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Gus Almighty

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Posts posted by Gus Almighty

  1. I once heard that no matter how jealous you get, if someone is going to cheat on you, they will do it. They obviously don't care how you feel if they cheat, so it makes no difference to them how jealous you get. All jealousy is is a waste of energy and sanity.


    I used to be incredibly jealous, but after hearing that, I realized how true it is. Why should I try so hard to keep someone with me if they really don't want to be?


    I think talking it out with the person that creates the jealous feelings is the best thing to do. Let them know how you feel, and why, and maybe they can ease your worrying.


    Thats an especially good point in relation to my situation. Shes been friends with this guy for years at work, she talked about him at this or that time and it always made me jealous. I let her know my concerns and she told me she would never cheat on me.


    In spite of that, he is the very same man she was having an affair with for about 7 months. The thought of that now makes me all the more sick about it.


    I always knew she had something for him, I tried to be decent about it and lay back and trust her.

  2. If shes cheated on you twice then she has no right to act in such a way, of course since shes cheated on you twice maybe its best to let her go.


    I dont really see how she has the nerve to do something so irritional over something unproven such as her accusations.


    What is it exactly that shes found on the cell bill?

  3. I was always a bit confused as to if I was large enough or not. At. 5.5 inches I feel like its small and have always though so although the girth is probably ok. She says its just fine but as a guy you always wonder if she may be lying to you to keep you from not getting upset.

  4. My wife acts like she wants to have sex about once a week. And during those times I almost feel like she really didnt want to and was doing it because she felt guilty, just by the way she asks me if I want to have sex. Also when I want to she usually doesnt, almost seems angry that I tried to initiate it.


    Recently I bought her a vibrating bunny thing and we used it together once, then a few mornings later she used it by herself early before I was awake.


    Is this normal or should I attempt to try something to make things better?


    About a week ago I laid her out a nice thin short robe and some underwear and a bra and left her a note asking her to put it on because I wanted to make love to her. She got angered over it and complained saying that I know shes not like that and never has been which ruined our evening and she said she didnt want to even have sex now, after she had mentioned earlier that she wanted to. She has an issue with her weight that shes been working on by exercise and changing eating habits for info.


    Feel free to ask any questions that may help you better understand my situation.

  5. Remember.... there is a saying.. "You fear what you create"

    Don't fall into that trap. The 2 of you have made progress, don't say anything negative to her. Don't ask questions about it. I was able to come clean with my hubby about the emotional affair, after I trusted that he could handle it. Give her attention, make her feel loved. If you make her feel as if she is doing something wrong, she will only resent you.. which is why she blew a fuse that day. Let it go.. trust her and if you can't then you need to move on. XO


    Thank You for the advise. I am a bit of a slow burner so I dont get irritated about things as much until later, hence alot of my problems right now.


    BTW you are one gorgeous lady

  6. Whether it be for longer lasting or for that whole penis enlargement thing, have any of you guys tried the stuff and if you had please post your results.


    I took a pill last night called Stamina RX and it seemed like it did something, I never got tired giving her a back rub and was able to (climax) at least twice.


    However afterward my head was spinning and I couldnt sleep for about an hour.


    Talk to me guys.

  7. Nah ... you're missing my point. Gluing something on doesn't make it better.


    I'm not even sure where you're gluing Joe. More power comes from a bigger motor, a bigger off balance weight, and bigger batteries to drive it all. (Where's Tim the Toolman when you need him? Arh arh arh)


    I suspect if Joe was glued to the vibrating part he might not vibrate much at all. Besides, relative distance would be all wrong ... the Rabbit is designed to fit the female anatomy quite well for it's intended usage ... *grins*


    Well I was kinda just joking about the joe but everyone took it seriously so I let it go.

  8. Sometimes you gotta either go with the flow or create one. Find what friends like to go out and find the ones that go in groups and just join in.


    It could also be that most of your friends are more personal, single flyers so you may want to go out on your own and make your own group of friends.

  9. Up and down, up and down. I now believe her and dont feel that shes actually cheated on me. Its been so long and drawn out that theres no way she could lie, especially after having talked to her sister multiple times who understands my points.


    She was just having an inappropriate, friendly relationship with this guy at work. Shes been friends with him a long time and thats it.


    Geez women like to make things so difficult. Gulp, here come the girls to give me heck.

  10. I myself hate television for the most part. Some things are good yes like documentaries and sitcoms as I have a lot of interest in shows like Lost and Smallville but there is alot to be said about most of the rest of it.


    I always felt that a good portion of the problems in society are not in any way lightened by broadcast journalism.


    The church burnings that were taking place a few years ago are one example. Once the first one burned there were copycat burnings in different states accross the US and it turned into a semi epidemic. Had the news not made such a huge issue out of it I feel that the copycat burnings would have never taken place.


    Other examples:


    Serial Killers



    Affairs and Divorces involving celebrities


    I feel all the above topics have started to become "trendy" to the people that have witness it in the news.

  11. i think most of it i can handle.....sometimes it seems like i'll never finish school. i feel so discouraged and behind and i have to drag myself to go do so.


    my job is okay but i wish i had a better job with benefits.....it's pretty comfortable but i feel unfulfilled.


    relationships - i have so much difficulty with this.....a lot of issues come up for me because of the bullying and abuse.


    it hurts to have met ppl that wanted to use me and take advantage of me when they saw how vulnerable i was/am. that is the worst. im already so lonely and feel pretty low and to only meet men that just want to use me for sex. i feel even sicker.


    sometimes i don't know how i will survive. i wish i had more love and care surrounding me.


    Also, you have plenty of love and caring from those here. We will be more than happy to work you through your pains and help to build you into someone who feels good about themself.


    Perk up lady

  12. Good Morning lady, I just wanted to give my thoughts on your feelings.


    Sometimes when people feel like that it is an indication that they are searching in the wrong places for love. It almost makes me feel like you are meeting guys that you found online which from what I have seen is definitely not the best place to go because the internet is a haven for guys who are just looking for a fast opportunity for sex. If I am wrong on this then I do apologize, I have just had some friends that have had that experience.


    Despite that, try taking things a bit slower with men in the future. Don't be afraid to make them go slow for you so you have the opportunity to see them for what they really are.


    Then you won't waste as much time on the bad ones in the long run and have more time to spend with one thats right for you.

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