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  1. I really like this guy a lot. I met him by pure accident. You know how the have stripes to crush your car. Well that night i had to b-cuz my friend couldn't stay out late. So all we could do was cruse. Well he's a nice guy, very polite and a gentlemen. He didn't even want to come in my house b-cuz no one was there and he thought that would be rude and disrespectful. Well we kept talking and he gave me all the signals that he liked me. Well we've kissed and of course messed around. And well i was kind of out of it and one thing lead to another and well you know. And know he hasn't even called me and he kinda napped at me when i called him like 2wks later. He said he was eat'n and so i said okay i guess i'll let you go. well just recently i bumped into him at a club. And like he didn't even say hello or nothing. but he kept walking around the same spot i was at the whole time but kept look'n the opposite direction i was at each time. i just want to know whether or not he likes me or if i am just wast'n my time
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