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Posts posted by Lovestragedies

  1. Would you like to talk about what happened? Or were you simply expressing yourself through poetry? In that case, it's a very good poem. But if you wish to talk about it, do so.

  2. i dont understand the dynamics of a relationship... i guess i never did or will... i thought naively that when someone says "i love you", that it means just that... they love you no matter what... i was wrong...


    In some cases, yes, that is true. I believed the same once. But considering he gave you excuses when the only reason was he wanted "out," I question his love for you in the first place. We make up our own theories on love. We cannot believe that true love involves butterflies and feelings. It doesn't. Feelings fluctuate, and love does not. Perhaps he came to the conclusion that he no longer "felt" for you, and believed that meant he no longer was in love with you. That is false. If they were merely feelings, then he never loved you in the first place.

  3. It's my pleasure! You can learn much from observation, that much I know. I'm sure the fact that it is her first relationship has much to do with it, but even so, that worries me. I know as well that butterflies are a sign of infatuation, which once subsided turn to deep understanding and then to love. I'm glad I could help.

  4. I don't know too much of the situation, but considering, I think you're doing wonderfully. It took me about 6 months to come out of my overly depressed phase. I'm very glad you want to get back on track. I love that feeling when freedom hits you and you realize you can do so many things. Frankly, a red flag went up for me when she mentioned the fact that she didn't have butterflies any longer. I question her maturity if she hasn't realized that butterflies at this point should not be a part of it. I may be wrong, so I pray you don't hold that against me. In any case, I hope you continue to do well.


    Best wishes,


  5. Quite frankly, I can't see myself being overwhelmingly depressed about never finding someone to love. What would bother me most would be finding someone I could have had a true relationship with and somehow ruining it. Personally, I treasure the experience even when it ends horribly, because I know I'm a better person for it. It strengthens us and molds us into who we are. Never experiencing that, well, I'm not sure I'd be quite the same person I am today. But I wouldn't know who I would have been, so it doesn't really matter does it? I believe we all meet someone somewhere along the line who has the potential to be a true love. If, say, that never happened, in my honest opinion, I don't believe it'd bother me so much. You become used to the idea of being alone, and lose the severe yearning for love you once had.

  6. Calmly I stare into your gorgeous blue eyes

    Eyes that withhold the secret of the sea

    Eagerly waiting to reveal all that is hidden

    Will you trust your soul to me?

    In them I see the pain you conceal

    And I longingly wish for you to let down your barriers

    Your heart is there in your eyes

    Eyes of a satin sky, afraid to shed a single tear

    I swear to you that I am here



    For one that I hold dear to me.

  7. Perhaps you're more mature than these guys are, and it's difficult for them to handle that. My cousin is 27, and she's dating a guy a few years younger than her who's definitely not at the same stage she is, regardless of age. My point is, in time you'll find someone to appreciate you for who you are. For the time being, don't give up. Try to truly get to know a guy before you start dating him. And I don't just mean learning about what he does for a living and whatnot.


    Best wishes,


  8. Hush my darling, and rest in me

    I'm here, I swear to you

    I will do all I can to protect you

    Find comfort in my arms

    Peace in the slow heaves of my chest

    As I breathe in your pain

    I will carry your cross

    Lay it upon my shoulders

    I will tend to your bruises

    With the droplets of my eyes

    Hush my darling, and rest in me



    Alright, I'm aware that it's short. It's my most recent poem, and I've been having writer's block lately. I wrote this for my ex because he was terribly upset, and he normally looks to me to comfort him. He's not aware I wrote it. Enjoy I suppose.

  9. Yes, I agree. But I also believe that most of the time you need to speak to the person yourself in order to receive closure. Sometimes the reasons we are given aren't the true reasons, following circumstances may lead us to assume things that aren't necessarily true, etc. People tend to have the wrong idea of moving on as well. It doesn't mean we must decide this person no longer exists, no longer be friends with them, no longer have feelings for them. But it's the realization that you will be able to love again, no matter what the circumstances were.

  10. Alright, first off, I question your love for her if you had this "friends with benefits" relationship. Lust and/or infatuation does not equal love. Perhaps I'm wrong, but bear with me. I'm not trying to condemn you. When you say "more," I'm not sure what you mean, so that could be an error in my theory. As for the rest of it, she needs to have a talk with this guy and explain to him that she just wants to be friends with you. If she's very happy with him, then he should understand. Let me also say that it took me at least a year to get over my ex, so you're not a hopeless case. You're still young, and I don't doubt that you'll be able to meet someone. Sometimes relationships are ruined because two people have too much in common. Some characteristics simply do not bode well with one another, despise the fact that it gives you a sense of security. That I understand, because I've been there. My ex left me for another girl who turned out to be not too far from the role of a succubus, so don't be too presumptuous. I was under the impression that she was that much better than me too. You deserve a handful of respect for allowing her to come first, but you also need to understand that she will not be the only one to spark feelings.


    Best wishes,


  11. I don't believe this is your fault at all. I don't blame you for being so busy. There's a lot of things going on in your life right now, and instead of being selfish, he should be there for you. Now quite frankly, I don't think a relationship can last if both people cannot learn to put the other before themselves. Evidently he has a problem with this, but I don't expect you to outright break up with him. Next time you have the chance to see him, sit him down and talk this out. Let him know that you're going through a lot, and you'd really appreciate it if he'd understand. Afterwards, if he still continues to think only of himself, my suggestion would be to break it off.


    Best wishes,


  12. Oh you're certainly welcome.

    I think it's a good idea to see your family doctor, and I doubt you'd be any worse off by it. What are some things you really enjoy doing? As for myself, I do tend to start things and never finish them, so I understand where that comes from. But there are things I really enjoy, like playing the piano, that I could do for long periods of time. Why do you believe you weren't much help? In my opinion, there's really no such thing as not being of any help. Any small act of kindness is enough to put a smile on anybody's face. And for me, helping others with their problems takes my mind off my own. Was there anything that could have triggered this do you think? I understand that there comes a time when we begin to question these things, but seeing as you used to enjoy things, perhaps something could have triggered it. There's absolutely nothing wrong in you feeling this way, and I promise you we all do at some point in our life. It's simply a stepping stone to becoming who you were meant to be. People will most likely tell you that it matters because we only get to do this once. But then you could say why bother? Where do we even go when we die? As I said in my former reply, I believe our purpose in life is to glorify God. That gives me a purpose, a reason to wake up each morning. I know that He has a marvelous plan for me, and once I begin to believe that I have a reason to live. I truly respect you for thinking of this, because most people will simply hold to the belief that we can do whatever we want in this life and there's no such thing as right or wrong.

  13. I've experienced the same thing, so I know how you feel. I would most certainly not call it just being "grumpy." You struggle with something all of us do: what's our purpose? Perhaps you believe in God, perhaps you don't. If you do, then you may know what I would tell you on that front. We're here for the sole purpose of bringing glory to God in all that we say and do, and to lead others to Christ. If you do not believe in God, then let me tell you this. I do not believe in true happiness, but I do believe in acceptance. We may not constantly be overjoyed, but we can learn to have a serene peace within our souls that can be achieved by understanding this world and our place in it. It comes from learning to see the good in all things, and that may take time. But I can assure you that all things have a good side, including people. Remember that everything happens for a reason, and it will help you. Maybe spice up your life a little. Become more involved in things. I don't like routine either, and I try my best to do things that spark my creativity. Feel free to contact me if you want to talk.


    Best wishes,


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