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Posts posted by rachelalyse8

  1. I have a problem. I really like this guy. In fact, when I see him...I see my future. It sounds stupid, but I'm serious. I have this strong feeling that he is the one for me. He is so beautiful!

    Here's the problem: He is going to be a sophmore in high school and I will be a freshman in college. He got held back in pre-school, so he is 16 and I am 18. So there's only a 2 year difference....it's just the whole school thing. I mean I'm going off to college(not far away) and he is still so young. I'm debating whether I should try things with him or not. I just feel so strong about him.

    He works with me & I always have to look my best for work just because he will be there.

    So I just need some advice on what you guys think I should do? should I follow my heart? HELP!

  2. first of all I'm really sorry about what happened. He is an a$$hole! I can't believe someone can be so mean. I dont really have the best advice, but I think that you just need to go out and date...but take things extremely slow. You will find a guy who loves you, but you have just had really bad luck Things will all work out in the end. I hope you find someone special soon

  3. Hey hun. I'm only 18 years old, but maybe I can give you some advice.

    My cousin was only 20 years old & he felt the same way as you. Now he has a great job and a great wife. He is so happy right now. You might just be feeling like this b/c you are so young and you haven't found the right job yet. You probably feel like you are worthless b/c you don't have a good job like some other people do.

    You will find happiness though...I promise. You should not feel like a failure. You can do anything you set your mind to. If you want to go out and find a great job...then you can do it. Don't feel like you can't b/c you will mess up. Everyone messes up!

    ~If you continue to feel like this, I would seek psychiatric help. Yes it's expensive, but you can't go on feeling like this. Try to see a doctor and they may be able to put you on some anti-depressants. Those help! Trust me...Im on them

    ~Life seems like it's really hard for you right now, but you will get through it. And try not to think about suicide so much. Nothing is bad enough to end your life.

    Try to patch things up with your mom. Call her and talk to her and tell her that you are sorry for everything that has happened. You will feel tons better after you do that. I hope you feel better b/c I know how it feels to be so depressed that you want to kill yourself. It's not fun at all!

    good luck hun!

  4. Hey hun. This sounds just like me. My boyfriend and I broke up like 3 months ago. He was also my "first". I thought the world was ending when we broke up. I was so hurt I just wanted to end my life.

    I am now seeing a new guy. He is sooo sweet & he does a lot for me.

    I still think about my ex all the time though. I am always online to see if his Screenname is on. When ever I drive around our town I always look for his car. I don't know why I can't get over him.

    I think it's just b/c he was my first and it's hard to accept the fact that our "first" is not anymore in our lives. I mean we spent a year and 3 months together and he just ended it like it was nothing.

    so it is totally natural for you to feel like this. It will take a lot of time to get over him b/c of the fact that you loved and cared about him so much.

    And one day you will just realize that he wasn't even that important...I hope that day comes soon for me!

    This new guy you are seeing sounds really nice. Try to concentrate on that relationship. When you start thinking about your ex....try to think about your new boyfriend...yes it is hard, but you can do it if you want to. Just remember that it will take a lot of time to get over your ex, but eventually you will. He will just be a memorie. Always keep him in your heart, but try to get him out of your mind. Good luck hun!~

  5. Okay.....my boyfriend and I broke up. I loved him so much & to this day I still don't want him to be happy unless it's with me. lol. It sounds mean, but it's what I feel. And you feel the same way. There is nothing wrong with that. It just hurts to think of him being happy with someone else when you still love him.

  6. Hey. I understand what you are saying. My ex boyfriend and I always fought. We'd break up or say that we needed a break...and then the next day we would be back together.

    -He did break up with me b/c we fought so much. I thought I was going to die after he broke up with me. I felt so alone and I thought I'd never ever love anyone again. Things are now better and it's only been 3 months. I'm almost completely over it.

    -I think the reason why most people would get so upset if they broke up is b/c they spend so much time together that it would just be really weird if you woke up and that person wasn't there to talk to.

    -If you really love him and he loves you, then I think you guys should just try and work it out. But if you 2 fight all the time....trust me it's not worth it. If you feel like it should end....then end it now so you can have time to heal. I'd try it again though if you really really love him b/c it's so hard to lose a loved one-Good luck hun!

  7. Hey hun. This really hurts me when I read this because I'm sure you are a sweet and wonderful person. It is hard to be outgoing and make friends. I had so much trouble growing up. I was so unsociable and my parents worried so much about me because I didn't have barely any friends. It's hard, but you will get through it. Just take things slow. Try to talk to some new people. I hope you feel better

  8. Hey hun. First of all I want to say that you are not alone. My friend from high school is a lesbian. She refused to tell anyone. She finally told me and she trusted me not to tell. I helped her through it and she is fine now. People do not talk bad about her or anything. Since you are still in high school you might get some shit said about you, but you will have to ignore it. If you don't want to tell anyone, then there are support groups out there that you can go to & they will help you through it.

    ~I understand how it is. I watched my friend go through it and it was not easy for her. Her parents hate her and most of her friends won't even talk to her anymore. I'm the only one who stuck by her because she can't help how she feels towards the same sex. it's not gross or anything....just some people are attracted to the same sex. Don't let anyone make you feel like you are worthless or anything because of this. You are who you are and no one can change you. I would definitely recommend going to a support group. They are free and other people who feel like you will be there to support you mentally. That is how my friend got through it.

    ~I wish you luck & just remember that people may say rude things, but don't let it bother you because you will find love someday

  9. Hello~Well you already said "yes", so you have to go on a date with her. I think it's a good idea. Many people break up & end up back together because they realize that what they had was a good thing. Maybe she feels close to you and she wants to try it out again. I hope you 2 do well in the future Good luck

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