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Posts posted by Chibi_usagi_noodles

  1. It's been four months since my ex got bored and we broke up. I didnt seem to care much about it then, but for the past few months I've Felt as if something was missing. Every guy i wen tout with after, it just wasnt the same. I feel as if he's a fragment of my imagination, I try to forget about it all, those 6 months we where together, but every night I have a dream that reminds me of all this. Its usualy a dream where Im talking to him and he's pushing me away. Why do I feel like this? And when i wake up I feel like crap for the whole morning. This shouldnt be hapenning to me in the first palce, im a very good looking girl, and this guy is not that Great looking, he's not that bright either. Before me and him went out we where the bestest friends, we did everything together, we cuddeled up 24/7, We shared everything.. then we fell in love so we went out , and everything shattered apart. I lost half a year of my life, getting bad grades, Getting upset frequently, mood swings, everything.. But why does it still upset me, And ive been doing the no contact rule for the past 4 months, its just that if i do be friends with him I'll end up hurt.

    Well Anyone have any suggestions or can at least understand me?

  2. It's been four months since my ex got bored and we broke up. I didnt seem to care much about it then, but for the past few months I've Felt as if something was missing. Every guy i wen tout with after, it just wasnt the same. I feel as if he's a fragment of my imagination, I try to forget about it all, those 6 months we where together, but every night I have a dream that reminds me of all this. Its usualy a dream where Im talking to him and he's pushing me away. Why do I feel like this? And when i wake up I feel like crap for the whole morning. This shouldnt be hapenning to me in the first palce, im a very good looking girl, and this guy is not that Great looking, he's not that bright either. Before me and him went out we where the bestest friends, we did everything together, we cuddeled up 24/7, We shared everything.. then we fell in love so we went out , and everything shattered apart. I lost half a year of my life, getting bad grades, Getting upset frequently, mood swings, everything.. But why does it still upset me, And ive been doing the no contact rule for the past 4 months, its just that if i do be friends with him I'll end up hurt.

    Well Anyone have any suggestions or can at least understand me?

  3. I'm beginning to think my dad is crazy. Even though he haas only got mad three times, he has lost in completely all three. Smashing my stuff on the ground, threaghtening me , Calling me names, and most of the time I feel abused and shizzeled afterwards. Is this normal behavior for a father? I'm having doubts that he is at all normal, his whole family background is crazy, grandma is a real loon, so is grandpa, and his sister comited suiside and even her son is even more crazy So could he be loony as well? He clearly cannot control his actions.

    I know I can stand up for myself, and tell him off, but out of respect I keep my mouth shut.

  4. Well lets put it this way if he raelly ment all that he said about you then great. I say Keep a STRONG friendship with him, and maybe after you two are VERY furmiliar and comfortable and the jolliest friends ever things may turn in a different direction. First be friends, tahts the first step to anything, you don't want to be dating a total stranger, do you?

    after you be good friends, then go to the next step. but first, focus , one step at a time. And usualy there are many steps.

    It takes more than one to walk up the stairs.


    Hope this advice is helpful

  5. How long have both of you been together? I think if he loved me to start off with, love doesn't just die that easily. The love is probably still there, but like the other dude said theres probably an invisable wall blocking it for him, And I guess I have to figuire out how to open the door.

    Anyone have any suggestions?

  6. Btw we talked on the phone yesterday, I told him it went away for me by just seeing each other regulary and sooner or later it goes away (for me it took 3 weeks) But I don't think if i havent saw him again i wouldnt realize how much i loved him still. So he said he;'ll try my method, we will see each other regulary starting today, and pertend nothing has gone wrong. It hurts me so much, I feel like I'm going to go crazy, being with him today pertending he still feels the same. but then again, we havent seen each other for a week (p.s this started on sat for him) Do u th ink theres a chance I can open his heart again and make him realise? Do u think seing each other regularly and pertending nothing happened is going to help him? I feel like my life doesn't make sense anymore. He also told me maybe i should go out with other guys because he wasn't ready, but then when i called hgim and asked him why he said that He said it was becuase im always upset about something, and he just wants whats best for me, but i told hi m i just want him, so yeah we negociated this.

    Is this going to help him at least?

    And is this just a phase he's going threw? I mean will it go as fast as it came?

  7. I'm having big problems now, My bf of 6 months said he started feeling bored of me, and feel like we have nothing in common, and doesnt wanna spend time iwth me until those feelings go away. Is this just a phase? I remember not too long before I felt like I was bored of him and needed a vacation, I felt like I couldn't stand him anymore and I wanted out.

    But a few weeks later the feeling went away.

    How do I help make this feeling go away for him? Is it just a phase? Is this normal in relationships? I'm just so upset, ive been crying for the past 2 days non stop, the thought that a few weeks will pass and he still feels this way the realtionship will be over says him. Basically we r giving i t a few weeks. Don't know what to do. I love him so much, never felt this way about anyone. But then if It passed for me, wont it pass for him?

  8. Me and my bf been together for 8 months, today after spending a long weekend without seeing each other, I feel the need to hug hi m tight and I feel like iv'e missed him so much. Him on the other hand told me He's bored of me, And that he does love me but he doesn't feel like being around me for another week. He said the feeling would go away in a week or so. I've had this happen to me with him before, but is it the same? I don't know what to think anymore, I miss him, and its going to be really hard. Does this mean the relationship will shortly break off?

  9. But ugh theres no other way. besides he wouldnt care if i was manipulating him because he told me nothing bothers him and that he never gets mad. he used to be so romantic and like eon the other end of the leash and now it seems like he's insensitive and im the emotional one i hate this, because 1. Im used to being the insensitive one, 2. I refuse to be the emotional one, just giver me ideas in how i can change this.


    just want to see if itworks and i'll just do it once,

  10. Hey I was wondering, I've been going out with a guy for lets say 4 months, Its starting to turn out like I'm always the one who gets emotional in the end, and like he isn't bothered or upset by anything. I know he loves me, he has a weird way of showing it, I just want him to worry about me. He also said he want's some space because I tend to want to be with him alot.

    How can I switch roles with him and make him want me more all the time, and me kind of pushing him off.

    I've already started by not really inviting him anywhere, but then he won't eihter, and it bothers me because he invites one of OUR friends over and doesnt invite me and im bored for the whole evening

    Any Ideas in how To make him want to be with me more often, and more emotionally attached *he was like that in the beginning


    And any ideas in how I can make him worry big time, like I try doing dangerous stuff like standin on the stair case thingy, u know risky stuff that makes him a little tense bu t i want to give him a scare and make him really worry about me because he never really does.

    like per ex if i said im gonna smoke he says can i join LOL

    well how can i make him really worry about me, and make him see how lucky he is to have me *im a really pretty girl dress like a guy but lotsa guys like me



    i want him to be the emotional one for once, and im not r.i.p until i do

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