things to see if you guys are even compatible on that level. And if you already have, then she probably won't worry about your size.


    What do you mean by "other" things? Are you talking foreplay?

  4. Well its same the consistency(sp?) He has great hygene, he is obsessive compulsive about hygene and everything else for that matter


    and he pretty much been eating the normal stuff, no onions, no fish(hates it) So I dunno. How do I tell him that he has stinky pre-cum?


    Veeerrrryyyy gently. He may resent this, but just give him some room and just try to be understanding that some men feel like they are judge by their package.

  5. These are my cousins. When my cousins in town, my boyfriend won't even leave me for 1 second.


    So instead of talking to your boyfriend and telling him how you feel, you went behind his back, visit your cousin and lied to him. While I don't think that a person should keep their partner away from family, but its not fair for that partner to do this to him either. Like I said, do some self examination.

  6. I'm a guy ok, and I hate being tested. My last relationship before the one I am in now. She used to test me all of the time. It usually ended in fighting and calling names etc. That relationship only lasted 6 month. I'm now in a relationship where instead of "testing" one another, we talk about any problems that we may have and we try to work it out. And I've been with her for 1 1/2 years now.


    Look, if you really want to know how your boyfriend would react to you being pregent. Don't go about it in a roundabout way, thats just going to make him suspicous. You need to sit down with him and talk to him like hes a person. Because he is a person, not a lab rat that you can send through your maze.

  7. I wrote this for my girlfriend, so that she knows that someone do love her alot and cares about her very much.



    Wanted Angel


    She calls herself unwanted angel

    She sometimes get sad and give in to anger


    She thinks that no one could ever love her

    But she is wrong, because someone do lover her


    She thinks she is alone in this world

    living in darkness, and in a hyponotic swirl.


    However, there is someone that has a light

    There is someone that want her to know everything will be alright.


    That person is me, and that is my wanted angel.

    I love her alot, and accept her at all angles.


    Everytime I see her suffer, I wish I could just hold her in my arms

    When she thinks she ruined the best thing in her life, I want her to know theres no reason for the alarm.


    She thinks shes ugly, but to me she is beautiful

    When I talk to her, the whole world seems wonderful.


    The scars on her body marks her pain

    I wish I could just take it all away.


    I hope that someday I will be able to hold her

    Because when I do, I will never let go of her.


    She calls herself unwanted angel

    But she is wanted, and she is my angel.

  8. So you basically want a guy to say hes sorry, even when your wrong? Sounds like the problem is you. I mean why should a guy apologized even if your wrong? Sounds to me like he doesn't want to say sorry unless he actually did screw up. That man got some back bone.


    A total of 7 years I have known him...he only said sorry 3 times. Don't you think that is a problem? The time he said sorry because he majorly screwed up...I mean majorly screwed. C'mon, If we have a heated agrument and I am crying he still would not say I'm sorry. He has to do some major mistake without me invole, then he would say I am sorry. For 7 years, only 3 times.


    All I'm saying is that you shouldn't expect a guy to be sorry for your miskate. I would follow swift44 advice.

  9. I've been seeing this girl for a year and half now. We both feel that all of the other aspect of our relationship is established and is on a solid foundation. We are talking about umm, going all the way. We've both never had sex before, and I am kind of worried about my performance. I would like to think that I can put on a good show. However, I don't even have a game plan yet. So, tell me, what do women like, and how can I make sure that I don't disappoint her?

  10. I've been talking to this really nice girl. She is a very smart girl. She has strong beliefs in the Christian faith. (She is Baptist and I am Catholic). She is fun to talk to and can actually hold a converstation. I told her that shes has all of the quality that I look for in a woman. She replies with. "I'll take that as a compliment." What does it mean? Arrrghhh! For that matter, what does "cute" mean to women? What qualifies as "good looking". Why must women use vauges and varied description! You women just do it to get on our nerves don't ya? I think she likes me because we will have coffee soon, and she agrees to show me her dorm room when we move into college. She even took me up on my offer to help her get around since she won't have her car. Jeez women are so confusing. Also, my bacholarhood streak of 3 years may be broken by this girl, lol.

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